Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 29, 2020
The little details by CPR games are by far the most intriguing. Looking forward to see how well built the open world is down to the smallest detail. This game might predict some real life future scenarios perfectly. #RTXON
May 29, 2020
Honestly, I can't wait to see just how in depth that character creation is, especially since it'll show up exactly like that in all the cutscenes.
May 29, 2020
Im excited almost everything about the game; the graphics, the gameplay, the game mechanics & the sci-fi story, its pretty much different genre & another level of RPG
May 29, 2020
I'm excited about being able to escape from the day to day into an immersive, gritty world. I'm equally as excited about simply exploring Night City as I am delving into the complex stories the developers have woven into the setting!
May 29, 2020
Well damn its a cd projeckt red game. The developers of the witcher series. Free roaming with all the side quests and exploring night city is the first thing im gonna do. Then the camapaign of course. But the main thing im looking forward to is KEANU REEVES!!! I mean its john wick himself in the game, what else would you need. Gonna shoot some bad guys and love some pups with him.
May 29, 2020
I work in a company that creates AI. The next step would be cybernetics and mechanical prosthetics which is a massive interest of mine. Just from the little that we have seen already, the body augmentations in the game are so interestingly designed and created. I think many believe this is unreachable (maybe what's in Cyberpunk 2077 is) but replacing limbs might not be. Very keen to see more of the cybernetics in the game.
May 29, 2020
I'd go through all the side missions, and the story of course. Then do it all again a couple more time to experience it from different aspects.
May 29, 2020
I wanna experience a cyber dystopian world , get high on drugs and upgrades gear out my character and see the detail of the world hell first thing I would do is ride the train from start till end of the track to see the sights of the city. Long live night city!
May 29, 2020
First off this game seems like something I would only dream about. The amount of time that CDPR has been putting into this game for years is finally pulling off and EVERY single preview that I have seen looks completely astonishing! I cant wait to explore the huge map (almost as big as Witcher 3) and figure my way out through this large story mode. The things you can do look endless and the amount of character customization looks so intense I bet I could spend hours just on that! One of the things I cant wait to see is just how much cyber and technology there will be and the fluid class system in this game seems so interesting I just cant wait much longer seeing all the previews for the game. There is so many things that I am curious about within the game that makes me wonder so many things within the story mode that seems like it changes depends on what you do! Now that seems only something I could dream about. I cant wait to turn my story mode into such a crazy train of events that apparently will never end! I have been doing alot of research on this game at first I thought I would play it like Gta or watch dogs, but now im very curious because the gameplay is such different then any game I have played I just cant wait to see how im going to do this. I have always been interested in cyber wear and robots I just cant wait for the first time I visit cyber dock and buy my first leg, arm, hands etc the opportunity's seem almost endless! This game has such features that I love in other games mixed all into one. Some of these features involve stuff as simple as the automotive opportunities from gta to stuff like robot boxing from real steal and I hear there is even a little virtual romance where you can date in the game and maybe even have a family??? I have many many many.... wonders about this game that I would love to be able to experience real soon. I dont think the creators are going to want to read much more, but I could go for another hour or so of many things I would want to do within this game! I cant wait for September 17, 2020 which is ironically one day after my birthday such perfect timing.
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May 29, 2020
Cant wait for this game, i just want to be able to roam the city streets and see what crazy stuff we can get into with the npc in this game.
May 29, 2020
I am looking forward to loosing hours, days,... weeks of my lifetime just enjoying the game. Since currently a proper social life is not possible, it will be much more enjoyable with CP2077 at hand ;)
May 29, 2020
Oh boy, I want to ride around in this dystopian neon city at night on the David Hasselhoff-looking car and find places I can watch the sunset or sunrise to. With the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card, Im sure it'll look great.
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