Your Perfect Weekend


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Fellow gamers,

I'm presented with an opportunity this weekend that doesn't come often. The wife and the kids will be out of town and I've got three nights and three days to myself. I plan on golfing, participating in some fantasy football drafts, seeing my baby niece, and gaming.

At this point in time, if you had 72 hours of freedom (some of you might have more than that regularly!), what are you playing? Start with the usual familiar comfort games? Start a new title? Go back and finish a game you've left for a while?

Bask in the freedom.
The first day, I'd probably just sleep for an entire day, only getting out of bed for the absolute necessities.

Then on the second day I'd play Baldur's Gate for 14 hours straight while telling myself at least once every hour that I'll quit soon and take care of some chores. I will not eat or drink during this time. My dinner will be some crackers with cream cheese and about half a gallon of water.

The third day, I'd be exhausted from the previous day, so I'd get out of bed around noon, eat whatever is the easiest to grab and waste a bunch of time on the internet until I finally find the motivation to do those chores, which will only just about put the house back to the state it was two days ago.

At least, that's one possibility.
Probably find a project to do during the day

Take myself out to dinner since I don't need to cook for anyone.

Get some beer and hang out with friends on Discord for the first evening, playing some frivolous multiplayer game.

The next two days, I have no idea. Probably take the dog for a long walk, make a dinner my kids would normally whine about, play a single player game quietly and/or watch a movie or TV show my wife wouldn't enjoy.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Start off disappointed that none of the 'girls' are free for an all-expenses extravaganza—well, free pizza & beer—over the weekend.

What else could benefit from a completely distraction-free 3 days? A new pain-in-the-brain game, of course! So I'd either launch Distant Worlds Universe or if I could afford it, buy Old World and dive in.

DWU is one of those I periodically launch, futz with for a while, conclude, 'Hmm, looks like work' and decide to come back to later.

Intersperse pain-in-brain with Day 2 brunch at nearby fishing village with magic restaurants and Day 3 photography trip to one of the mostly wildlife islands.


Community Contributor
I'll play a whole lot of Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Maybe something else, too, or maybe not. <shrug>

DWU is one of those I periodically launch, futz with for a while, conclude, 'Hmm, looks like work' and decide to come back to later.
I loved that game! At least until I got in a fight with some other empire. Taking risks, trying to get set up on distant planets with great rewards while also was really fun for me. Battles just weren't. I would set all the empires in the game to be as peaceful as I could, but this just isn't a game that does the forever-peaceful option well. (Gal Civ 2 can sometimes pull it off.) Once war got going, I found something else to do.

Distant Worlds 2 might be ready for prime time now. They are currently working on an expansion for the game.


On a Journey
weekends are perfect anyway as no one will call me.

Perfect weekend would be play a good game until sun comes up, curse time for being so fast, go to sleep and repeat 2 more times.

Hardest part for me is finding a game I really want to play that long. Normally occurs if its a new game that I want to play. Last happened with Grim Dawn last year.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Day 2: Bacon egg and cheese sandwich

A whole day for a sarnie? Must be bigger than Zed's old avatar :D

Oh I get it… you have to spend the morning and afternoon sweet-talking the pig, chicken and cow into falling for your secret recipe. Gotcha, great appetite builder.

PS you've heard the related explanation of the difference between involvement and commitment?
Start off disappointed that none of the 'girls' are free for an all-expenses extravaganza—well, free pizza & beer—over the weekend.

Talking to people and hanging out? Overrated!

Although, marrying a talky extrovert and then having at least one talky child has broke my brain. Where once I could enjoy quiet solitude, now I seek people out who will talk to me.

Send help.

What else could benefit from a completely distraction-free 3 days? A new pain-in-the-brain game, of course! So I'd either launch Distant Worlds Universe or if I could afford it, buy Old World and dive in.

This is a perfect idea. These are also two games I own but...

DWU is one of those I periodically launch, futz with for a while, conclude, 'Hmm, looks like work' and decide to come back to later.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
I'm loving all of this feedback. Some of you folks I'm afraid wouldn't know what to do with yourselves when left to your own devices, but I gotta respect it :p

I am just getting into the Mountaintops of the Giants on my level 120 Dex/Int build on Elden Ring. Getting close to jumping into the DLC soon. I also may:

  • Finish the Caribbean Skies Tropico DLC missions
  • Start a new Cyberpunk game and buy Phantom Liberty
  • Actually play Aliens: Dark Descent or Hogwarts (these are big maybes)
  • Stick with MTG: Arena and Balatro and watch the hours slip away
Happy Friday!
Day 1 would have me doing all the chores I can. Cleaning the entire house top to bottom, finishing all the laundry, taking care of all the animals, etc. That way I would really have no responsibilities for the next two days, and the missus can’t come home on day 3 mad that I wasted the whole weekend away. Grab myself some good pizza and some energy drinks, then game until 4am.

Day 2 would have me order DoorDash and game the rest of the day. Yeah I don’t get out too much these days lol.

Day 3 I would probably regret that I didn’t do anything productive the past two days besides bare necessity responsibilities, causing me to lay in bed and think about my choices, until the missus comes home and makes me happy again that’s she’s back.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum


Community Contributor
Day 2 would have me order DoorDash and game the rest of the day. Yeah I don’t get out too much these days lol.
DoorDash?? You'll have to spend precious gaming time putting on pants, won't you? Haven't you got peanut butter or something?? You didn't eat ALL that pizza, did you?
Day 3 I would probably regret that I didn’t do anything productive the past two...
That's why Steam has achievements! That's DURABLE productivity, instead of dusting, which just gets dusty again the very next day.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Ok, kid-free weekend recap:

I did in fact play a chunk of Elden Ring and got to Mohgwyn Palace for the first time, so I'm getting close to the DLC. I also did play a lot of MTG: Arena and Balatro, and even played a little Counter-Strike 2 with my brother, but I didn't touch many other games.

Ended up doing way more chores than I expected, spent a day golfing, doing fantasy football drafts, playing poker, and watching F1 with friends (Leclerc baby!). Took my niece to the zoo, saw the 20th anniversary rerelease of Shaun of the Dead in theaters, it was a good weekend :grinning:
May 13, 2024
For me it's a combination of outdoor hobbies and gaming where I can crank up the volume in my HT, and/or house projects, which all just happened over the weekend.

I took Friday off to get a 4-day weekend with Labor Day being Monday. I planned to play as much Star Wars Outlaws as I could, which was my Friday, and with nobody home most of the day I cranked up the system, then watched some shows with the wifey. Saturday morning went mountain biking, and then played more Outlaws after, then watched more shows in the evening. But Sunday was interrupted, the wifey brought home new light fixtures and faucets for the master bath, which I decided to install instead of wait, but I was free by the afternoon and got some more Outlaws in. Monday morning more mountain biking, then went to a barbecue, and wrapped up the day with more Outlaws. Can't say it was perfect, but it was fun!