Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 5, 2020
I love cyberpunk aesthetic, I love the story of cyberpunk 2020 and I'm excited to see how the lore is getting expanded based on the cyberpunk 2020, I have been following the cyberpunk 2077 since the teaser trailer from 2013. I'm excited to get my hands on the game and see how I can influence the world of cyberpunk 2077 but I will probably have about 5 fps on my current setup.
May 4, 2020
Find Ciri.
When Geralt finally found Ciri in the witcher 3. she talked about a world with people that have metal in their heads. waged war from a distance. and everyone had their own flying ship. For one of my favorite characters from my one of my favorite games( the witcher 3) seeing her again would be an amazing experience. hope we can interact with her as well .
May 5, 2020
I’m going to be honest. Before this giveaway I was like “eh, yeah cyberpunk looks cool”, but now that I have rewatched the trailers... oh man. I am ready for this sh*t. I am so excited to see some virtual taboo with THIS graphics card.
May 5, 2020
I just want to play the CP2077 and make my own stories within the game. Role-playing as a solo, picking a select number of allies and story-branches, customize my character the way my solo should be, then beat the game. Do the same thing again over and over with a rockerboy, full on charisma-mode, then a why not mix it up with a ninja-hacker and so on.
May 5, 2020
I've been looking forward to this game the second I heard about it. My buddy called me crazy for not even knowing anything about it. But I know this game will be the next Skyrim, Witcher, GTA, etc. on steroids (and probably plenty of other drugs ha). I’m going to explore everything possible and spend FAR too many hours doing as much as I can. This is definitely the most anticipated game for me in a loooong time.
Looking forward to it guys!
May 5, 2020
I can't wait to listen to all the great music created for this game, of course the story and gameplay are highly anticipated as well.
May 5, 2020
Mostly I want to hang around the world, discover the characters and side quests, check out customisation and romance options.

What I did in The Witcher 3 for the most part, I appreciate games that offer an immersive world and I'm sure Cyberpunk will be even better than TW3 was (at least from what I've seen so far) on that regard.
May 5, 2020
I absolutely adore CD Projekt Red's story building and their ability to get me fully immersed into whatever world they've created. Can't wait to get my hands on 2077 so I can fully explore and get lost in the no-doubt incredible environment they've made!
May 5, 2020
I personally can't wait to see a cyberpunk world built with as much eye for detail that CDPR have.
After years of playing shadowrun and deus ex it's been my dream to see a game that goes further and explores both expertise in storytelling and open world design.

Maximum hype!
May 5, 2020
Cyberpunk is my favorite SciFi genre and I just can not wait to get immersed in what seems to be a detailed polished world. Just being able to explore and learn all night city has to offer will be fun.
May 5, 2020
One thing I want to most in Cyberpunk 2077 is to see and play with Johnny Silverhand aKa Keanu Reeves by my side, and to see the whole immersion in game! 🥇
May 5, 2020
What would I do by playing this game?
My Dream will be goddamn true if I have the chance to experience this game, it has been a long time since I haven’t been very hyped for a game and it happened at the E3 With Keabu Reeves’s presentation. Cause, I mean, it really touched me the way everyone looks amazed by a game and I couldn’t feel the same way, Cyberpunk 2077 changed me as a person, I became more enjoyed by everything, More Confident in myself and, made me truly hyped for a game... I really wish you could actually help me make my dream to finally play this game come true, I’d be 100% Thankful to this site...
Anyway, I’mma go back to my so called « life » with all of this quarantine sh!t and with it the hope of winning this giveaway.
Signed, A normal feller
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