E eliakym Dec 17, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #276 will be a Viking Conqueror for sure BUT with my little dagger to slay throat yeah !
Cryptdrifter Jan 13, 2020 5 4 15 Dec 17, 2020 #277 Conqueror when necessary, diplomat all other times. Mediation is the key to peace.
S Shougun Jun 1, 2020 2 0 4,510 Dec 17, 2020 #278 Diplomatic, with a quick save used to roll back all the raiding without anyone knowing... :3
neptune2187 Dec 17, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #279 i would definitely be a diplomatic Viking clan leader
P Pansexualpott Sep 11, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #282 A combination of diplomatic and conquerer, knowing when to negotiate and when others need to bend the knee to me haha
A combination of diplomatic and conquerer, knowing when to negotiate and when others need to bend the knee to me haha
Antdude May 28, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #284 A fighting diplomat. A bearded axe in one hand and a horn of mead in the other. One must be ready for all possibilities.
A fighting diplomat. A bearded axe in one hand and a horn of mead in the other. One must be ready for all possibilities.
MossySloth Jan 14, 2020 4 0 510 Dec 17, 2020 #285 In the age where having more manpower is vital, it doesn't really make sense to go on countless wars just for a bit of land with a few sheep in. Diplomatic approach from me. Unless the other leader is an arse.
In the age where having more manpower is vital, it doesn't really make sense to go on countless wars just for a bit of land with a few sheep in. Diplomatic approach from me. Unless the other leader is an arse.
Z _Zer0 Feb 6, 2020 5 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #286 Conquerer, though most likely, in the vein of Orm from Norsemen
B Brionesli Dec 10, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #287 For 2020, diplomatic is probably the best choice as a Viking leader. 2021, who know!
H HotSauce Dec 17, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #289 I would be a ruthless conqueror like Attila the Hun, a dirty trickster like Loki and mad as a hatter. Mostly mad as a hatter.
I would be a ruthless conqueror like Attila the Hun, a dirty trickster like Loki and mad as a hatter. Mostly mad as a hatter.
Snorlaxzzz May 5, 2020 4 0 510 Dec 17, 2020 #293 I mean, if you're gonna go viking, might as well go conqueror.
Bee May 5, 2020 4 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #296 I would most definitely be a highly strategic conqueror, working along with my clan to send as many of my enemies to Valhalla.
I would most definitely be a highly strategic conqueror, working along with my clan to send as many of my enemies to Valhalla.
kymai Nov 14, 2020 3 1 10 Dec 17, 2020 #299 Bloodthirsty diplomat, eager to kill fast and stealthy chief enemies.