Giveaway We're riding shotgun with Pacific Drive to give away a carload of great gear!

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Mar 1, 2024
My favorite roadtrip as a kid was from up the coast of California to Canada and we stopped to camp in all the national parks along the way. This game brings back some of those memories of traveling through the parks as a kid.
Nov 23, 2023
Was psyched for this game when it was announced during Playstation's State of Play. Been waiting for them to fix more bugs and optimize performance before buying. Happy to see them on the ball with updates.
Mar 2, 2024
Oh jeez, it's going to be hard to pick my favorite trip.

I think it had to have been when we drove up to Flagstaff, AZ; the drive was relatively local (<5 hours), and had us seeing all sorts of scenery. From various trees and flora, so wide open plains and plateaus. Huge valleys and vistas, carved by harsh water many years ago. On the way we stopped by a few smaller cities, notably: Jerome. An old mining town built on a huge slant (15-30 degrees at least) that cascaded down into the massive quarry, actually mind blowing -- and terrifying -- just like the haunted tours they had with the hotels. Great western vibe.

To contrast the majority of AZ, there's north Flagstaff which is a lot more temperate compared to somewhere like Phoenix. Always lovely to go visit, usually it's for a trunk show, like we did for that trip. Great times!
Mar 2, 2024

Win a vintage toolbox, a mechanic shirt with customized name tag, a bobblehead, a bumper sticker, and more.

Everyone loves taking a road trip. Hop in the car, step on the gas, and head toward the horizon. In driving survival game Pacific Drive it's not quite that simple thanks to bizarre and deadly anomalies that are lurking along the road—but as you're speeding through the hazardous exclusion zone, this giveaway will make your drive a lot smoother.

Buckle up, because we've partnered with Pacific Drive to have some awesome stuff driven to your house. One lucky winner will get a whole trunkload of cool Pacific Drive gear, like a shiny red toolbox, a mechanic's shirt with a customized name tag, a dashboard bobblehead, and of course an air freshener and bumper sticker. And more! Here's what you could win:
  • Vintage red mechanic's toolbox branded with Pacific Drive and in-world stickers
  • Mechanic shirt (with optional customized name tag)
  • Car on display stand with light up LED logo
  • Wobbly Malcolm bobble head
  • 1x Bumper sticker
  • 1x Air freshener
  • Series of booklets and flyers about the game and kit
Our apologies to those of you in other parts of the world—this giveaway is for United States residents only. This giveaway will run from February 29 to March 14. To enter, just follow the steps in the Gleam widget and post a comment about your favorite road trip or car-based adventure!

Once you've done that, you're all set: if you win, you'll be contacted for your mailing address. Good luck, and keep your eyes on the road.
Bobs buliding bullying bunnies
Dec 18, 2022
My Aunt moved to Florida when I was pretty young and that same summer she moved down my dad planned to go visit. We were supposed to take a flight, but my mom is horrified of flying so we took the family car from New Jersey to Orlando, FL. This was my very first road trip and easily my most memorable, it took 19 hours and it was just the 4 of us: me, my older brother, mom , and dad. We were driving in a black Astro van with red interior so it would get so hot that it felt like a sauna if we stopped to get some food somewhere along the way. We stopped at a truck stop once and I saw some truckers wearing bandanas, but I didn't know why they were at the time. My dad told my brother and I that we could both get one thing from the little convenience store inside so my brother got some toy car and I saw they were selling bandanas so I asked for one and he looked at me like I was crazy, but I really wanted it and I still have it today 20+ years later.

I miss these trips, we ended up doing this trip for what felt like every summer and my family got much bigger with 2 more brothers and a sister so we had to get an even bigger car to fit everyone.
Mar 2, 2024
I've been watching this game for a while and would love the unique swag! The toolbox especially as it reminds me of my dad's red craftsman set I inherited.
Mar 2, 2024
This looks awesome . Love the boxes detail and all the goodies it's comes with . Been interested in the paranormal stuff and the old retro inspiration
Mar 2, 2024
This game looks super fun, can't wait to play.

My most memorable road trip was as going from Michigan to Colorado for a family members wedding when I was a kid and I had just gotten my first gaming handheld, a indigo GameBoy Advance bundled with Pokemon Crystal. Of course I was reminded to take in the scenery along the way, which was breath taking driving through some of the canyons in Colorado, but that trip was also the spark of my love for early pixel art style Pokemon games that continued on through the rest of my childhood. As an adult now, my wife has helped reinvigorate my love for travel and seeing the world and with the rise in popularity of Pokemon ROM hacks, my love for old-school Pokemon games has been renewed also.
Mar 2, 2024
The entirety of my 20s was spent on tour or just traveling to a new place, but I think my favorite road trip was when I got to go to Scotland. We kicked it in Aberdeen and Invururie, and one night we took some rowboats out on the North Sea. Absolutely wild night.
Mar 2, 2024
My favorite road trip was the worst one I've ever been on funnily enough.
Back in high-school, for a field trip, we were going from Texas to Florida for Universal Studios. We leave at maybe noon, get to the edge of Texas and stop for a bite to eat at Dennys. Go to get back on the bus and guess what, it's completely dead! That's ok, not a problem, we're still "in state" so they'll just send us a replacement, we just have to wait like 4 hours. The driver gets a call and steps outside, then comes back in to tell us all that the replacement bus they're sending... also broke down on the way to us! Well we've got no choice but to wait longer, so send another one.
We waited for 13 hours in a truck stop Dennys, and the "replacement bus" that finally arrived for us? Not only was it was a party bus, I'm talking leather seats, poles, and a bed in the back 1/3rd of this bad boy, but the A/C didn't work, and we're driving through the south in the /middle/ of summer, but it was the last replacement bus we could possibly get.
Mar 2, 2024
This game is awesome I love the discovery element of it.
When I was in high school my dad and I went on a train ride out west and then we rented a van to drive on old route 66 stopping at old diners and roadside attractions. It was awesome.

Win a vintage toolbox, a mechanic shirt with customized name tag, a bobblehead, a bumper sticker, and more.

Everyone loves taking a road trip. Hop in the car, step on the gas, and head toward the horizon. In driving survival game Pacific Drive it's not quite that simple thanks to bizarre and deadly anomalies that are lurking along the road—but as you're speeding through the hazardous exclusion zone, this giveaway will make your drive a lot smoother.

Buckle up, because we've partnered with Pacific Drive to have some awesome stuff driven to your house. One lucky winner will get a whole trunkload of cool Pacific Drive gear, like a shiny red toolbox, a mechanic's shirt with a customized name tag, a dashboard bobblehead, and of course an air freshener and bumper sticker. And more! Here's what you could win:
  • Vintage red mechanic's toolbox branded with Pacific Drive and in-world stickers
  • Mechanic shirt (with optional customized name tag)
  • Car on display stand with light up LED logo
  • Wobbly Malcolm bobble head
  • 1x Bumper sticker
  • 1x Air freshener
  • Series of booklets and flyers about the game and kit
Our apologies to those of you in other parts of the world—this giveaway is for United States residents only. This giveaway will run from February 29 to March 14. To enter, just follow the steps in the Gleam widget and post a comment about your favorite road trip or car-based adventure!

Once you've done that, you're all set: if you win, you'll be contacted for your mailing address. Good luck, and keep your eyes on the road.
Mar 2, 2024
MY favorite trip was going with my brother up to North Carolina from FL every year. 14 hours of solid time together
Mar 2, 2024
What a fun take on the survival genre! Congratulations to Ironwood Studios on such an amazing release!
Mar 2, 2024
My favorite car trip was when family and I drove through the Carolinas when I was 16. Stopped at a bunch of fossil dig sites and found a ton of trilobites.
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