I haven't been this amped about a video game since Witcher 3 came out, and I'm most looking forward to just being able to take a few days off work, and lose my self in the world of cyber punk. Can't wait.
I remember falling in love with cyberpunk when I first watched Ghost in the Shell (I think it came out in 95 or 96). The original Deus ex game and its sequels.
I’m most looking forward to immersing myself in a gigantic hand crafted world.
I want to see the world building they are going to do as well as the storyline they are planning. With their past experiences on other games I have huge expectations, and I have no doubt they will meet them. Of course Keanu Reeves is a huge plus too!
I am honestly a little pleased with the push back release date of Cyberpunk. If it was released on time I would have bought it for Xbox, since the push back in release date I have bought a PC. The 2080 ti would be a excellent upgrade for me to run many games.
I want to feel what is like to live in a Cyberpunk reality. If we are still in lockdown when the game arrives, at least I will be able to escape to a unique and probably the most similar experience of a cyberpunk reality. I'm counting on you CD Projekt!