What mouse do you use?

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I only stopped using one mouse as it was causing windows to not load a desktop at startup. Its buttons were fine. It was just 8 years old and something was clearly messing with windows. It was becoming see through as I had worn the colours down so much from use... it was a good mouse, almost got same model again but decided not to test my luck.

I normally replace my mice before they die. I think I just wanted a new mouse last time. Old mouse is around somewhere, could use if I need to.

20 years or so ago I used to buy a new mouse every few months but they weren't gaming mice. It was only after getting my 1st gaming mouse and it lasting for about 5 years that I stopped buying them so much. At one stage I had a box full of mice... or perhaps that is just my memory playing tricks, but I do know I had a few of them... no idea if I still have them.

I know I should have got a black mouse last time. Its getting grotty
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