Night its my last chance to make it right, no more money, no friends, no more opportunities, its do or die, what i want to do? i want to take the city! i want it all!
To Stroll the Streets of Night City, engage in illicit brainjacking and violence, perhaps trying to work out a mod for VR so I can strain my new card to its maximum..oh and enjoy the story of course
What i want to do is visit every location, specially if there are clubs/gathering areas and see how the npcs interact in the enviroment, i want to experience the whole story and immerse myself into this amazing world
What I really want to do is explore the immersive night city and experience all it has to offer, from combat to hacking to sneaking. All the customisations options really interest me too.
I cannot wait to finally seeing and explore Night City after playing the pen and paper game over 20 years ago. Even my desktop wallpaper is the No-tell Motel to keep my excitement up.
I'm really hoping to find an immersive world to play in. I really want to explore being able to change our body mods and equipment to try out different playstyles.
I wish to climb to the highest point in Night City at night while it is raining, and soak in the atmosphere. Would love to see how CDPR takes inspiration and evolves current ideas of the cyberpunk genre!
If this is to be anything like the Witcher 3 and I expect it will far exceed this, I want to get lost in the rich and active streets of the main cities. The architecture and city building of W3 was outstanding and by far the best experience I've ever had in a game. I'm hoping to be as immersed and blown away with Cyberpunk