Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 2, 2020
I want to experience cyberpunk city. Take a break from the story from time to time. Stroll the streets and notice nice little details CDPR is known for. I would also love to immerse in the whole genre vibe, cybernetics, big corporations doing corporate stuff above, small cramped streets with noodle shops below.
May 2, 2020
I want to lose myself in a brand new world masterfully crafted by cdpr and hopefully it will live up to the high expectations the developers have set with their previous titles.
May 2, 2020
Having Cyberpunk 2077, will be a blast for me cause i haven't played any games after i was in 10th grade. I saw the trailer for this game way long ago ,and now i saw the gameplay trailer and was incredibly impressed ,especially the scene when the guy washes his hand,i was like "woah!!" ,thats the most photorealistic scene i ever saw, and of course,the whole environment feels breathtaking. So yeah, getting to play this game on my PC will be unreal for me. and lastly ,hatsoff to those people who made this game.You guys are dope!!(y)
May 2, 2020
what I want most in this game is to be able to interact with everything and have a very long story, to enjoy the game as much as possible :LOL:
May 2, 2020
I really can't wait to do the POW POW bits with the BRUUUUOOOOMMS and the PEW PEW, with Zoom Zooooom, and pissssshhhhhhhhhuuuu. and finally the tap taps and chicha chia cuuuuuuuu!
May 2, 2020
I'm a big fan of CD Projekt Red and think this is going to be the game of the year. Would love to play it!
May 2, 2020
I really want to ingratiate myself with one of the mega-corps, making my skills or knowledge a crucial part of their operation only to betray then and watch their entire organization collapse and burn.
May 2, 2020
I haven't had the funds to update my rig in a long time. This beauty would allow me to see all the amazing little details that CD Project Red have carefully put into Cyberpunk 2077. I can't wait to get lost in their world.
May 2, 2020
I've been wanting a game with a proper Cyberpunk aesthetic for years, I think CD Projekt have achieved that aesthetic almost flawlessly, the environment, the visuals, the characters, the sounds, everything comes together to give shape to a dystopian Cyberpunk world, which is something I've been wanting to experience for a long time.

This game could mark a "before and after" in the industry, it's already pushing technical boundaries with its graphics and pushing me, and perhaps a lot of other PC gamers, to upgrade their hardware just to have the slightest chance to experience it, I think this GPU would be the perfect match for the game, both on aesthetic and performance, since it's as of now the only one with enough power to keep up the astonishing graphics this game has. On the gameplay side, I'm expecting to be a revolutionary mix of RPG and FPS genres, which are some of my top favorite types of games, they will give us freedom to create our own characters and different ways to tackle the challenges in this violent dystopian world they've created for us to face.

This could be the last best game to come for this generation and I just can't wait to witness this experience.
May 2, 2020
Mostly can't wait to just soak in the atmosphere... Love the scenery and feeling of Blade Runner and this game seems to be like that. So glad it's also being made by very competent devs!
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