Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 29, 2020
When cyberpunk got delayed I was super excited bc it comes out two days after my birthday. So I will be taking two days off to relax and just experience what it has to offer! Super super excited for character customization though!
May 29, 2020
I need Cyberpunk2077 to get lost in the world. To discover every tiny detail, option of the world.
-and maybe forget the main quest and just lollygaggin in the world.-
May 29, 2020
What I’d do in Cyberpunk 2077

Call me Daedelus *inhales cigar smoke* walking down in Night City.

My goal will be to explore Night City and see what stories that lies beneath the concrete jungle.

*exhales cigar smoke*.

Guns by my side would do all the talking for me for whatever trouble in Night City brings. As for work, I’d do anything if the price is right no matter the effect.

*inhales smoke* I would sell my humanity to buy cybernetic parts to get the upper edge on the competition. My foes wouldn’t see me coming miles away even with their implants. I would take on the gangs, the corporations, and anyone that gets in my way including friends.

*Get on the motorcycle and starts riding it*. The question for you Night City. Are you ready for a savior to save you? Or are you ready for someone to expose your hidden darkest secrets?

*keeps smoking the cigar*

Overall, I welcome anything that Cyberpunk 2077 has to offer: story, contracts, upgradeable cybernetics, weaponry, designing my character(s), and more future content.
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May 29, 2020
So excited to play the best game of 2020 and ride though the streets of the atmospheric Night City. CD Projekt red has always delivered and I cant wait to get my hands on this game ( and hopefully a cyberpunk 2080ti )
May 29, 2020
I hope I can cross Night City with my rampant new motorbike while escaping from some pissed off cybercriminals.

I hope I can create my own unique character using different cybernetic expansions to enhance my stats and my performance.

I hope I can use a wide arrange of weapons, each of them customizable and with its own unique features that make them useful.

I hope I can explore a vibrant world with countless side quests, NPCs and details that will make it the most immersive game ever!

In short, I wanna play a CDProjektRed video game!!
May 29, 2020
Ever since I heard of this game I just fell in love with it. I'm a huge fan of masive open worlds, custom characters, dialog options and making myself so immersive in it that I forget I'm actually playing a game. So, the first thing I want most to do in Cyberpunk 2077 is discover this world, find each secret hiding in every corner and just be surprised by it. Next we can talk of being the coolest hacker and a killing machine.
Good luck to everyone! 🥰
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