I ask the PCG staff a regular Weekend Question and post the answers on the site. If you'd like to throw in an answer here, I'll squeeze the best into the finished article!
This week's question is: How many games are on your wishlist?
Assuming you have a wishlist, roughly how many games are on it? And do you use Steam's wishlist feature to keep it organized, or is it somewhere else? Do you use your wishlist to ensure you receive notifications when games release or come on sale or come out of Early Access, or do you add games then completely forget about them?
This week's question is: How many games are on your wishlist?
Assuming you have a wishlist, roughly how many games are on it? And do you use Steam's wishlist feature to keep it organized, or is it somewhere else? Do you use your wishlist to ensure you receive notifications when games release or come on sale or come out of Early Access, or do you add games then completely forget about them?