Win A Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit Signed By Mike Pondsmith!

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May 13, 2020
I'll be honest, I'll probably would either play as NetRunner or Solo, not sure which, cause a hacker class is something new but then combat/fighter class is my usual go to class tho .
Haven't decide on how the visual of my character would look like, nor a backstory, but that's something I probably would do once I finished the main gameplay and play it for the 2nd time, but for my first game play, it's probably a NetRunner inspired by Neo or a Solo inspired by John Wick with a dash of Trinity.
May 1, 2020
My character would be a quiet, stealthy netrunner with a bit of a techie vibe as well. As comfortable with hacking networks as he is with handling spider bots, drones, etc.
Feb 12, 2020
I like my character to be the sneaky and stealthy type, sort of like an assassin or a mercenary for hire. But I could also go rogue / berserk-kill-all hybrid.
Feb 12, 2020
I would love to be an outlaw / go berserk-kill-all type. But on the other hand I could also go down the quiet path of a mercenary or assassin with sneaky / stealthy skills. I would love a really good story to go along with my character.
May 5, 2020
An arrogant former business consultant who loves expensive suits, wine and women. Unfortunately, a big corporation tricked him and used him as bait for two rivaling street gangs. Now he has lost everything and is constantly being hunted. Armed only with his talking skills and a mediocre hand gun, he is desperately trying to survive in the shadows of his once beloved city.
Feb 26, 2020
My character would be a Rockerboy that strives to be a wannabe Johnny Silverhand but of course doesn't have the same talent. Thats why he will end up as a junkie on the streets of Night city, doing some street music and getting swept up in some wacky adventures.
May 4, 2020
I'd be an A.I. built from the digitized memories of neuro engineer, but i wouldn't know i was because the memory upload stopped at the younger years. Woke up because of some mystery dude who uploaded a program on the engineer's server which guides me to steal bodies and wreak havoc in a future i know nothing about.
May 19, 2020
I would like to be Solo who looks cool and just want brute force through anymore gets in the way and protect the weak
May 3, 2020
Mine would be a Solo, previously in a corporate army where he worked on replacing the majority of his body with cybernetics, some not through choice due to limbs lost in service. Messed up by his past he is finally trying to seek some kind of peace in humanity but realises by this stage he is more machine then man.
May 19, 2020
In a word: unstable. Edging on cyberpsychosis, Bob would have built himself into a powerhouse of near future human engineering - mostly interested in helping people (and earning eurodollars for more kit) his grip on reality is becoming gradually more tenuous, often singing about rebuilding his enemies in mid-combat - can he tear your arms off and reattach them to your sinuses? Yes. Yes he can.
May 5, 2020
Awesome Kit and signed by the master himself. Would be pretty nice to getting started with Cyberpunk Games since the Witcher tabletop was great. Unfortunately I wasn't into those kind of games when the original Cyberpunk released.
May 13, 2020
An orphan, growing up from a slum, he always looks up to the sky every night, watching the splendid stars under the neon lights. As a child, he enjoyed looking out at the big buildings, wishing one day he would escape the dirty bags and the smell of rats, and then live in one of the luxurious houses on it. Not having parents is a misfortune for him, not once understood the feeling of love, a person who can do anything to survive. He was like everyone else in this era, the upgrades, the changes, making him like a metal body that never had emotions. The leather coat he wore seemed to hide the ugly things inside him. His eyes were sometimes hazy like his uncertain fate. But that humiliating and painful past has become the goal, the strongest motivation to make him continue to overcome difficulties that no human in this era can do ... until, He can continue.

ok, and it's a type of character that I quite like, hoping to write more, but if it's too long then no one will even read it, write short. Hopefully, until the game's release, it will be a great success.
-Oh, I forgot, his D!(K might be very long and long—
May 3, 2020
My character would be an exotic dancer turned hacker. I've never played a cyberpunk game before so I'm unfamiliar with the terminology but I imagine him to be a dancer in a grungy club with a dream to make it big. That's the life he's always known and he's good at it until he's kidnapped (ideal candidate for testing new implants with him having no real ties to family) and he gains the ability to hack using his implant. Only the experiments cause neurological complications and he ends up requiring a wheelchair (or leg implant that allow him to walk?). He's unable to dance like he used to so instead he seeks revenge upon those that stole his life.
May 7, 2020
Well the character I want to build is someone that can show Johnny Silverhand who the real John Wick is in this game. A nomad that instil fear in people when they speak of me
May 1, 2020
An augmented human with the ability to access any network using his/her mind. Kinda like Watch_Dogs, but the phone is part of you
May 5, 2020
My character would be a young man, prince of the streets, using his cybernetics with sedatives needles and strong poison in mechanical tongue.
May 4, 2020
My character will be as fully modded as I can make him. Just a mess of technology crammed into a human body.
May 2, 2020
Jack Jacobsen aka "Green Eye". The Netrunner. Specialized in hacking corporate security systems. Idealist, but opened to new ideas and world views. Ruthless for enemy leaders, but compassionate for ordinary people who lost their way and entered the dark side.
May 4, 2020
Thanks to Deus Ex and Ghost In The Shell, I think i've found what my ideal character would look like : Some sort of ex mercenary or soldier, with useful combat upgrades (like Adam Jensen's). But he's actually a loner, working a lot of times on his own. Equipped with silenced weapons, he's a deadly and quiet assassin. In search for answers after the death of closed ones, he won't back down to anyone to make it through, which makes his perception of reality altered. He would wear the latest and coolest military jumpsuit. Yeah, basically a mix between Mass Effect's Thane Krios and Dishnored's Corvo would make quite the guy or girl.
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