The last game you completed

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May 2, 2020
The last game I completed was Carrion and it was fantastic. I loved it way more than I thought I would - and I already assumed it would be good. The metroidvania style was really well integrated and it just seems like it was exceptionally well designed to keep great pacing. Not only are the controls very fluid and predictably responsive, you can move through several areas quickly if you need to. But it's also pretty easy to get totally smashed by even the most basic enemies if you approach things incorrectly.

It's just enjoyable from start to finish of it's pretty moderate-to-low 4-6 hour run time. Not as short as some other popular Devolver games, but not as long as a lot of Metroidvanias.

I made a fun video about it if you're interested.
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Jan 21, 2020
Hellblade via gamepass. What a ride that was, I am kind of glad I waited to play it since I was able to play it at 4K max, and it was quite the experience.
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Feb 16, 2020
Command & Conquer 2 - Tiberian Sun GDI campaign. Gonna go through Nod and then onto Firestorm.

I really need to do a replay of the C&C games, it's been a while! Fun campaigns.

Most recently I finished Shining Force III trilogy on Sega Saturn. Amazing games that seem to have fallen into a bit of a niche thanks to being late Saturn Exclusive titles.

I'm also very, very close to finishing my Picts campaign in Total War Attila.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Alien: Isolation.
Was a slug.

What was good:
- art style
- audio design
- overall design of the Sevastopol station
- nice graphics
- you could clearly see the devs loved the franchise with attention to detail

First few hours were good, intense. And then alien stopped being an alien. It started being "oh hi Mark, go back to the ceiling before I lose my temper".
Seriously. I got scared like twice in the duration of whole playthrough - but the amount of time I was sighing or just straight up annoyed was over 9000. The amount of times I had to redo like 5-10 minute long segments.... ugh.

I played like half the game trying to hide, be careful with my movement etc. After that I said "eff it" and I was literally walking everywhere, not giving a damn about alien anymore except when it tried to eat my face - then I would throw molotov at it or let it smell my flamethrower fuel at extremely high temperatures. Sometimes I would die, be annoyed, redo that and all.

Honestly best parts of the game where without the damn thing, where I could explore. With alien constantly around, it was tedious and really boring.

I guess I am not compatible with horror games.
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@OsaX Nymloth same here. I felt that alien isolation was meh. Certainly didn't play of the DLC.

Anyway, chalk another game finished. Dead rising 3. Ok i haven't played the DLC (i'll get to them shortly) but the main games done.

i was expecting that i had wasted 6 quid on a game that was known to be mixed to poor. So color me surprised that i had a LOT of fun playing it. Ok, without ini tweaks the fixed frame rate makes the game UNPLAYABLE. But unlock it, combined with a powerful pc (an i7 with 32gb ram and a 1070 with a NVM SSD2 does the trick) and i had alot of fun.

Some say that some of the accessible features were for the worse. i disagree. I believe they made the game easier. The extra longer time allowed me to relax and enjoy the game and explore. That said, the time did put me under pressure still. So much so i would blast through the main content rather then collect stuff. I need not have bothered by chapter 7 i had just over 2 days to spare.

The other was the weapons locker. Every item collected, crafted is accessible from the locker. Does it make it easy? In a way it does. It made progression simpler. You still need to do crafting as there is only so many things you can take out of the locker. Whilst you can craft a lot of things its still at a level where i could combine absolutely anything to make anything. Plus you would have your own favs and the flaming swords were cheap and effective weapons.

my only criticism? no notification as to when on the final mission. I knew i was close to the end but i was not aware how close. Also no free roaming mode after beating the game. Kinda disappointing that Dead Rising still didn't implement it. i had stuff i needed to do and the time constraints didn't help. Whats that? use chapter select? Not good. It resets all the safe houses, lose all your equipment and changes the times. In my case much later. But its also it resets the PP challenges so i can't keep track of those i did and didn't do. Thanks a bunch game.

Would i recommend it? if you have the powerful pc and on the usual £6 offer? Absolutely.
Jul 13, 2020
Just finished TLOU2 woohoo!
I feels like a tremendous burden was off my chest since I was avoiding spoilers like a plegue.
Now I can read and participate in topics that are months old :(
Another game completed on the pc. This time it was xcom chimera squad! (TLDR: Good game, some balancing and plot issues, but recommended)

Played it on normal and just like the other xcom games, i thoroughly enjoyed it. Although it felt condensed/simplified to just a couple of room encounters, it was still cracking good fun. But i do have a couple gripes with the game. The first being the exp gain. Unless you're in the main city missions, characters get no exp. So this left me in a horrible situation in the mid/end game where rookies with no abilities join the team get sidelined doing research and low level spec ops unless i try to send them out to small encounters and hope they get some exp. If characters got some exp doing spec ops or at the work shop or just flat out additional training this wouldn't be a problem.

Speaking of getting sidelined, have more then one squad member that's a medic! Technical was the only medic in the game and i had no choice but to send her out to every mission because she was too damn useful (that infinite healing spray that can also grant armor works wonders). So she couldn't upgrade and i didn't put her through extensive training until the end until she got a couple of scars.

Another gripe (not really huge tbh) was the androids. You see, if a squad member is downed, you can cycle in a combat droid to replace that member for the duration of the mission. My issue is this: if the robot is already on standby in the APC, why can't i just deploy it along with the squad? Why does it sit in the storage? Ok some entries it probably can't do, but damn it, give those things purpose by allowing them to do some side stuff like offering firing support in a different zone or make them deploy a turn or 2 later to compensate.

The last one is probably the weak story. The ultimate big reveal wasn't really compelling and the mastermind "atlas" was a faceless goon. No plot twists or anything and there's very little resolution to the whole thing and left open ended to: "more xcom in the future! mystery Illuminati adversary still survives!". But i wouldn't complain if there was another chimera squad game.

Still, minor niggles aside, For 7.99 it was worth a go. Not the longest game, but if you liked the last 2 xcoms pick it up.

On the handheld front, last week i finished Sands of destruction on the DS. Overall it was ok, not particulary compelling stuff and i'm glad it was short. The constant backtracking and random encounters (like walking 10 steps before triggering another one) just irritated me. That said, the game was far too easy. Upgrade your flurry attacks so that they would chain together and stack massive combos only to end in a super ability made encounters a joke. The final boss didn't even get a chance to attack before i defeated it! Kept with the same 2 characters and just left it at that.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Command & Conquer 2 - Tiberian Sun GDI campaign. Gonna go through Nod and then onto Firestorm.
Good stuff—Firestorm adds a lot if I recall correctly.

I really need to do a replay of the C&C games, it's been a while! Fun campaigns.
I assume you know C&C1 & RA1 and the 3 expansions were recently remastered? I'm meandering thru them at the moment, enjoying it and the nostalgia.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
The Last Of Us 2.

Apart from BigFish reruns, the last PC game I finished was probably Firewatch. It's not spectacular, but has an atmosphere and is different—it's an adventure where you're watching for fires in the Wyoming forests, and your only companion is your boss on the other end of the radio. I'm glad I played it, I have no problem not finishing games which don't grab me.
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@Johnway I had a lot of fun with Chimera squad too. I have to say though that if you managed to level up all the characters equally by end game, many of the others skills are equally as useful as having heals. Cherubs shield is excellent for one, as well as Verges battle madness and puppeteer and particularly Zephyrs crowd control and Godmothers Scattershot! I guess I did max out armor as quickly as possible.

If anything for me the AOE attacks on Zephyr and Godmother were then ones I really missed if I didnt take them. I also didnt get too far into a second playthrough so I havent tried out Axiom and the other optional chars.

I played on normal too, and I barely used the Androids. I have to agree on the story, I only played it in June and I hardly remember it. At least I didnt actively hate it. Good game overall though!
@Kaamos_Llama yeah i suspect that they each were very powerful but again, by late game there simply wasn't enough time and was too risky to cycle them in. Well, at least at the cost of anarchy anyway. I generally kept on top of it so that it was at zero.

For the most part, my main go to team members was always claymore and godmother with techincal for support as they had the devastating firepower to really destroy enemies. Combine it with epic weapons that shred armor and it was my go to strategies. You just don't realize how much i missed using explosives so whenever i had the chance, plasma grenades were a must. Especially when they don't consume an action just to use them. So with Claymore i would just lob plasma grenades.

i didn't use cherub all that much tbh. Partly i didn't really use him properly, partly i was waiting for an epic pistol to maximize potential. i did use blueblood and i grudgingly cycled him into deployments as at least he could shoot twice in a row and was some use at the start even if he is a bit on the weak side. But combined with an epic pistol that gave him lighting hands (so a free shot) and he could do some serious damage especially with his crit chance and a superior stock for good measure. Not sure what he's was like maxed out, i did bring him to the final mission and he was worth using.

My only concern is that the more melee based characters weren't my cup of tea as the risk that the enemy would pick them off. Others i felt too risky to deploy or ddin't add much to my main strategy which is a shame as most of the aliens/hybrids i left out of my squad entirely.

My tune might change in the next playthrough though.
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It took me a few missions to get that Cherub should use his shield move to block others damage as much as possible. I used Zephyrs Crowd Control move a lot as it can hit multiple enemies in one turn. You can use Cherub to shield her from damage, Verge to stun, Shelter to delay or others moves I forget to otherwise disable, block or push back. Also Zephyr is capable of hitting and then running back to cover in between after every move late in the game.

I was just refreshing my memory and realized that Blueblood had the AOE phase lance that was also really powerful, I've probably forgotten other stuff too.

I decided from the start I would cycle in my weaker members as much as possible so that no one got too far left behind. IIRC in the first couple of investigations I didn't have too many problems with the missions for the most part so that definitely helped.

I'm sure there's a couple of ways to use each character and obviously you dont even get access to all chars in one playthrough. I sort of remember watching the Zero Punctuation video and Yahtzee mentioned he only used Axiom and Terminal to basically do everything. So I'm sure their are many ways you can go. Talking about ti I realize I actually really enjoyed the game, more than Xcom/2 to be honest because Ive always found the metagame in the new Xcoms to be a drag, probably because I suck at them :D

I feel another playthrough coming on, I have however just got into Wasteland 3 and I bought Control on Steam as well so it might be a while.

In other news I finished Prey (2017) a while ago, really enjoyed it, much more than Dishonored in fact. That might have as much to do with the setting and story which I personally found way more interesting than whale oil land. Gloo Gun 10/10. Didnt use any Typhon powers at all, so there's another I should play through again.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I recently finished Sanitarium (1998), a weird adventure game from DreamForge Intertainment/Dotemu. Got a good story, a couple of interesting characters, and a LOT of puzzles. There is definitely an order to the puzzles, but some of them were just too annoyingly confusing for me. Overall a decent game that will take you around 8 to an infinite amount of hours to complete depending on how good you are at solving puzzles.
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Jun 26, 2020
Since my last post in this thread I have...... beaten D:OS 2 about 5 more times. My last run, I got the last of all 97 achievements, making this one of the only two games I have ever 100%. The best part is I managed to one shot the final fight, skipping the kraken sequence entirely. My friend helped me teleport everyone into one spot and a single pyroclastic eruption killed everyone. Now to complete Pathfinder....


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Since my last post in this thread I have...... beaten D:OS 2 about 5 more times. My last run, I got the last of all 97 achievements, making this one of the only two games I have ever 100%. The best part is I managed to one shot the final fight, skipping the kraken sequence entirely. My friend helped me teleport everyone into one spot and a single pyroclastic eruption killed everyone. Now to complete Pathfinder....

That’s super impressive! I’m yet to be powerful enough to win the battles on Bloodmoon Island after all this time. I’m either going to have to go back to the mirror and respec my characters or turn the difficulty down. Recommendations?
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Jun 26, 2020
That’s super impressive! I’m yet to be powerful enough to win the battles on Bloodmoon Island after all this time. I’m either going to have to go back to the mirror and respec my characters or turn the difficulty down. Recommendations?

Bloodmoon Isle is tough, there's a lot of hard fights there including the Advocate, the possessed dwarf (I just skipped that fight in my honor mode run, it's just too unpredictable), and at the tree. It's hard to say, though, without knowing your build, if you're lone wolf, etc.

Pyroclastic Eruption is probably the strongest spell in the game, but you don't get that until level 16 so chances are you aren't there yet. It does require as much investment into int and geomancer as possible to get the most out of, and it works best if you stack enemies because it throws a giant ball of hurt at every enemy, so on stacked enemies it hits them all an equal amount of times. The only other spell that comes close to this IMO is thunderstorm, another level 16 source spell, but what that one lacks in damage it makes up for in crowd control.

But since that likely isn't an option for you yet, it's hard to give advice without knowing your setup.
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Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
Beat Red Dead Redemption 2 last night. Really great game but it took longer than I would have liked to complete it due to major technical issues the game was having. They’ve since fixed it with patches but it sure was frustrating having the aspect ratio bugged and the game failing to launch for weeks.
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
After about 60h I completed Wasteland 3.
I guess I was lucky - no crashes, no stats breaking bugs (altho I didn't really change my team), no broken quests etc. just some performance issues here and there.

Overall, I am happy with the game. I wouldn't call it a true Fallout 3, even if I want to, but at times it came really close to being it - and that's something's worthy of praise. What it lacked then? Well, I feel like the consequences weren't really that well....important. Yes they could change few things, but often it felt like not much actually changed outside of ending "slides". I hoped for a bit more in that regard, same as more dialogues with prominent characters and learning more about what they think, how they view the world etc.

Gotta say, music was actually pretty cool. Not my usual style, but they fell just right into the game and everytime I started hearing custom track I was already happy to prolong the fight a little bit more.
Speaking of fighting, turrets op. Animals op. Seriously it was damn hilarious watching as my random waste wolf was running across two full screens worth of space and still attacking like 5 times and often critting people in heavy armor for 400+ points of damage. Or abusing enemy AI which really loves targetting decoys and turrets instead of actual danger.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@OsaX Nymloth Congratulations:) In case you are playing with Xbox Game Pass, do you know where I can find my total time played?

So far (I think) I have 10 hours in the game and recently released Ironclad from the prison. I'm trying to get a feel for all sides, and right now they all seem pretty batshit crazy. So far the machine commune has been the most fascinating one, ESPECIALLY Little Sparrow. That fellow had me laughing out loud a couple of times (I was actually hoping for an achievement to pop up). Also being able to get laser-shooting eyes, heeeeeell yeah!

Music is amazing when it works properly. Sometimes it will bleed out in the dialogue, making it hard to hear anything. Some of the dialogue is well written (voice nop notch), though I'm not really getting to much feel for the main story, which is kind of typical with these games. Bugs, too many, unfortunately. Not game-breaking bugs, but enough for it be annoying. It should have had a couple of more month polishing. One thing I hate (this is not a bug though) is that you can't sneak up on enemies if there is a scripted scene where you have to listen to the enemies first say: "Hey, there is an enemy our there, let's attack". I can understand it being like this at boss battles, but it should have been toned down elsewhere. Combat wise the game is overall pretty good and being able to use special attacks and utilities is particularly fun.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
@Frindis Sorry, no idea! Was playing on Steam version (backed game on Fig, so using Game Pass doesn't really matter to me).

Ah Little Sparrow. Yes. It was....something. Totally didn't do anything weird there. Nope at all!
Speaking of factions, I have some issues with them but I will wait for that till more people finish the game and discuss it in Wasteland 3 thread. ;)

Speaking of W3 music, my fav was probably this one:

And somehow I heard it first time during credits. Later on Reddit I found out I just missed it by not going a specific route with one of the quests. Oh well, better later than never. Also that "Wash in the blood of the lamb" track is haunting me now.

And yeah it seems they ran out of budget and time - there are whole unused areas in the world and lot of things doesn't really lead to anything. But let's take that into the W3 topic. ;)

@RDBT_30 Breather you say? Don't breathe from THESE tanks if you know what I mean ;)
I will wait with second run for more patches to hit, in the meantime back to Pathfinder :D