The last game you completed

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PCG Jody

Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
I managed to push through Pathfinder: Kingmaker in 90 hours but, yeah, that ending was not worth all the extra effort. Somewhere around 60 hours I'd had enough and felt good about it, but instead of stopping there I kept going.

Anyway, the last game I finished was Donut County. Thank god for two-hour games. It was funny and delightful.
I got out of Pathfinder Kingmaker after 20 hours because life reasons and then getting Gamepass for free. I'm going to have to start again because I remember nothing. You guys just showed me what a mountain I have to climb. Guess I have to make myself look at my feet and keep walking at some point, because I was having fun there.

I finished Spec OPs: The Line a while ago, I found the story surprisingly good if the cover shooting was only O.K. It was short enough to not outstay its welcome.
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Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
I finished 2 games last week:

First I finished RDR2. I greatly enjoyed that game, but I did feel like the epilogue wasn't really necessary. It was good but it killed the atmosphere of the rest of the game for me.
After that I finished Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, which I really enjoyed even though I wouldn't consider that my type of game.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I loved that game, and is as far as I can recall, the only FMV game I can say that about.
It is just wonderful, from the excellent soundtrack, interesting and good voiced characters, an awesome story, eery location/atmosphere and for the most parts (except for that cuckoo clock and maze puzzle) some good puzzles. The only thing I missed was the ability to use more of the cassette recording/splicing. You basically use them for a single puzzle early in the game and that is about it. It makes you wonder why they implemented that mechanic in the first place.
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Finally its done! After 178 hours i've finished the witcher 3 GOTY edition. Ok, it would have been longer if i did all more of the achievements. Plus i didn't do any of the gwent objectives. wasn't my cup of tea and i didn't catch on.

Anyway, a fantastic game that i enjoyed from start to finish (except for gwent), probably the standard i'll would judge other open world games. What next? i'll probably need to play some indie games (to clear my backlog) and the play an FPS and then some sandbox game.

i really should try and play endless legend. i bought it 4 years ago and haven't played it...
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Oh, Endless Legend is a good one! Plus it doesn't have much story so it doesn't have to try and stand up to Witcher 3's.

I've been holding off on it. Its a x4 game so i know i'll be in for the long play. My problem is that i'm, not a huge Strategy player and i have to have a strong stomach to play it. Its a shame, i've heard good things and bought a fair few of the DLC and i'll probably play it once and throw it away. We'll see what it promises and go from there. One huge map or maybe scenarios might be a good option.

For now, i'm playing POE whilst i supplement it with another game. For some reason i downloaded Doki Doki literature club because of the overwhelming positive replies. Visual novels haven't been my thing. Played steins;gate and i was ultimately underwhelmed. Made me appreciate the anime, much much more. Didn't play the remaster with all the anime stuff spliced in though.
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Community Contributor
Just finished Yakuza Kiwami. Blah. Yakuza 0 was great - great story, great sidequests, lots of fun mini-games, and good variety with the two main characters. Yakuza 1, not so much.

The main story starts out great but then devolves. Instead of working out what's going on in the story, you just do what are essentially mandatory side quests until the game has somebody sit you down and tell you everything that happened. The actual side quests are also several steps down from 0's zany fun. The mini-games took a hit, too - don't look for any old SEGA arcade games to play. Though at least the bowling is still there.

Still, if you compare the game to the average game, it isn't bad. The fighting is still mostly fun. While I would put Yakuza 0 in the mid-90's, Kiwami is probably closer to 70.
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Just finished Yakuza Kiwami. Blah. Yakuza 0 was great - great story, great sidequests, lots of fun mini-games, and good variety with the two main characters. Yakuza 1, not so much.

The main story starts out great but then devolves. Instead of working out what's going on in the story, you just do what are essentially mandatory side quests until the game has somebody sit you down and tell you everything that happened. The actual side quests are also several steps down from 0's zany fun. The mini-games took a hit, too - don't look for any old SEGA arcade games to play. Though at least the bowling is still there.

Still, if you compare the game to the average game, it isn't bad. The fighting is still mostly fun. While I would put Yakuza 0 in the mid-90's, Kiwami is probably closer to 70.

i played the original yakzua on a ps2 emulator and it was ok, did they improve the driving section near the end? That part was harrowing even with save states.


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I was able to beat it the second time using my controller on normal difficulty. Didn't seem too bad once I got the hang of ducking back in the car when the baddies were about to shoot.

Yakuza 0 had the same sort of mini-game in the story. I had a harder time with that one.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Just completed Observer. Not big fan of horror titles, but it wasn't scary - but audio design and some of the visuals they managed to pull of was impressive. And I got quite interested in the world, I think I would prefer a bit more exploration than "monster patrolling area, sneak by it somehow" segments. I am not even sure I got all the story there was, as the presentation was made in such a way even to the very last scene I was getting new pieces to the puzzle.

Quite good game all in all. And whoever is designing some of THAT stuff....seriously, you gotta be insane ;)
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I finished Hellbarde the doom 2 wad and ok, it wasn't like the high caliber stuff from other well known modders, but the game did leave me relieved it was over. i have no shame in saying i used jump and crouch far more then needed on the last level just to get around some of the traps. The last few maps were pretty brutal mainly because of all the custom hexen monsters that just tore you apart in seconds. They get introduced as end level bosses standing between you and the exit and its BS some of their attacks.
Well another game finished, this time it was doki doki literature club. TLDR: I liked it.

Visual novels aren't my thing tbh, spending so much time reading with very little impact but this one left a really good impression. i did know that it wasn't completely on the level and the first round is an absolute slog, but damn that sudden plot twist certainly shocked and intrigued me enough to keep playing. it didn't disappoint as it just got better and better as the game started to break and increasingly disturbing how the game/story just fell apart and started to even break the 4th wall. A bitter sweet ending and probably good for one playthrough (there is a golden ending i suspect). For those who likes visual novels, yeah, certainly recommended.

Now that i've seen enough innocent bloodshed, its time for me to do shed some blood of my own (or rather my enemies blood). Time to play dusk!
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Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
I now finished Yakuza 0 a few days ago. I feel like it may be underrated, I enjoyed it alot and imo it might be better than GTA. Areas feel much more alife.

Sometimes the fighting got a bit boring though, but the story and especially the substories really made up for that (10/10 would go to a telephone club again to see Kiryu answering a phone).
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Mar 9, 2020
Well. I just spent the last six hours playing Universal Paperclips, so that's my weekend gone. I don't normally play clickers but this game not QUITE being a clicker was enough to get me hooked I think. The twists and additional mechanics came at just the right time to hold my attention and keep me going.


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