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Jul 3, 2020
Oh its definitely Diablo 2. Countless hours just spent killing monsters and collecting loot. It's pretty much what got me into gaming in the first place. (Fingers crossed for a Diablo 2 remake!)
May 27, 2020
I got into PC gaming on my Apple II with Wizardry. I had originally been learning assembly to write my own platformer games and then I found Wizardry and fell in love with it.
Jan 14, 2020
I was at a friend’s house and him and his dad had just put together a computer. He had Diablo and Warcraft, but what got me hooked was a buggy little game called Masters of Magic. Spent the weekend rotating out as we played different games. Started subscribing to PC Gamer before I had a PC myself, but about 2 years after I was finally able to afford one. First PC game of my own was Half Life and never looked back.
Jul 3, 2020
What got me hooked was watching my dad play Quake 2/DOOM on our first family PC back in 1998. I would stand behind him because at the time those games scared me lol. Time goes by and now the roles switch and it's him the one standing behind me watching me play DOOM Eternal. It's the shared joy between us that keeps me hooked on to gaming.
Jul 3, 2020
Playing PC games like Age Of Empires, Rollercoaster Tycoon and Simcity 3000 as a kid here and there and 5 years ago seen the wide capabilities of the PC such as modding games, building your own PC and the amount of games i can play.
Jul 3, 2020
I remember when I got into gaming. It was early 1980's, and my father brought home a computer from work. I barely remember what it looked like, but I remember the old game about going into an underground temple. It was an early rogue-lite, where you had 500 turns to find an amulet and get out, with the map an ascii screen. My sisters and I would delve in, debating whether to drink from a pool with randomized effects, or trade with the Drow merchants. Or playing the old Star Trek game where you had to manage your shields or use the warp drive to move across the map.

That's how I got started. Haven't really stopped since.
The graphics! I always knew that PC gamers had better graphics and more freedom over the games that they played but I wasnt particularly missing any games when i first switched. It all changed when i saw someone using a 144hz monitor around the time they first came out i was like I GOTTA HAVE THAT. Been hooked ever since.
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Jul 3, 2020
still a noob here and working my computer out but i got hooked in to pc gaming with the sims 3/4 and Minecraft have been my games to go!
Jul 3, 2020
My family got our first PC and I absolutely would go to town on Jezzball and Chip's Challenge. Then I got a games CD and would play a game called something like Cosmo's Adventure. Then the Command & Conquer series dominated my life until I finally bought a cheap quad-core HP and stuck a HD 5770 in it eventually. The whole world of PC gaming opened up. Sold my XBOX 360 immediately and haven't looked back!

Downside is I've become a little hooked on spending money on PC-related stuff 🤷‍♂️
Jul 3, 2020
RTS games and FPS games got me hooked. There was nothing like these types of games available on console when I was a kid. Nothing better than getting ahold of that shareware disk.
Jul 3, 2020
Got started with an apple ii in school, where a teacher showed us ultima 1, but got really hooked with the followup ultima games and baldurs gate games. Got mildly addicted with the original everquest though.
May 2, 2020
DayZ Mod was the first game that got me into PC gaming. I used to play console till I started watching videos of DayZ and I really wanted to play it so I started saving up to build my own pc and I haven't gone back since.
Jul 3, 2020
Way back in the day it was bonding with my brother over Wolfenstein 3D after he crushed my pinky in a doorway. He controlled the character and I controlled the shooting of the gun. After that I was in love with the PC.

Unfortunately my dad never bought a new PC, so I missed out on PC games till 2014 when I bought a new desktop and was so happy with it over my Xbox One I have no intention of going back. The game that really hoped me, Payday 2 with a bunch of friends from work.
Jul 3, 2020
I got into gaming when my dad helped me build my first gaming pc and ever since then I learned real hard about pcs and gaming and I wanna make a career out of it.
Jan 29, 2020
What really got me into PC gaming was my great uncle when I was 4 teaching me how to build PC's. I remember vividly playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein like -crazy- and that's really what got this train started.
Jul 3, 2020
I first got into PC gaming after downloading a really crappy MMO beta on a laptop that could barely run it. I've been hooked ever since!
May 5, 2020
I got hooked on pc gaming as a child with the demos that came with the pc gamer magazines.. they always felt like complete games!!
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