Rule: You can't have an option to play a male in the game. So Lara Croft is a valid answer, but all those female AC options and femShep are not.
Mine is Amanda Ripley from Alien Isolation. She's very Sigourney Weaver-like. She's strong, doesn't panic (and if there were ever someone with just cause to panic, it would be her), and just takes care of business. Most of the others I considered were from Point & Click games, and maybe they had more developed personalities, but Ripley is still my favorite.
Mine is Amanda Ripley from Alien Isolation. She's very Sigourney Weaver-like. She's strong, doesn't panic (and if there were ever someone with just cause to panic, it would be her), and just takes care of business. Most of the others I considered were from Point & Click games, and maybe they had more developed personalities, but Ripley is still my favorite.