Giveaway Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness PC Giveaway!

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Community Manager
Staff member
Nov 25, 2019

Greetings adventurers!

Collecting computer hardware might feel like a daunting task, but thanks to the launch of Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness, legendary loot is within your reach! Inspired by classics such as Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale, Black Geyser features single-player, real-time tactical combat with pause, rich storytelling, deep lore and memorable companions, all set in a corrupted fantasy world.


Grand Prize Winner (Exclusive to United States)
  • Intel i9 10900K CPU
  • ATX Z490 Motherboard
  • MSI RTX 3060
  • 32GB DDR4 RGB
  • 1TB M.2 drive
  • 700W PSU
  • 240mm AIO CPU Cooler
  • Five 120mm RGB Fans
Sure, most folks would just toss those components into a brown paper bag and call it a day, that’s not how GrapeOcean Technology rolls. This legendary machine is built into a sinfully epic computer tower forged in the bowels of hell!


While there can be only one Grand Prize winner, they’ve also provided us with lots of Play Test Keys so you can jump into the game before launch to explore Chapter 1. Claim your code via this widget. The codes are available to folks all around the world, so sign up for yours! We'll keep providing codes until we run out, so it's definitely first come, first served.

Here's how to enter the PC giveaway:
  • Sign in to the PC Gamer forums or create a forum account.
  • Answer this question in reply to the thread (without quoting the original post): Which classic RPG classes do you love and why?
  • Follow the directions in the giveaway widget linked hereto confirm your entry. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP.
    • You can only enter once and only comments on this thread qualify. The PC giveaway is live now and we'll close it up to new entries at 6PM Eastern on September 6, 2021.
After the deadline to enter, if you’re the winner, you'll be contacted via email. If you're the Grand Prize Winner and you don't reply to the email with your shipping information within 5 business days, a new winner will be chosen, so keep an eye on your inbox.

Thanks so much for being part of the PC Gamer community!
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I bet the case mod was done by Bill Owen from MNPCtech, if so, kudos to that fella. He's like the person who put modding under the limelight. Got me into the modding hobby myself.

As Colif has said, there are mods that aren't exactly household friendly. Logistics aren't going to be kind to the itty bitty parts inside a casemod :p As for the part about how the case breath's, it's from the front. Comes with fan grills so finger's aren't sliced frankfurters. :LOL:

Not here for the competition just here to give my 2 cents and get this thread rolling!
Mar 16, 2020
My fav class is a necromancer, how fitting for the desktop! I just love having my minions do my dirty work while I just put on MF%
Aug 23, 2021
I've always liked sorcerer, the idea of being able to do magic without having to study had a huge appeal, it's like being the guy that plays guitar vs the guy that spends all his time in the library, but without the horror of barding
Aug 23, 2021
I go ROGUE when possible. I love stealth killing with either daggers or arrows. Stealing/pick pocketing is always a fun game mechanic too.
Aug 23, 2021
My favorite classic class is a wizard. Nothing like rolling a d20 and absolutely vaporing something that your warrior buddy has been whacking on forever….😭
Aug 23, 2021
Warriors/Fighters when first playing a game to grasp the basic concepts. Will switch to a more advanced class like a Necromancer after playing a while.
Aug 23, 2021
Favorite like many is the Barbarian. Never get the chance to listen to the lamentation of the wife of your enemy from work IRL
Aug 23, 2021
I have always loved rpgs growing up. Some of my favorites were some of the main stream ones already mentioned. But I loved the Diablo franchise and still do (stoked for the remaster) probably would be my number 1. Also super Mario RPG was another main one. And then being a star wars fan. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic has to be on the list along with the Final Fantasy. As far as classes go I would have to go with the summoner classes if available or any version of sneaky or stealthy classes I have to say that the prize being offered is awesome and would be killer considering there's a possibility that my current PC's GPU may have quit on me so here's crossing my fingers hoping for a change of luck. Also good luck to all other entrants🤞🤞👍👍👍
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Aug 23, 2021
I usually gravitate toward tank. I like being up front in the center of the action with a pivotal role. Depending on the game I do also like rogue/fighter and mage/warlock/wizard if they do huge dps.
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