I just want to lock myself inside and play cyberpunk until I do everything the game has to offer. I want to see and hear everything in night city. Above all, I want to have some fun playing it.
If i would win this CYBERPUNK 2077 RTX 2080ti. I would make sure to use its 100% power. This card will help me maximize to show my true gaming skills and for working 😊
I just really want to experience the cybernetics in this game. It's my own lifelong dream and goal to develop both functional and aesthetically pleasing prosthetics that are fully integrated in the nervous system
and remember: Genetic engineering is the future of medicine.
I'm most excited to enter the Cyberpunk 2077 universe, and not leave it (my room) until I have completed every last thing to do in this game! Super excited!
I loved other story games and this one is the biggest for the year, can't wait to play it and follow the immense immersive story that'll be given. CD project red has released many of my favourite games in general also.
This Graphics card is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen honestly. And I'm pretty sure the game itself will probably take the cake, I'm so excited to see what CD Projekt has been cooking up. I know it's going to be an unbelievable experience, and being able to experience it with the official CyperPunk card would make it even better somehow lol. Good luck everyone !
i'm a big fan of the cyberpunk genre and for me Cyberpunk 2077 is fulfilling every aspect of that genre to the max, and it has inspired me and my friends to create a video game based on a cyberpunk/dystopian world, so i can't wait to put my hands on it and enjoy the view in Night City.
Been working like hell at a nursing home the last couple of weeks and last year my computer died, so been looking forward to play Cyberpunk 2077 for so long, and I'm halfway there building a new computer but due to costs I'm gonna have to use my old 780 ti until I can afford something better.
Then I'm going to wreck mayham in the city of cyperpunk 2077 as I'm laughing my bum off while riding around with synthwave in the headset and just get lost in the game for awhile.