The last game you completed

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May 1, 2023
Resident Evil Village was the last play through I completed, a few weeks ago. I have not got all the achievements yet, still working on that. The game runs and looks sweet. Village is fun stuff. My first Res Evil game was RE5 but when go to fire your weapon it locks you in place. I do not like that. This game Village and Res7 lets you move while firing your weapons, so much better imo.

I like the darker shots and contrast like this. My new system in 4K goodness makes me happy. I built this system over the 2022 Holidays and bought Doom Eternal, Guardians of the Galaxy, Resident Evil Biohazard 7 and Village, God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, Control, Chernobylite, Terminator Resistance, Middle-earth Shadow of War, Deep Rock Galactic, Shenmue I & II. Had to go back and check what I bought over the holidays- I play so much- have so many games they all kind of run together sometimes.

I actually bought 3 more games and returned them for refund. The Division- if change res and to full screen would freeze up. Remoteness- was just poor running, terrible optimization. Remnant from the ashes- I did not care for it. Said out 2019 looked like 2000 and character did not speak though it had speech dialogs with other bots. It ran fine. I felt it was not worth what I paid. Sorry, I had to edit my post.

Doom Eternal, Control, Red Dead 2, Chernobylite and Middle-earth Shadow of War, Deep Rock Galactic are the ones started, but I have not completed. Shenmue I & II, I have not started yet, well, lots more actually. Both Doom and Control have me stuck in a place thats hard to beat or get past, but I will. :)


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2X Crucial P5 Plus 2TB- CT2000P5PSSD8.. MSI MPG A850G PSU.. W11 Home..
Thermalright LGA1700 CPU Anti Bending Pressure Plate..
Cooler Master Universal VGA Graphics Card Holder..
Gigabyte 4070Ti- GV-N407TGAMING OC-12GD..
CORSAIR Vengeance- CMK32GX5M2B5600C36..
2Port USB2.0 Rear Panel Expansion Bracket..
ULANSeN 2.5Gb Lan- B08V1HG47H..
Thermaltake Core V71 Case..
Gigabyte M32U 4K 32"..
Klipsch Promedia 2.1..
Arctic MX-6..
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Another game completed. This time it was hypnospace outlaw TDLR: This puzzle game will entice a particular niche player, but for most players this game will get boring very quickly.

So what is Hypnospace outlaw? its essentially a puzzle game, where you're given a task that involves patience, lateral thinking and going over websites constantly to solve problems. Sometimes its follow a breadcrumb trail of information, sometimes its obtaining illegal software to proceed further.

The year is 1999 and the new year is just months away. Play as a volunteer enforcer (AKA a mod) for the new hypnospace service (think accessing the internet when you're sleeping and/or accessing the internet using visors etc). Starts off innocently enough, you given a task and expected to surf the hypnospace to find problematic content, report it and get cash for it. Things quickly escalate from there. Start dealing with problematic trolls and stubborn users till eventually you're dealing with hackers and become investigator for the Hypnospace Archive team to uncover the truth of disaterious events that took place on new years day.

First impressions were good. The game scratched a particular itch - A fleshed out world i can explore, voyeurism and retro nostalgia. I was having a great time reading various strange articles and pouring over the simple content and understanding the story and world in general. For the most part the game maintains this as new sections are added and older pages are added. There were some pretty nifty parts like acquiring various software or discovering key information to solve a case. Searching for illegal content in hynospace is some of the more rewarding side of things as it offers a cheaper alternate solution to progression. Plus you get your hands on some of the more private content of some of the users.

The story is something you have to piece together yourself. When you play in newgame+ with your waybackmachine powers, you can eventually start understanding what was happening behind the scenes with various hackers getting increasingly concerned of merchantsoft's work and eventually uncover the truth of events. That said you probably won't connect the dots until the very end when it all falls into place.

The problems begin when you have to go through everything with a fine tooth comb and key information is hidden in plain sight if you know where to look for it. The problem i found was that i had most or sometimes all the pieces but never realized or made the connections. Sometimes i did make the connections but due to limitations i was tearing my hair out.

The limitations of the hynospace OS certainly didn't do the game any favours. if you're working on one screen you'll quickly realize that it will get cluttered very very quickly as you have multiple apps open at once and it becomes a slog. Other times page loading is (intentionally) slow, pop ups appear and managing files downloaded is a real chore. Not to mention when you're getting impatient the websites and music tracks start to irratate...

I suppose you could say that hypnospace outlaw plays similar to immemoriam and evidence the last ritual where you surf the actual internet to discover clues to solving puzzles ingame. The problem with those games was rather then getting breadcrumb trails to clues, the top result was frequently the walkthrough for the game.... But at the very least there was more to do in them compared to HSO. Your only entertainment is solving the cases and trying to break the system. Frequently it feels like work and that's boring.

i should point out that this game is very much a passion project. The whole thing is just made to invoke the 90s era of internet from the webpage design, interfaces etc. There are hundreds of website pages, mod support and is filled with lots of content. Most of it is music, customizing hynospace OS and pets etc. That's something i have a lot of respect for. The music especially is pretty good in places as these strange catchy tunes that adds a lot to the viewing experience even if they are irritating sometimes.

If you want to listen to some of it see here:

So where does it leave it? i'm not sure whether i liked it or not tbh. Sure it sated my particular cravings from a game, but not going to lie it was a slog to play and i had to look at walkthroughs to get some of it. infuriatingly, i was literally sitting on the solution. I had download the files, bought the various software to proceed and even touched on the pages with the answers but still struggled. I suppose the best way to say is "i liked the game, but i wouldn't recommend it to people" and even then i'm not sure if i believe that.
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Alright, I slogged through Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree and defeated Malenia, so I think my work with Elden Ring is complete until the DLC comes out.

One other game I completed was the Dead Space remake. Such a great game, was thrilled to play it in its updated format. Thank god it delivered on its promise of updating a timeless classic.
That whole area is a complete sonofabitch to get through. I took a sneaky shortcut through half of it because I just wanted to fight Malenia and get out.
its been a long time coming but its finally done, i've finished the legend of zelda the ocarina of time 3d. The remastered 3ds version of the game released all the way back on the n64 (1998?). I'll admit that if i was offered that game (excluding the top graphics obviously) i would have been super impressed and understand why its so loved. But without nostalgia, what do we have?

My biggest gripe is whilst the game is playable, the game is pretty vacant and bland in places. The game world isn't big but not going to lie travelling around on foot can still be slog. More so before you get the ocarina summons. Whilst there are various mini games and things you an do, it still feels hollow most is to get more hearts, upgrades and/or rupees. by the end of the game i was just drowning in money and with little to nothing to spend it on. The game mechanics are ok and makes the most of the limitations, but its still very clunky in places. The lock on system especially drove me nuts as i could lock camera and move in combat mode but not lock onto a target. So there's delays and issues when i'm trying to shoot something. The auto jumping also screwed me over in places.

its not a horrible game and its a product of its time and i can see why its a classic back in the day. its full of clever ideas and its a pretty good first 3d zelda game. But without nostalgia i found it was ok, it bounces around 6/10 or 7/10.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
its been a long time coming but its finally done, i've finished the legend of zelda the ocarina of time 3d. The remastered 3ds version of the game released all the way back on the n64 (1998?). I'll admit that if i was offered that game (excluding the top graphics obviously) i would have been super impressed and understand why its so loved. But without nostalgia, what do we have?

My biggest gripe is whilst the game is playable, the game is pretty vacant and bland in places. The game world isn't big but not going to lie travelling around on foot can still be slog. More so before you get the ocarina summons. Whilst there are various mini games and things you an do, it still feels hollow most is to get more hearts, upgrades and/or rupees. by the end of the game i was just drowning in money and with little to nothing to spend it on. The game mechanics are ok and makes the most of the limitations, but its still very clunky in places. The lock on system especially drove me nuts as i could lock camera and move in combat mode but not lock onto a target. So there's delays and issues when i'm trying to shoot something. The auto jumping also screwed me over in places.

its not a horrible game and its a product of its time and i can see why its a classic back in the day. its full of clever ideas and its a pretty good first 3d zelda game. But without nostalgia i found it was ok, it bounces around 6/10 or 7/10.
Wow, congrats on finishing it! Absolutely it is dated, however because of the nostalgia factor it will always have a place in my top games of all time list (#50 out of 100 currently). I fired up the old N64 not too long ago and the water temple was just as frustrating as I remember!
Wow, congrats on finishing it! Absolutely it is dated, however because of the nostalgia factor it will always have a place in my top games of all time list (#50 out of 100 currently). I fired up the old N64 not too long ago and the water temple was just as frustrating as I remember!

yeah the water temple/dungeon caused problems. i think the problem was trying to find the last small key to progress. Part of the problem with the game it likes to throw some curve balls when it comes to level design and it just something that i didn't realize for a while. Not going to lie, i was losing patience with the game and just got the walkthrough to discover i had to flood the chamber to its highest point to get the key and also blow up a secret wall to progress. The boss itself was a tedious slog as well. Wasn't difficult, just took far too many hits to fell.

The forest temple also drove me nuts as i couldn't work out where i was going, oh and getting my ass handed to me by those skeletons at times made me rage quit several times. The problem is that there just wasn't enough health from those damn pots. Lets not forget the ice cave you had to collect the cold flames to melt the red ice. The only way to collect it? using jars! don't have enough jars? guess you'll be dumping your health potions or whatever useful content you had in them!

But nothing compares to the useless trash that was the hover boots. Those things are the absolute worst. it wouldn't be so bad if it gave you a bit more time or allowed you to walk in the air after jumping. Far too unpredictable/awful for my liking.


Community Contributor
I have retired, undefeated, from Super Mega Baseball 3. Technically there's no end to the game, of course, but after 542 hours and no losses, I've decided to hang up my cleats until Super Mega Baseball 4 comes out in June. Sadly this will be the last game in the series because there's no way EA doesn't close them down because Andrew Wilson just doesn't give a damn about good games that don't sell millions of copies and aren't filled with microtransactions.

PCG Dash

Staff member
Apr 7, 2023
Just finished The Mageseeker: A League Of Legends Story. It was a fun time overall, but could have really benefitted from a few more map and enemy types - there was so much repetition both visually and in terms of encounter design that it started to become a little grating by the end. Still, worth a look if you're interested in the wider League universe.
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Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator

A pleasant chill game where you use a hosepipe machine to remove mud piles and restore nature. It has around 20 levels but once you have upgraded your tools they don't take very long to complete.

It was around £5 when I bought it but £7.19 right now. If you liked Power wash simulator this is a much simpler game to that. It would probably make an ideal game for young kids.
Just adding a whole load of Doom 2 wads to the completion list. Seems like i played a whole load of smaller collection of maps.

The first was mapping at warpspeed - you play as an alien as you fend off the demonic forces that invade it. It uses Skillsaws ancient aliens textures and assets so expect similar results and effects. Not that is a bad thing as Anicent Aliens had a whole load of special effects. its every bit as tongue in cheek as ancient aliens and its just as challenging at times. Certainly harder then most wads i've played. Maps wise they're of a decent quality except one or 2 lazy throw away maps.

Plutonian sunrise, a Doomer boards project. its ok, nothing stands out as good or bad and thats fine. Wasn't long, certainly wasn't a full megawad.

next up tetanus - the maps give off a tropical, oil rig feel to things. Another challenging mapset, this one at times verged on dickish design though. The maps here frequently love to create ambushes, that is cut off your escape route with teleporting enemies or other strategies to herd players into a deathtraps or into the open. Other times its just unit composition as they love just throwing pain elementals or archivles in packs and not got the proper equipment to deal with it quickly. Those expecting a BFG9000 in those situations are sorely disappointed, apart from a secret, players are expected to beat the maps without one. Not going to lie, some parts made me grit my teeth in frustration. maybe because it was only 9 or 10 maps long and yes, the modders probably knew their game/community enough to make things challegning.

Moved onto breakpoint - a Doom 2 wad that uses evilernity texture sets and whole load of wads changing up the weapons and enemies. Honestly a breath of fresh air as it was fun, well made and maps were thematically nice if you like industrial sci, alien temples/bases. Bonus points for the last level as well. Not an icon of sin battle and was well made. The arena fight does get bogged down to just you running around the edges of the arena as getting close is suicide. But yeah, liked the last level thematically. A thumbs up for me and a recommendation . My only critisim? More. i want More! there needs to be a megawad of this good stuff.

finally... batman a Doom 2 TC wad. Apparently considered one of the top 100 wads of all time. Frankly its aged terribly even if its 24 years old (was made between 1997 -1999). Ok, the new sprites are nice and all, but the map design was weak, bland and at times confusing. hit a switch and you have no idea what it opens and often i found myself noclipping to find the answer. Doesn't help that there was a bug where as soon as you beat the joker the game craps out. The weapons themselves were pretty dire as well, the smoke bombs and flamethrower were notably rubbish and ineffective. Whilst i would like to forgive its short comings for being pre 2000 mod, still doesn't excuse it tbh.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
80 Days GOG 82% | Steam 92% | PCG Review 91% | Metacritic 84%

100MB download, and it should run on a turnip with a battery in it.
I got this 3½ years ago on GOG. Steam says it's Win XP+, and GOG says all the way to Win11. Ran fine on my Win10 with i7-7 and GTX 1060, fullscreen and Alt-Tab were fine.

I didn't expect to win first time, so woohoo!

Overall Impression

It's gone in my replay list—that's the inner sanctum at my royal court—and I've wishlisted the devs other similar games Overboard! and Heaven's Vault. Yep, it's that good.

Should have huge replay value, at least 4-5 times with significantly different experiences.

What is it?

A branching text adventure with mostly still graphics. Excellent writing, and I like the art style. A riff on Jules Verne's classic novel, you have to plan and follow a route to take you around the world in 80 days.

There are loads of funky transport options—I got a spin in/on a giant bird with an exoskeleton, and the starting train trip from London to Paris went under the water! This may not sound too exciting, but there's something compelling about it all—a charm, a sense of adventure, a 'one more turn' feeling of adventure.


You arrive in a city, and have up to 5 choices:
♣ Trade in the Market
♦ Explore
♥ Plan next step in journey
♠ Spend night in a Hotel
♣ Visit the Bank
I ignored the bank, because I never ran out of money. I started with £4,000, built it up to ~£22K around ½-⅔ of the way, and had ~£2,300 at the end.

♣ Trade is important as it builds up your funds, which allows you to purchase expensive passage—eg airship—to save time, and to negotiate faster passage eg reduce a default 3-day trip to 2 days. Each item will tell you if and where you can sell it for a profit—you want to hit ~5 of the big-ticket items which nett £4-7K profit.

♦ Explore is usually [always?] wise as it opens up routes on your world map. Especially so if you haven't bought a local map in one of the markets—only some have them. You'll get chances to interact with local NPCs in most cities, which may reveal more routes.

♥ Plan once you have the most nearby routes revealed on the map. You'll usually aim to make journey progress asap, but also to head for destination cities where some of your inventory is valuable. Transport leaves at various times during the day, so you won't want to miss departure.

That's the bones of it. Can you beat my 79 days?
Quickly throwing this one into the completed list. Another Doom 2 wad, the Austrian Avivan Association (AAA).

AAA casts you in the role of Maria Katarina "Trina" Berger, the doctor-herbalist Schnabelperchten (mythical birdwoman of pagan lore). Having woken up from her winter hibernation, the village she looks after has gone to hell and demonic bone like monsters have taken over the valley possessing the dead, the locals and other monsters. So its up to Maria to go clean the mess up.

Spanning 9 levels, players will travel through villages ,ports castles and eventually underground caves to face off against the Der Knochenhundkaiserin. A pretty well designed wad i say. A lot of assets/textures pulled from various mods and games to make an entertaining TC of sorts with new weapons and monsters. A bit tough in places thanks to hit scanners doing serious damage and some of the monsters themselves being pretty nasty. The revanant that shoots lost souls that explode being a real stand out example. But on the flip side, once you get the maxim gun, the whole thing becomes very easy as the plentiful ammo and high damage of that weapon makes mince meat out of pretty much everything. if that isn't enough, the flame thrower or those magic gauntlets will.

Not the longest wad, majority of it is good. i did encounter a few bugs where certain switches/doors wouldn't work and had to noclip through them to progress. Lore wise, most of it is coming from the text file sadly. But that too is well written and adds charm to the whole thing and makes you appreciate AAA that much more.
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ok some more games added to the list of completed. lets start with Rise of the tomb raider. Sequel to the reboot of tomb raider, it sees lara taking up her father's work to discover a possible source of immortality that takes her eventually to the lost city o kitszh. The game is a mix between linear/open world game, Whilst mostly linear, there is some back tracking and optional side missions/vaults etc.

initially it was quite impressive, graphically visually fantastic. the initial ice climb is exciting and is a good introduction to the game. whilst gameplay is competent, it feels a bit light on content. Sure, the combat is fun when its there, its not quite an exciting shooting gallery as it filled with puzzles etc that breaks up the excitement. The other problem was often i would find it difficult to navigate and other times fail to make certain jumps. its not as intuitive as i liked, especially when i backtracked earlier areas to unlock stuff, ultimately i wasn't successful collecting everything as i couldn't find a way back as often its just collapsed and inaccessible. Secondly certain challenges etc aren't there so you don't realize until you accidentally trigger them or shoot them out of curiosity.

There were other times that there were technical issues like making certain jumps lara would grab on and then just fall off. Another time i glitched through a wall and died.

besides playing the main story you do have some other stuff to do. Namely playing through timeattack/score attack of the chapters again. But whether you want to, will depend how much you want to play the game again... Me? i beat the main story and frankly wasn't interested playing the story again for a score no one cares for. There is a coop option for something called endurance mode, but since no one plays COOP its pointless.

Then theres an additional section in the world map baba yaga: the temple of the witch which adds an additional section to the main story. Not exactly the longest thing to play, but its an additional slice of exploring and action if you want it.

The final piece of content is Blood ties - where lara raids a tomb closer to home. Literally. Lara explores the croft manor and gives plays the opportunity to catch up on some backstory on lara's past, family, the tragic events with her mother and a tour of the house. Not exactly stressful but interesting to play for an hour or so to round off the lore.

Considering how cheap you can buy the rise of the tomb raider these days its worth a look for the content, but its nothing essential to play. i would say 7/10 feels about right for me.


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