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Sep 2, 2021
I love rangers and druids. Guess I'm the woodsy type and I like to kill things from a distance. Also, becoming an animal or having animal companions is awesome!
Sep 3, 2021
Can never go wrong with the good ol' Ranger class.

Sending your pet to tank while peppering foes with arrows gallore. Such fun!
Sep 3, 2021
Gonna say I go one extreme or another. I'm either playing a sorcerer/wizard so I can nuke anything/everything, or the most brutal damage dealing melee built(barb or fighter). Kinda petty, but depends on the armor. If the mages have chinky armor, I'll forgo the power trip of a glass cannon mage for an axe wielding barbarian with dope armor every time!
Jan 22, 2020
Really loved playing secret of mana, Chrono Trigger.. The Fallout series are my absolute favorites though. Exploring the wastelands as a charismatic gun-toting wanderer that could battle, but also go peaceful route was my absolute favorite way to progress through the game.
Sep 5, 2021
I've always been interested in magic, and long-distance fighting. Casting spells at a distance has always with mage or wizzard, been my first choice.
Sep 5, 2021
Favorite RPG classes would be the assassin/ninja class. They're quick and strong in skills and are capable of changing the outcome of the battle.
Sep 5, 2021
Gorgeous case design.
I always lean towards Wizard types. Figuring out what spells to have at the ready, having limited access to many spells with differing amounts of casts allowed per day adds an extra layer of strategy and forethought to encounters. All while other party members are my personal canon fodder and enemy distractions, allowing me to freely bring the pain onto my enemies. I let the cleric stand in back with me, not for their protection so much as another last line of defense for the most important party member.
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Sep 6, 2021
Personally I like classes with brute force abilities because I'm a primitive savage and I like beating people to death. (Totally not a psychopath) Either that or something with ranged attacks that I can spam over and over just to piss people off.
Sep 6, 2021
I love Wizard... I love the way he's developing his powers. It's like a transformation, A chrysalis transforms into a butterfly. In the beginning it may seems he's week. He needs protection, cause he needs to know himself. I mean being a wizard is not just easy. Starting with a basic cantrips, first level spells like "Magic Missle". And trying not to die from some kind of a surprise arrow, being shot by some nasty goblin... ;>
But ou boy, when you finally can cast a Fireball... feel the power which comes from your mind and see how you can change reality with a snap of your finger. Then real magic starts.
Somebody's rude? Use Fireball on him. He's Immune to fire magic? Well then use Cone of Cold... He's Immune to cold? Well let's Dominate him! He's immune for any form of mind spells? Well then let's summon some monsters from another dimension, they'll take care of him. In the meantime when you're almost feeling like a God, why don't you just stop a time? Or summon some devils from the depths of hell?
I mean you can be anybody by being a wizard. You can use every spell to became what you want. You can turn yourself into a war machine if you like to, which is stoneskin, which is surrounded by flame. And all of this because you know how to do it! Because You're educated, you can become even a Lich if you on a really dirty dirty road. But your powers are not limited by gods, like in case of clerics. Your powers are yours on your own. And you can shape the world in every possible way, only being limited by your imagination... What can compete with that?!
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Sep 6, 2021
I always love to play the wood elf style ranger - a highly skilled bowman with stealth and wilderness skills, animal empathy and maybe a few druid spells like entanglement. Only resort to blades if cornered, but dual wielding and light armour makes him a fast and deadly foe.
Sep 6, 2021
Easily wizards, not just sorcerers or other magical classes but specifically wizards. There's just something to the power fantasy of studying really hard and then being able to just cause absolute mayhem.
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