M Mayhemffs Dec 21, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,026 Diplomatic! I love the viking theme. Loved Vikings the serie and was looking for a game that gave me the same vibes, this was it!
Diplomatic! I love the viking theme. Loved Vikings the serie and was looking for a game that gave me the same vibes, this was it!
I Insaniac Sep 22, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,029 I would be a conqueror and kill everyone if you even look at me you're dead don't mess with me got it
I would be a conqueror and kill everyone if you even look at me you're dead don't mess with me got it
V VikingSheff Dec 21, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,030 I want to say conqueror because I'm reckless but I guess I need those allies! 😂 Diplomat it is!
Satamer May 2, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,031 A diplomatic leader, until the first whiff of rebellion is in the air. Then conqueror all the way!
B Bluspykz Dec 21, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,032 Like Joss Ackland in Lethal Weapon 2, I'd be diplomatic, and rely on my DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY. And hope Roger doesn't shoot me in the head.
Like Joss Ackland in Lethal Weapon 2, I'd be diplomatic, and rely on my DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY. And hope Roger doesn't shoot me in the head.
S SuperBrismack Dec 10, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,033 Of course I'd be a diplomatic Viking leader. Cause It's more respectable in that way. And I think I'd be a choice millionaire!
Of course I'd be a diplomatic Viking leader. Cause It's more respectable in that way. And I think I'd be a choice millionaire!
T t1ttyleds Dec 21, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,034 I think I'd be more diplomatic but depending on the situation conquering may be the better option.
L Loyalpin Dec 21, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,035 A diplomat for a bit and then just go full conqueror when an axe is the best answer
yomisimie Dec 21, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,037 I will be diplomatic, I need to trade for furs so I can make myself a fur throne.
Theluxas Dec 21, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,038 Well i choose more diplomatic viking because i thing its more strategy
paddy_obrien71 Sep 1, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,041 Definitely a diplomatic Viking. After all, they weren't all bad. Always politer to ask before plundering a monastery of its treasures!
Definitely a diplomatic Viking. After all, they weren't all bad. Always politer to ask before plundering a monastery of its treasures!
T Tourens Nov 4, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,043 I'm a Viking conqueror ofcourse! It's my birthday today and being born on a winter gives me viking vibes
I'm a Viking conqueror ofcourse! It's my birthday today and being born on a winter gives me viking vibes
Zech036 Dec 21, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,046 I'd go for diplomatic. Trying to avoid unnecessary bloodshed as much as possible
W Weldarion Nov 10, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,049 I think I'd mostly be diplomatic, but you gotta berserk every once in a while and conquer!
A ahac Dec 21, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 21, 2020 #1,050 I'd kill and pillage. What's the point of being a Viking if you don't?