What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Dec 15, 2019
Adventure on the Atari 2600... I think. It was around the same time I got hooked on The Golden Figurine on the Acorn Electron.
Apr 1, 2020
How about the first game(s) I ever played upon my introduction to PC's which were Oregon Trail and Prince of Persia. I remember these games very well due to it being my first time playing on an IBM PC and learning MS_DOS on it. :)
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Apr 1, 2020
I remember playing with our Sears Video Arcade II (rebranded Atari 2800). One of my favorite games was H.E.R.O.
Apr 1, 2020
First game I ever played was with my father, Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64.

My father being a gamer led me eventually to join the gaming industry and loving it! One day I aspire to be a producer and creative director like Hideo Kojima. One day, one day.
Apr 1, 2020
Thinking back it was the Sears' "Tele-Games" named Home Pong" in Christmas 1974 or 1975. played on a little black and white TV. Used to come home from practise and turn it on to play against my sister.
Apr 1, 2020
My first game was Road Rush. I remember playing it, the day my father bought a computer. Back then I was too little to understand anything about computers, my sister helped me to get started.
Jan 18, 2020
When I had my first DOS Windows 3.1 computer given for free by a neighbor in 1997 I was 8 years old. I remember playing Battle Chess, Outrun, Alley Cat, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Prince of Persia DOS version as well.

It was hugely nostalgic and even recently I played Alley Cat using DosBox and it is still fun! I didn't even have Dial-Up internet. But at that time I played Battle Chess the most and that's how I learnt to play chess which has later helped me use that experience to compete in online chess on MSN Gaming Zone when I had Dial-Up a couple years later.

The irony is that I was more of a gaming addict back then but I found these games a little boring now and even then that I preferred playing outside in the playground with other kids.

Having to insert these floppy disks felt amusing but also annoying. My PC was so outdated back then that I couldn't even find floppy disk games in the shops. These were games that my neighbor gave for free along with the PC because he had upgraded to a better PC.
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Apr 7, 2020
I remember playing counter strike with my brothers and GTA San Andreas that was the most famous game that time and they teached me how to play the game and I really loved it! I sometimes still play CS
Apr 7, 2020
Mhmm good question, I think that should be a Game boy game, Donkey Kong or Killer instinct, green screen, dark pixels, old school baby!
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Apr 8, 2020
The first game I remember truly getting into was a third-person shooter on the PlayStation 1 called Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2. (I would've played SH1 first, but considering I was maybe five years old at the time...)

You're a green plastic soldier leading a squad of characters, fighting a giant army of tan soldiers. I don't remember a ton about the game, other than its mix of environments the soldiers fit right into, and "real-world" locations where they're tiny toys battling over beds and bathtubs.

This very day, somewhere lies my big plastic box of little plastic soldiers that I'd play with all the time. That game got my parents to buy a lot of molded plastic.
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