I am a huge Cyberpunk fan and have been waiting for this game since its announcement 8 years ago. I can't wait to immerse myself in Night City and take in its atmosphere.
I have allready thought about my plan. At first i want to finish the game as a V (male) in stealth mode , see all mele weapons and close enemy finishes. And then start new game in V xd (famele) and go hard on everything shoting to everyone destroing all i can see XD
I want to enhance my cybernetics to the extreme and become the top recognized mercenary for the rich and powerful (aka, side with the corporates) and see how the story dwells out. Then I'll do the same from the gang's pov and see how much it affects the gameplay.
I would start by customizing my character to the fullest! Go out in the Night City and perform some crazy stealth on the missions with all the cybernetic gadgets at my disposal. Need to become one the machine in order to achieve my goal. Not gonna lie. Every experience with this game would be amazing and can't wait to render everything in glorious 4k resolution.