What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Jun 26, 2020
My dad had bought the first tennis game that we played through our telly, using basic joysticks to ‘bat’ the ball (very, very basic line graphics) across a net.
Literally spent hours playing this in the early 80s!
Jun 29, 2020
I can still remember what exactly one of my first games were, that being Sonic Rush Adventure. Finished it years later, at least technically. Always been a Sonic fan.
Jul 5, 2020
Started in Candlekeep venturing out into the fog to take on the Dwarves. Since then its been all a RPG experience, currently Elderscrolls online.
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Apr 1, 2020
Probably Pong, Defender, or Pitfall. I played Munchman, a knockoff Pac-Man, too. We didn't have a hard drive or anything, so you'd have to code in everything each time you wanted to play it.
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Jul 8, 2020
I'm a bit hazy on the first ever game I played but I bet it was the GBA. I believe it to be either Pokemon FireRed or Power Rangers Ninja Storm.
Jul 14, 2020
I mean, if I'm being honest, I think I'd have to say Oregon Trail in elementary school when they still had Apple IIs. I distinctly recall playing that a lot, which I believe was prior to getting an NES at home.

In regards to gaming at home. I had an NES before I got my first PC, so on NES, it would have to be Duck Hunt. Granted the system came with Mario Bros and Duck Hunt (with the Zapper [partial inspiration for my handle if you were wondering]) in a bundle package, but I distinctly recall playing Duck Hunt first. Then fond memories of Jaws, my fav NES game - Guerilla War, Punch-Out, Kung-Fu, Adventures at the Magic Kingdom, SMB3, just so many games it would take me a year to name them all. I'm not sure if NES games back then were significantly cheaper than the $50, now $60 (apparently moving towards $70) price tag, but my mom sure as hell went all out to make sure I had mostly every game I asked for.

As far as PC Gaming goes... Honestly I had a Packard Bell PC that had an overlay on top of Windows 95 that I don't recall what they called it, but it would make a 2008-circa Steve Jobs happy with how it was designed to replicate real-world items (ie click on a bookcase for the encyclopedia, etc). And speaking of encyclopedia, the first game I played on that PC was this game built inside Microsoft Encarta called MindMaze. I played that a whole lot and loved it a whole lot more. While I can't recall how I discovered that the "real OS" was hidden underneath that overlay, I eventually did and got into some real gaming (after also getting an upgrade with some kind of video card at some point I can't recall, might've been the first Voodoo card actually now that I'm thinking back on it).
So my first Windows 95 game was actually Spider-Man Cartoon Maker. Naturally back in '95 I was (and still am) a huge Spidey-nerd in love with the FOX Kids Animated series (which STILL holds up btw - watched on Disney+ - amazing considering the limitations placed on the writers/animators) so you can imagine what a blast I had playing that game. After that it was Die by the Sword, Monster Truck Madness, a fighting game that I think was FX Fighter, Descent, DOOM, Duke Nukem 3D. Then I got into Syndicate, Fallout, Command & Conquer, Worms, etc, So yeah, by that point I had fell in love with PC Gaming.

Not gonna lie I sometimes wish I could go back to those simpler times and be WOWed by it all. Cheers!
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Jul 14, 2020
@The Zapper I think games were more expensive back in the '90s. I remember buying boxed PC games for 50-60 USD, which by today's standards would be around 100USD. This is also one of the reasons pirating games were so popular in the '90s.

Jeez, I guess my mom just really loved me. hahaha And also wanted me to stay indoors and not hang out with the kids on the block, since they were always getting in trouble. I also did my fair share of pirating once I got my own PC that was a little more gaming capable and my own phone line with 56K modem and discovered mIRC, but that was like late 90s, early 2K.
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Jul 16, 2020
This is difficult to say because I know I played Atari as a wee lad and surely I can't truly remember which game I've played first. I can say the earliest fond memories of gaming I have were playing Wizards and Warriors and Adventures of LoLo on the NES.
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Jul 8, 2020
I think... it was Super Mario 64. I still have fond memories of the game to this day. I played it at like...3-4 years old.
Jul 13, 2020
Golden Axe? I remember playing that game and being horrible at it.
Speaking of horrible and sticking to the topic, one of first games if not the very first game I have memory of is Contra. I was so bad at that game... But it didn't make stop playing it and making experience wore for anyone mad enough to play with me :D
Jul 24, 2020
my first system sega genesis
my first game mortal kombat

Golden Axe? I remember playing that game and being horrible at it.
Speaking of horrible and sticking to the topic, one of first games if not the very first game I have memory of is Contra. I was so bad at that game... But it didn't make stop playing it and making experience wore for anyone mad enough to play with me

This game soundtrack will always hold a special place in my ❤
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Aug 5, 2020
First GameBoy game was Double Dragon.
First SNES game would be MK1.
First PS1 Game was Crash Bandicoot.
First N64 game was Mario64.
First PC game was Delta Force 1 & Quake (played both on the same day).

Yea I know it's too much but I remember all my first ones :)


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