What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Mar 19, 2020
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First game I can remember was Super Mario 64, basic I know but a classic. I remember beating it and thought it froze whenever I beat it because I had to reset the Nintendo 64 haha
Mar 20, 2020
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New user - 1st most memorable full-on binge game I remember was Excitebike and Contra! Stealing time on it from my brother was worth getting beat up... for sure.
Chronologically it was probably Pong, but in terms of "clear" memories, my mind only goes as far back as Space Invaders, on an upright arcade machine at a local non-chain pizza place, circa 1979.

Edit: Apparently I'd answered this before, but at the time I wasn't remembering Space Invaders, so maybe it's not as clear of a memory as I thought.
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I have a few memories of other games that are too vague and out of order at this point but it may have been space invaders on - I think - some kind of Spectrum (ZX ?) with a cassette tape.

First 'PC' game may have been Civ 2. There were consoles in between.
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Mar 25, 2020
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The first game I remember is Black Magic (at least I think that was the name), on my friend's Laser 128.
The first game I bought was Betrayal at Krondor because I was a fan of the author. I didn't even have a computer yet. After having it about a week I bought my first computer... a Leading Edge 486SX25. I think Leading Edge might of been a Future Shop in house brand. Not sure though.
Mar 29, 2020
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The Martian Chronicles, 1993-4 ish was my first game. Zork series was next. I bought a Pentium 110 PC for a stupid high price. Got hooked on Adventure Games from there after.
Mar 30, 2020
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Greetings Everyone,

I love to play games from my childhood. I had started playing SEGA Games back then. I use Sega Casates having Mario, Contra and many other games like this.

Actually it was the best part of life back then and it was tension free.

Who played Sega games back then and remember them from all of you here?
Mar 31, 2020
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LEGO Lord Of The Rings. Honestly, it's such a good game and anything related to it just brings me back to the days when me and my brother were playing it together.