What I want to do most in Cyberpunk 2077? As the saying goes ""Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn"" - I want to burn that city down, like a true Samurai
Where to start?! I'm looking forward to exploring every neon drenched alley and highrise of Night City. I'm looking forward to multiple playthroughs to experience different choices and how they impact the world. I'm looking forward to The Refused. I want it all!
I want to be completely absorbed in this game and if all goes my way become a cunning lone wolf who knows just which buttons to push and when to get what I want.
Ever since I heard about a tester finishing a mission by throwing a grenade through a window to kill a target I just wanted to throw a grenade through the first window I see what would happen! hoping there are a lot of windows in this night city.
I absolutely love the world building and the atmosphere and immersion that CDPR is able to accomplish. The Witcher 3 set the bar for every RPG that has come out since it’s release and I can’t wait to get lost in Night City!