My first game was... so long ago, I don't know which one it was.
Either "J-Bird", "Grand Prix Circuit" or "Color lines". Those were only ones I had access to, so I really enjoyed them
Well, from then afterwards, I remember more clearly "Civilization for Windows", "Caesar 3", "The Dig", "Diablo", "Heroes 2", "X-COM Ufo Defense" and "Fallout". Oh, "Doom", "Unreal Trounament" and "Duke Nukem 3D" was there too, for sure.
Yeah, then I have to look up more, what was then, because I did not tag them in my mind with years. "Starcraft", "Warcraft 2", "Commandos", "Quake 3 Arena", "Age of Empires", "Cossacs". Those were the times... with no responsibilities, other than school, so few people being good at PCs, few gamers out there, games vere much more valuable...