What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Tomb Raider Anniversary, was my first game. But as far as I remember, I did not pass it completely. The dinosaur is to blame for everything. Or was it in another part?
It was far from my first game, but that game was awesome with motion controls on the original Wii. And I loved the mansion tutorial game. I think that might have only been on the Wii version.

It took me quite a while to figure out the game was a remake of the original Tomb Raider.
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Feb 6, 2022
Ride Over Moscow ( Raid Over Moscow )

Finally, my dad bought me a Commador64. You had to wait some minutes to load the game from a tape cassette.

I was very young. The game was brutally hard, the joystick was never carrying out your decisions. It was the game challenge, to find the right moves. but I loved it.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaTe_7uoGDw
Ride Over Moscow ( Raid Over Moscow )

Finally, my dad bought me a Commador64. You had to wait some minutes to load the game from a tape cassette.

I was very young. The game was brutally hard, the joystick was never carrying out your decisions. It was the game challenge, to find the right moves. but I loved it.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaTe_7uoGDw
Dude, Raid Over Moscow was a really great game. I loved that there was some variety to the game. I really liked the levels where it was kind of like first person, and you were trying to blow up different parts of a building with a bazooka, or something.


Oct 29, 2021
Rad Racer, it was before my folks got me my own NES yet the video store close to my grandparents used to lease them and I some way or another persuaded them to lease me one and Rad Racer. I strikingly recollect sitting before the TV and playing it in the wake of watching a VHS tape of old kid's shows.
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Feb 9, 2022
Earliest memory was probably Chess. I can't remember the specs of the system we owned but it had an amber display (dating myself here) and I remembering being a little kid and just messing around with the game. I never won anything, clearly, but it was still fun!

Beyond that, Wolf 3D was my first love. I remember being like 5 or 6 at the time and running outside, where my Dad was doing some gardening, to tell him excitedly that I found a secret.
Earliest memory was probably Chess. I can't remember the specs of the system we owned but it had an amber display (dating myself here) and I remembering being a little kid and just messing around with the game. I never won anything, clearly, but it was still fun!

Beyond that, Wolf 3D was my first love. I remember being like 5 or 6 at the time and running outside, where my Dad was doing some gardening, to tell him excitedly that I found a secret.
You're in good company with a lot of other old dudes around here. :)
Feb 10, 2022
It was Toruk for the Xbox 360, and i was 8 years old at the time.... Literally the scariest video game ever. I always stayed in the very first safe biome of the game because i was too scared to go beyond a certain point where raptors started becoming an enemy. To this day i have not completed it.
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Feb 22, 2022
First game was Mario and I remember as a child when I could not pass a level after a long running game session, I would jog around the block and then come back refreshed and complete the level first time! Such great memories and what a feeling it was progressing through the game
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Mar 15, 2022
The first video game I remember playing was Super Mario. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was so much fun to play and I spent hours upon hours trying to beat the game. I loved the characters and the music in the game and it's still one of my favorites today.


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