Giveaway We're riding shotgun with Pacific Drive to give away a carload of great gear!

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Mar 4, 2024
My favorite road trip was probably a two week long trip across the western US I took a year ago. Saw a bunch of cool stuff and there's something surreal about chilling by a fire in the middle of nowhere with no one for miles.
Mar 4, 2024
Always wanted to go to the Pacific Northwest, and I'm always on the lookout for cool games. I've been following Pacific Drive since it was announced and can't wait to get my hands on a truly unique game that I'm convinced is set to be one of the best this year. A bunch of extra goodies would only sweeten the deal!
Mar 4, 2024

Win a vintage toolbox, a mechanic shirt with customized name tag, a bobblehead, a bumper sticker, and more.

Everyone loves taking a road trip. Hop in the car, step on the gas, and head toward the horizon. In driving survival game Pacific Drive it's not quite that simple thanks to bizarre and deadly anomalies that are lurking along the road—but as you're speeding through the hazardous exclusion zone, this giveaway will make your drive a lot smoother.

Buckle up, because we've partnered with Pacific Drive to have some awesome stuff driven to your house. One lucky winner will get a whole trunkload of cool Pacific Drive gear, like a shiny red toolbox, a mechanic's shirt with a customized name tag, a dashboard bobblehead, and of course an air freshener and bumper sticker. And more! Here's what you could win:
  • Vintage red mechanic's toolbox branded with Pacific Drive and in-world stickers
  • Mechanic shirt (with optional customized name tag)
  • Car on display stand with light up LED logo
  • Wobbly Malcolm bobble head
  • 1x Bumper sticker
  • 1x Air freshener
  • Series of booklets and flyers about the game and kit
Our apologies to those of you in other parts of the world—this giveaway is for United States residents only. This giveaway will run from February 29 to March 14. To enter, just follow the steps in the Gleam widget and post a comment about your favorite road trip or car-based adventure!

Once you've done that, you're all set: if you win, you'll be contacted for your mailing address. Good luck, and keep your eyes on the road.
Mar 4, 2024
Too many road trips to choose from. However, one of my favorite moments from a road trip:

We'd play games to pass time. One was name a city, and the next person had to name another city starting with your city's last letter. Turn got passed to me, and it hard to start with a T. Topeka, I meant to say, but my dyslexic self instead shouted Took-a-pee-a.
  • Haha
Reactions: Brian Boru
Mar 4, 2024
Favorite road trip was driving from Texas to Florida as a kid to visit Disney World. Incredible family vacation
Mar 5, 2024
Good luck everyone!

My favorite road trip had to be heading over to Colorado. Where I'm from it's all flat land, so seeing the mountains creep on the horizon was a beautiful and majestic sight that completely overshadowed the hours of cornfields to get there.
Mar 5, 2024
Good luck to all!
My best roadtrip is a toss up between two, both originating from central California. One was a road trip with family in an RV when I was 8, up to Crater Lake, Oregon. I remember watching VHS movies on a portable TV, and staring out the window for hours, taking in rural California and Oregon, not even mentioning Crater Lake itself's picturesque nature.

The other was a road trip to the Grand Canyon with friends. I specifically remember hitting a stretch of the Mojave where the wind was blowing super, super hard. Hit the side of the VW Bus I was taking my turn driving like the sail of a ship. Had to crank the wheel 45 degrees to the right just to keep going straight, Hotel California playing. Core memory, that one.
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Reactions: Brian Boru
Mar 5, 2024
A buddy and I took off from the Southeast, went up to Mall of America, drove over to Colorado to hike in the Rockies, dropped down to Roswell, came back across old route 66. Took a week and was a wild experience. Didn't see any aliens but stayed in what had to be either a haunted hotel or a figment of our imaginations.
Mar 5, 2024
My favorite road trip was driving from Colorado to California with as few stops as possible for 23 straight hours.
Mar 5, 2024
my favorite road trip was driving from California to north Carolina with meet up with my boyfriend and then take the car on the tail of the dragon auto enthusiast mountain pass was a great time
Mar 6, 2024

Win a vintage toolbox, a mechanic shirt with customized name tag, a bobblehead, a bumper sticker, and more.

Everyone loves taking a road trip. Hop in the car, step on the gas, and head toward the horizon. In driving survival game Pacific Drive it's not quite that simple thanks to bizarre and deadly anomalies that are lurking along the road—but as you're speeding through the hazardous exclusion zone, this giveaway will make your drive a lot smoother.

Buckle up, because we've partnered with Pacific Drive to have some awesome stuff driven to your house. One lucky winner will get a whole trunkload of cool Pacific Drive gear, like a shiny red toolbox, a mechanic's shirt with a customized name tag, a dashboard bobblehead, and of course an air freshener and bumper sticker. And more! Here's what you could win:
  • Vintage red mechanic's toolbox branded with Pacific Drive and in-world stickers
  • Mechanic shirt (with optional customized name tag)
  • Car on display stand with light up LED logo
  • Wobbly Malcolm bobble head
  • 1x Bumper sticker
  • 1x Air freshener
  • Series of booklets and flyers about the game and kit
Our apologies to those of you in other parts of the world—this giveaway is for United States residents only. This giveaway will run from February 29 to March 14. To enter, just follow the steps in the Gleam widget and post a comment about your favorite road trip or car-based adventure!

Once you've done that, you're all set: if you win, you'll be contacted for your mailing address. Good luck, and keep your eyes on the road.
This is actually fire, I hope whoever wins shows off the booklets and flyers, those are always sick.
Mar 6, 2024

Win a vintage toolbox, a mechanic shirt with customized name tag, a bobblehead, a bumper sticker, and more.

Everyone loves taking a road trip. Hop in the car, step on the gas, and head toward the horizon. In driving survival game Pacific Drive it's not quite that simple thanks to bizarre and deadly anomalies that are lurking along the road—but as you're speeding through the hazardous exclusion zone, this giveaway will make your drive a lot smoother.

Buckle up, because we've partnered with Pacific Drive to have some awesome stuff driven to your house. One lucky winner will get a whole trunkload of cool Pacific Drive gear, like a shiny red toolbox, a mechanic's shirt with a customized name tag, a dashboard bobblehead, and of course an air freshener and bumper sticker. And more! Here's what you could win:
  • Vintage red mechanic's toolbox branded with Pacific Drive and in-world stickers
  • Mechanic shirt (with optional customized name tag)
  • Car on display stand with light up LED logo
  • Wobbly Malcolm bobble head
  • 1x Bumper sticker
  • 1x Air freshener
  • Series of booklets and flyers about the game and kit
Our apologies to those of you in other parts of the world—this giveaway is for United States residents only. This giveaway will run from February 29 to March 14. To enter, just follow the steps in the Gleam widget and post a comment about your favorite road trip or car-based adventure!

Once you've done that, you're all set: if you win, you'll be contacted for your mailing address. Good luck, and keep your eyes on the road.
My favorite car trip was from San Diego to Colorado springs. Most of my good memories were from either flying with my family or in car rides, sleeping and waking up in another unknown place. None really filled me with as much wonder as driving 11k feet above elevation on a cliff with only a guard rail protecting you, You would rarely pass any cars there maybe one or two every 20 minutes. Then there were pastures after that, then canon city which is very small in comparison to what I was used to (SD SF LV Sac NY). As for the funniest moment was seeing a horse defecate for the first time in person as we stopped our car to stretch. I could not stop laughing because it would not stop walking as it did so and seemed to be unaware of what just happened.
Mar 7, 2024
Unfortunately my family never really got to go on vacation. My father considered it a “waste” of money when he could be “getting something done” but we did go to Busch Gardens in Virginia one summer but I was only around 6.
Mar 7, 2024
Knew this game was going to be something special when I first started hearing about it. I've gotten 90% of the achievements and I'm going to finish them out soon, which I never do. I really just love so much about the vibe this game gives out. When the sunshine breaks through the forest in the morning following a horrible storm. When you appreciate the storm because you're generating power from the rain. When you calm down and just relax in the environment.

Good luck to everyone, cheers!
Mar 8, 2024
Favorite trip for me growing up was heading the yearly road trip I would take with my family to Minnesota. Loved the snowy atmosphere while watching movies on the portable dvd player.
Mar 9, 2024
When I was a kid, my mom and I took a trip from northern Oregon to San Diego, California. I was quite young, and was liable to be quite unruly on the 16 hour trip, so my mom got me 16 little gifts, wrapped each one, and would give one to me every hour for the trip until we got there. While we were there we went to Legoland and Seaworld, and it was a trip I'll never forget.
Mar 11, 2024
A friend has been letting me play this on his PC recently and it’s wiggled into my brain like an anomalous worm. A more fitting description might be that it stuck to me like a broken bunny, but I wanted to use a worm in my metaphor. Regardless, it’s a good game and I’d like to see more people pick it up!
Mar 11, 2024
My favorite car based adventure would probably be driving back from the airport during a hurricane. I forget which it was, but it was a surreal experience because our plane was the last to land, the airport was practically already closed. No employees, minimal lighting, no cars in the parking lot and on the road there was only a single car driving with us, one of the other passengers from the plane, and eventually they took a different exit. It was just us, completely alone on the highway, with pouring rain and raging wind.
Mar 3, 2024
When I was very young my family and I decided to move from california to to pennsylvania, we packed everythingnup in our truck and drove all the way across the states, the grand canyon was probably my favorite stop, but I will never forget seeing fireflies for the first time in my life when we got to missouri.
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