This thread is for general Retro FPS discussion. Let’s talk classic shooters, the new wave of retro inspired FPSs, mods, and all things related.
I played Pirate Doom next which is partly a DOOM recreation of Monkey Island. You blast through Melee Island with flintlock pistons, a portable cannon, boomsticks and cutlasses. The level design is simply fantastic, the enemies all have slight pirate themed reskins, and the music is mostly straight out of Monkey Island so you know it’s good. Almost done with its 16 level campaign and it’s got some really unique mechanics I’ve not seen in vanilla DOOM.
I then hopped around a bunch of random mods including Eviternity 1. Eviternity is considered one of the greatest DOOM mods for its boundary-pushing level design and mechanics and intense difficulty. The way the levels are designed is absolutely mind blowing, and is really a culmination of what the modding community can achieve with a 30 year old engine. Some of the levels look straight out of a N64 game in the best way possible. They are so detailed, intricate and beautiful at times. It’s so hard even on the easiest difficulty, so I jumped to the last chapter to check it out which is supposed to be Heaven themed, and boy is it heavenly. I did not know a DOOM map could be this beautiful. I’ll post two videos below, one showing the level, and one showing a track from the mod that has become one of my all time favorite video game songs. Overall, DOOM mods are amazing, and I’m glad I’m finally checking some out after hearing about them for years.
I’ll also throw out an off the wall recommendation, Hocus Pocus Doom. It’s a total conversation like Pirate Doom with unique weapons and textures. It’s very lighthearted as far as Doom goes, with its bright colors and silly style. It’s like Doom for kids but that’s why it was so interesting to me. You play as a wizard with an electric spell and need to collect all the jewels in each level, all of which are very bright, colorful, and evokes classic wizard imagery like huge mushrooms and gorgeous green groves. I had a lot more fun with Hocus Pocus than I expected to, I think the fact that it’s so different from all other Doom mods is exactly the reason why I played it so much.
I could go on and on for days as to which doom wads i've been playing and which to recommend. if i can remember them all,
But you have done so… and I'm about to blow your cover!
Go to The last game you completed thread, put Doom in the search up top, 'This thread' for location, and Johnway in the Member box, click Search.
Looks like 18 posts at the moment
There's nothing so far in the Member Game Reviews 2023 thread.
It all started with me wanting to play some Christmas games but wasn’t sure what to play. I vaguely remembered there was a Christmas DOOM mod, so I learned how to get GZDoom set up to play custom WADs. I booted up the Christmas mod and was a bit disappointed that it was just a reskin of the original game, no custom levels or anything. It replaced your melee with a giant candy cane which is amusing for all of 5 minutes. So I went into a deep dive of the best DOOM mods available and boy what a treat it was.
This looks a lot better than the one I played. It was just a barebones reskin of the original game but this has custom maps which is exactly what I was looking for on Christmas night. It’s never too late to play Christmas gamesSpeaking of christmas doom wads there are currently 2 that spring to mind:
[idgames] A War On Christmas - 12 Map Christmas Themed Adventure! [cl2]
I made this in a week. I hope you enjoy. source port tested: prboom-plus -complevel 2, limit-removing Story: After reports of a mass slaughtering of good little children by a crazed man in a Santa suit, you track them down to one final stand-off. This is A War On Christmas... levels: MAP01: The
I’m still going through Eviternity on Hurt Me Plenty. I’m not the best player so this difficulty level is the perfect balance of being playable but hard enough to keep it challenging for me. I’ve died way more than I can count, thank goodness for quick saves.
Eviternity keeps amazing me. At some points it is just absolutely jaw dropping how any of this is possible in a 30 year old engine.