Whats the best sci-fi series of all time?


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Ok, first of all, cards on the table, I was raised trekkie.

For me it goes TNG, DS9,V and then the rest (though I hated Enterprise). I also have a soft spot for Farscape which was almost like a low budget Firefly from the UK back in the day. I also love some of the stuff that came out of the UK 60's and 70's so The Avengers, The Prisoner and of course Dr Who.

As far as american shows go, I watched Quantum Leap a lot as a child, and really wanted to get into Stargate but I didn't find it as gripping for some reason.

I know that there is a good argument for DS9 and BSG having the most sophisticated story archs for contemporary scifi shows, but in your opinion, what show is your go-to favourite and why?

Dec 9, 2019
At least we are restricting it to TV:

Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, and The Expanse are my top choices for sure;
I find them hard to compare because they hit different notes and tons which is fine:
Firefly is really just about a non-traditional family, and also a space western.
Battlestar Galactica is a mix of military sci-fi (which it does extremely well) and sometimes gets pretty deep with philosophy; from religion, fate, what is sentience etc.
Expanse (despite having a weird alien intelligence) is one of the most realistic sci fi shows ever made, with real-world issues at the forefront (class warfare, racism, colonialism, etc)


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Dec 9, 2019
I don't really rank my favorite shows but I certainly enjoy:
  • Star Trek - I remember as a kid I used to have a black and white TV in my bedroom and the local TV station would play reruns of it that I would watch at like 1AM when I was supposed to be sleeping. Imagine my surprise when I realized they were only in black and white because of the TV but were actually in color.
  • Doctor Who - I'm a huge Doctor Who fan. Everything from the original series (Love you Tom!) through to the new series. The stories and in the case of the older series, the cheesiness really appeals to me.
  • Torchwood - Doctor Who spin-off with Captain Jack? C'mon, what's not to love?!
  • FireFly - My better half got me into FireFly and it has stuck with me ever since. To this day, I still go back and binge through all the episodes. It was just a really awesome show.
  • Red Dwarf - Sci-Fi with a hard dose of British comedy. I hopped on the Red Dwarf train really late so I'm still making my way through it but it's just plain awesome to me.


Staff member
I don't really rank my favorite shows but I certainly enjoy:
  • Star Trek - I remember as a kid I used to have a black and white TV in my bedroom and the local TV station would play reruns of it that I would watch at like 1AM when I was supposed to be sleeping. Imagine my surprise when I realized they were only in black and white because of the TV but were actually in color.
  • Doctor Who - I'm a huge Doctor Who fan. Everything from the original series (Love you Tom!) through to the new series. The stories and in the case of the older series, the cheesiness really appeals to me.
  • Torchwood - Doctor Who spin-off with Captain Jack? C'mon, what's not to love?!
  • FireFly - My better half got me into FireFly and it has stuck with me ever since. To this day, I still go back and binge through all the episodes. It was just a really awesome show.
  • Red Dwarf - Sci-Fi with a hard dose of British comedy. I hopped on the Red Dwarf train really late so I'm still making my way through it but it's just plain awesome to me.

Dec 19, 2019
I'll just butt myself in here...drop a couple names...

Stargate, hands down.

Also, I know it's taboo, but some of the later episodes of Family Guy with Stewie's time machine and his other gadgets really brings the nerd out of me.
Jan 13, 2020
I've certainly enjoyed my Star Treks, Farscapes and Battlestars.

But The Expanse has really taken on a life of it's own. It's incredible—even having read all the books I am just in love with the show, which is rare for me.
Jan 13, 2020
People speak wonders of Babylon 5, but when I watched it was too outdated, I couldn't stop laughing at the aliens, and the premise seemed too idealistic.

Most likely my top 3 would be Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and Stargate SG1.

Battlestar Galactica, 2004 one, had a good length, it felt monotonous when it had to and the script was really good. They recycled some space combat scenes which I didn't like but I guess they did it because they didn't have enough funding for good CGI. Nonetheless, the show was surprisingly good. Nonetheless the tropes in the show, intensity and plot twists make it one of my favorite ones.

Firefly, the only bad thing about it is that it got canceled.

Stargate SG1
had an incredible mix between science fiction and mythology, eventually, they dropped the latter, but it was a very entertaining show. I remember it dearly as I used to watched on the TV with my father, perhaps the only piece of science fiction he liked.
Jan 14, 2020

I really enjoyed watching Star Trek classic TV series, but if I'm going to give a second option, that would be Firefly, the third one is Battlestar Galactica, and the last one is Stargate.

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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I enjoyed Firefly, Babylon 5 and The X-Files a lot. If I had to pick one, I would have to say The X-Files. It was sooooo scary and entertaining when I first started watching it as a teenager.
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Nov 25, 2019
I really wish Firefly had gotten a chance to get another couple seasons. I think a 3-4 season arc would have been truly revolutionary TV. Very grateful they got the Serenity film though (which I loved, but also saw before seeing the TV show).

My favorite is Star Trek, both original series and the Next Generation. The original series was just as much a horror show as it was sci-fi, which gave it an additional layer.

I really enjoyed the show Defiance on Syfy. Painfully underrated series. Fringe was also pretty great until that last season, which basically ruined the show for me. It really sucks when a show goes so far off the rails that it takes it's legacy with it. *cough*Lost*cough*.
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Jan 14, 2020
I really wish Firefly had gotten a chance to get another couple seasons. I think a 3-4 season arc would have been truly revolutionary TV. Very grateful they got the Serenity film though (which I loved, but also saw before seeing the TV show).

My favorite is Start Trek, both original series and the Next Generation. The original series was just as much a horror show as it was sci-fi, which gave it an additional layer.

I really enjoyed the show Defiance on Syfy. Painfully underrated series. Fringe was also pretty great until that last season, which basically ruined the show for me. It really sucks when a show goes so far off the rails that it takes it's legacy with it. *cough*Lost*cough*.
It's weird, but you can feel Mandalorian skirting the Firefly vibes, good to see other producers recognizing what an absolute cult legend it was.

Star Trek (especially TNG) is so well written and well acted, timeless stuff.

Sci-Fi as a TV-series genre is super hit or miss though, lol.

X-files was and is still insanely kino, and Millennium was also spooky and good (way back when.) it starred peak Lance Henriksen!

What was that one 90s series called, Gex, Dex, something, it was kind of weirdly lewd and as a kid I felt I had taken hallucinogenics when watching it.

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Jan 13, 2020
3rd one: Star Trek Enterprise was very enjoyable and I also like to watch Star trek discovery (new one). The older star trek series are less fun because almost noone ever dies and each episode was similar in buildup aswell. So even star trek improved their game along descennia.

I am extremely glad to see that someone put Babylon 5. Now ill always think Star Trek is the best sci-fi series but a very close 2nd is Babylon 5. Such a great story and probably has one of the best looking enemy ships i have seen in any sci-fi series (The Shadows). I would love to see a reboot or a miniseries based in this universe.

So for me.. Star Trek (TNG to be more precise) and Babylon 5.
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Jan 22, 2020
I'd feel dishonest saying anything other than The Expanse. Such great sci-fi mixed with human stories.

However, the answer in my heart of hearts putting aside all reason and logic has to be Farscape. It's seriously out there and loaded with practical effects and amazing Henson workshop puppets.

I also have a soft spot for Farscape which was almost like a low budget Firefly from the UK back in the day.

*gasps in Australian*
Jan 13, 2020
For me, BSG. I honestly do love sci-fi, but I generally fall off of space-based sci-fi shows after like 8 episodes. Happened with The Expanse, happened just recently with The Orville.

My older pal always is raving about Babylon 5. He like BSG but he loved the politics of Babylon, like it was basically the U.N. in space he says. I watched the first episode, and I'll check it out more sometime hopefully.
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