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Jan 13, 2020

Been on my playlist for ages, finally got around to it and loved it, I had no idea what it was all about until the last 5 mins and.... :anguished:

Wonderful, emotive soundtrack as well.

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Jan 13, 2020
A few days ago, I finished Grand Theft Auto III on PC for the second time in 18 or so years. Wow, it was a lot shorter than I remember. Some frustrating missions too. The last zone in the game, Shoreside Vale, hardly gets any missions. It actually feels unfinished in that regard.

Way too many timed quests and missions, some in a row too. Not being able to turn the camera while in a vehicle is a slight annoying.

Onto Vice City and with the 'Fix Patch' someone made, it actually looks much better than I remember, and the widescreen fix is a plus.

Also, finished Deus Ex Revision last night for the first time. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Though, if you count Revision, this is my 5th Deus Ex playthrough since 2000. Some of those sniper shots when the guards are in the tower are one hit wonders, so -save game often- is key. Sometimes I'll be playing for 20 minutes then forget to save, round a corner, BOOM, dead.

I kept the music as Classic, not the Revision version. You don't change Deus Ex's music, that is a no no.

This time, and for the first time, I made use of the Aqualung Augmentation, exploring as much underwater areas as possible. I kept the GEP Gun on me the entire game, and funny enough, never ran out of ammo. It's perfect for those Spider bots and Mechs when you just don't feel like hunting down a computer terminal to hack and turn the bots off.

Gonna need someone to overhaul the interface for Deus Ex Invisible War, I want to play that game again now.
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Feb 6, 2020
I play a lot of multiplayer and survival games, and most of these games don't really have an ending...same with Football Manager. In terms of actual games that have a defined ending, it was probably The Outer Limits, which I had a ton of fun playing through.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Elderborn, finished last night after dealing with last boss for couple of hours and getting my ass handed to me repeatedly. Still an enjoyable experience if somebody wishes for that Dark Souls + Dark Messiah of Might & Magic vibes.


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BattleTech. Again. This time I played through career mode with all DLC. They've got that up to the point now where it is fun though I would definitely stick to the campaign for your first time through the game. I think they've got some balance issues with Heavy Metal (the UAC/20++ can core anything that isn't an assault all by itself and the black market has lots of them) but there's a patch coming soon that might help there.

The game itself is great, IMHO. It's got the turn-based fighting similar to XCOM but it also has the ability to tinker with `mech loadouts, which is really great fun as well. I would even page through people's screenshots on Steam just looking at their `mech builds. It is rather slow to load so install on your SSD if you can.
BattleTech. Again. This time I played through career mode with all DLC. They've got that up to the point now where it is fun though I would definitely stick to the campaign for your first time through the game. I think they've got some balance issues with Heavy Metal (the UAC/20++ can core anything that isn't an assault all by itself and the black market has lots of them) but there's a patch coming soon that might help there.

The game itself is great, IMHO. It's got the turn-based fighting similar to XCOM but it also has the ability to tinker with `mech loadouts, which is really great fun as well. I would even page through people's screenshots on Steam just looking at their `mech builds. It is rather slow to load so install on your SSD if you can.

I played through the campaign which took me 60 hours with a lot of enjoyable faffing about. Loved it, bought the DLCs afterwards as they were on sale. I'm definitely going to play more, although it was a little easy once I got a full lance of assault mechs.

Relevant to thread I finished A Plague Tale Innocence on Gamepass, it was decent. A very pretty game with a good soundtrack and good enough story to pull me through the limited gameplay. A play through once game for me.
Jan 22, 2020
Finished a playthrough of Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 recently, haven't played it since I was a teenager but I remembered it all pretty well so it was very rewarding to go back and steamroll everything with a minimal party for maximum xp.

Has me itching for BG3, or something similar. Haven't been near any of the new crop of isometric cRPGs but Pillars and Pathfinder are both tempting me. Then again, I've also never played Icewind Dale...
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@Mazer Well done, those games take time to finish!:) Pillars of Eternity 1/2 are recommended. Never played Icewind Dale, but a friend of mine had it as his favorite RPG game of all time. The first one got an enhanced edition.
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Finished Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire! The ending was very surprising for me and the game in overall was great. It's one of the best RPGs ever made. If the setting discourages you from playing it, you're making a mistake. I don't like pirate themes too much and I enjoyed the game greatly. If you like classic, isometric RPGs, you must play it! I'll certainly want to do a second playthrough of the both PoE games in the future. They're well worth it.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Finished a playthrough of Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 recently, haven't played it since I was a teenager but I remembered it all pretty well so it was very rewarding to go back and steamroll everything with a minimal party for maximum xp.

Has me itching for BG3, or something similar. Haven't been near any of the new crop of isometric cRPGs but Pillars and Pathfinder are both tempting me. Then again, I've also never played Icewind Dale...
Ah yes, the Infinity Engine games. I come back to them every year or two and always have fun with them. Last late summer and autumn spent doing solo runs in Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale (solo, heart of fury, 1lvl). I may remember every quest and branch of dialogues, but damn, these games still are great.

As for something similiar, I would say Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pillars of Eternity are your best bet. Icewind Dale is great in it's own terms, but it's not a "fully grown" cRPG as BG. Story is nice for action RPG, combat is satisfying, setting is really cool (pun intended) and backgrounds are at times just mesmerizing. But there's no side quests, not much dialogues and other "typical cRPG stuff" you may expect in the genre. If that doesn't put you off, then by all means, go for it!
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Jan 22, 2020
Icewind Dale is great in it's own terms, but it's not a "fully grown" cRPG as BG

That's been my understanding, and it's kept me away from those games for years. On the other hand I'm also very curious about how well they managed to integrate 3e rules into the infinity engine for IWD2. I've played even more NWN than BG over the years so I'm much more comfortable with that ruleset, even with the AC vs BAB arms race it becomes in later levels.

I just love how OP clerics are in 3rd edition, does that carry over to IWD2?

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
That's been my understanding, and it's kept me away from those games for years. On the other hand I'm also very curious about how well they managed to integrate 3e rules into the infinity engine for IWD2. I've played even more NWN than BG over the years so I'm much more comfortable with that ruleset, even with the AC vs BAB arms race it becomes in later levels.

I just love how OP clerics are in 3rd edition, does that carry over to IWD2?

Well, you will have to take a gander yourself. It's a bit different implementation than what NWN did. Never tried running a cleric, but with solo runs a multiclass of anything + cleric is quite viable. And in Icewind Dale in Heart of Fury mode, going with anything else than cleric multiclass is ultra hardcore challenge.

That reminds me, I never completed my solo run in IWD2. Last time I tried years ago I got stopped by some damn dragon. Can't remember what class I was running tho.

Damn shame we will probably never get IWD2 Enhanced Edition.
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Just finished Dex - ending was a bit of a sludge, not gonna lie. Nice cyberpunk world, some potential philosophy-ish dialogues and questions here and there, kinda pleasant to the eye and ear as well. But the combat, ugh, the combat. Last few hours I literally just ran past everybody because I couldn't be bothered to fight them anymore and I had so much healing items that I could heal if necessary anyway. Solid 6/10 I guess, had good moments when I was curious if something is real or not, but the combat really made me wish I could totally skip it.
Jan 13, 2020
Completed Deus Ex 2: Invisible War for the first time since release days, a few weeks ago, a much better game than I remember, but yeah they would have done better to stick to the original Unreal Engine instead of the tiny levels we got with the half-baked usage of Unreal Engine 2. (nothing wrong with Unreal Engine 2, we know full well that levels can be massive with it, just not in this game for some reason.)

Just finished Deus Ex Human Revolution & The Missing Link DLC (not Director's Cut) for the first time since my original playthrough in 2011. I explored as much as possible this time and did every side quest--fantastic game. The yellow color filter is nice, but a little too wild. I heard Director's Cut toned that down a bit, I'll definitely check that out when I do my third playthrough maybe ten years from now.

Immediately playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided right after gives me color shock as suddenly there is no yellow filter at all, which is freaky. The UI seems a little downgraded from Human Revolution but maybe I just need to get used to it again.

And now I'm sad cause after I finish Mankind Divided, there's no more Deus Ex until someone releases another one. It's a lore rich universe, unfortunately Invisible War kind of -ends- things, so they are stuck doing prequels.
Add another Doom 2 wad to the finished list. lost civilizations ( a cacoaward 2019 winner) was an absolute joy to play. The last fight was a bit easy for the most part. Spawning 5 or 6 cyber demons at the start of the fight and made them infight each other away to oblivon.
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Just finished Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I played almost the whole thing using the wonderful turn based mod but that did inflate my hours played a bit. OK, more like a megabit. It took me 283 hours to get through the whole thing in challenging mode.

There's a lot to like about the game:
  • HUGE variety of characters
  • Large variety of skills
  • Works well in turn based mode
  • Exploration of your kingdom is pretty fun
  • Good voice acting
  • Setting up your towns is fun at first
  • Finally, owlbears get their day in the sun! ;)
There's plenty to not like, too:
  • The pathfinding, ironically enough, has some real issues
  • While managing your kingdom is fun at first, it turns into real tedium eventually. Put your advisors on the events (problems first), train one of the people with nothing to do. Repeat until you get near Hill Day.
  • Some of the game mechanics aren't easy to figure out and, when you do, aren't very easy to apply. For instance, the idea that same-source buffs don't stack. For instance, if your helmet adds +2 AC deflection bonus and your belt adds +1 AC luck bonus, you get +3 AC. If they are both deflection bonuses, though, you only get the highest. Sounds great on paper but there are a lot of different sources. Multiply by 6+ characters and then by 10 slots for magic items and you've got way more than you can track. You've got to hover over your stats to figure out what's going on with anyone.
  • It has what has to be the worst ending I've ever played. It wasn't a terrible boss. It wasn't a terrible end to the story (well, not the main story). What was bad, was that I was constantly getting myself ready for a final battle, only to find one more quest! I got into the "final" castle, ready for a fight, and found I needed to get three keys to get to the last room - and finding that last key was NOT easy. So I get the keys and charge into the final boss battle! But it wasn't - now my kingdom is getting destroyed by shades of my past enemies and I have to go vanquish them. I do that and pick up lots of allies to help me take back my capital. Finally we march into the capital for the final battle! But it wasn't - my armies were scattered all over the map and I had to fight my way through many enemies to get back to my own castle. Then I went in and finally confronted the final boss! By that time I was completely sick of it all.
  • Like so many games, the music was good at first but there wasn't nearly enough of it so the repetition got really bothersome. I had to turn down the music less than half way through the game.
  • Many many many re-used assets. You'll see the same maps several times over. They needed at least three times as many spell icons as they had, too.
  • Standard isometric issues. There's a mod to let you turn the camera, thank goodness, but you'll still get people killed by accidentally clicking next to a large enemy instead of on it.
I would advise against the DLC. There's FAR more than enough content in the base game.

All in all, I would give the game a 7 out of 10. If you really like these kind of games, you'll have enough fun playing with all the character possibilities to make it worth it. If you're only so-so with isometrics, though, best spend your time somewhere else.

And now I'm sad cause after I finish Mankind Divided, there's no more Deus Ex until someone releases another one. It's a lore rich universe, unfortunately Invisible War kind of -ends- things, so they are stuck doing prequels.
One of the fun things, at least in the first game, was all the conspiracy theories come to life. I would love to see more of that. Illuminati Trilogy: The Game?

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
@Zloth I need to get back to Pathfinder. I have over 150h but still haven't finished because one of the Bald Hill fights made me retry so many times I kinda rage quitted. And now after being "off" from the game for few months.... I may just as well start anew.


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