Rules: You had to be forced to play a male. There were no female options.
This one is easy for me. It's Geralt. The only problem here is that you have a lot of dialogue options that can choose that make him not such a nice guy, but I never picked those options. For me, he was manly, strong and even compassionate. He was also an outcast and someone who could have really made people's lives miserable, but he took the ridicule heaped on him and just moved on.
This one is easy for me. It's Geralt. The only problem here is that you have a lot of dialogue options that can choose that make him not such a nice guy, but I never picked those options. For me, he was manly, strong and even compassionate. He was also an outcast and someone who could have really made people's lives miserable, but he took the ridicule heaped on him and just moved on.