Question Quarantine Gaming, what will you be playing?

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A nerd that found his place
Community Contributor
Jan 17, 2020
Well, now that it looks like we are in for the long haul with Corona passing around, what games are you going to play? Are you going to try something new, or return to your backlog? I personally will be continuing Division 2, but I think I might have to spend a few days just playing Disco Elysium. Past there I would love to see if I can finally play all the way through Metro Exodus, although I also just got a sweet new giant beanbag chair for my office at home, so more book reading is in my future (although my cat believes it to be the biggest and best cat bed ever)
So, what will you play to avoid getting cabin fever?
Dec 9, 2019
Provided it's okay with you, MaddMann, I'd like to sticky this question as our Mid-Week Question and post some of the answers (I've asked our staff the same question via email). I also wonder if folks might be looking for more co-op games to keep in touch with friends, or playing something they didn't have the time for before this whole mess started.
Since its business as usual (arbeit working from home), my gaming will be business as usual. So lots of Path of exile (need to get those 24 challenges!), doki doki litrature club (its currently installed on my pc) and when i can't stomach any more visual novels, i'll play doom 2 wads.
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A nerd that found his place
Community Contributor
Jan 17, 2020
Provided it's okay with you, MaddMann, I'd like to sticky this question as our Mid-Week Question and post some of the answers (I've asked our staff the same question via email). I also wonder if folks might be looking for more co-op games to keep in touch with friends, or playing something they didn't have the time for before this whole mess started.
Sounds good to me!
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Call Of Duty: Warzone for playing with friends and also a couple of rounds solo since the solo mode just came out:) I should also get my hands on Disco Elysium now, it has been long overdue!
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Feb 14, 2020
World of Warships, War Thunder, COD:Warzone, Dreadnought, GTA V, Elite Dangerous

Sneaking in game time during the day, working from home is great!! LOL
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Mar 11, 2020
I've already burned thru my single player games, I'm focusing currently on World of Warships, COD Warzone, and Apex Legends. Maybe some Titanfall 2 aswell.

I'd love to friend anybody who plays these games, PM me for a friend request so we can connect. Especially for Warzone since it's crossplay.
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A nerd that found his place
Community Contributor
Jan 17, 2020
I am rather happy half life alyx is out. Been playing the crap out of that. I also went ahead and bought Beat Saber at @sward suggestion, those two are my excuse to stay inside, but not necessarily miss out on all my exercise

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Currently playing Icewind Dale 2, Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition and Quake Champions from time to time. I've also made some RPG purchases on GOG recently, so I won't be bored until they take down the restrictions.
You made me go for Icewind Dale 2 - and yes I am soloing on HoF. 3-4h in and I just cleared the initial goblins in docks. This is going to take a while :p


Community Contributor
You made me go for Icewind Dale 2 - and yes I am soloing on HoF. 3-4h in and I just cleared the initial goblins in docks. This is going to take a while

Good luck on your playthrough. I suspect it'll be a little harder than IWD1. I had no significant problems on hard as for now, but initially started my run on very hard and decided to switch the difficulty level later on. :)
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After getting my cloak in POE i've stopped playing it. I'm instead playing other games, i'm giving the much neglected Endless legend game a look at. Unfortunately i'm absolutely rubbish at 4x games. Even on normal i was taxed, even with save scumming i still lost. I'm now swallowing my pride and playing it on easy. Only time will tell if it beats me...
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Community Contributor
I'm now swallowing my pride and playing it on easy. Only time will tell if it beats me...
I've been playing 4X games for eons. The first time I play through, I always play through on easy and re-load saves to my hearts content. Every one of these games is different! How fast can you make ships? How quickly can ships get around relative to the map size? How deadly is the universe to your scouts? It's just about impossible to plan without knowing how the game does all those things and how they change as you do more research.

Now you don't have to actually finish that "tutorial run." For Endless Legend, I think once you've survived some winters and defeated another decent sized empire, you've probably learned enough for a more normal run. Restart at normal the next time you get bored. You'll still have much to learn but at least you'll know what places are good ones for cities and what research items are nicest for your play style.
I've been playing 4X games for eons. The first time I play through, I always play through on easy and re-load saves to my hearts content. Every one of these games is different! How fast can you make ships? How quickly can ships get around relative to the map size? How deadly is the universe to your scouts? It's just about impossible to plan without knowing how the game does all those things and how they change as you do more research.

Now you don't have to actually finish that "tutorial run." For Endless Legend, I think once you've survived some winters and defeated another decent sized empire, you've probably learned enough for a more normal run. Restart at normal the next time you get bored. You'll still have much to learn but at least you'll know what places are good ones for cities and what research items are nicest for your play style.

I've just kept it simple and chose vaulters/mezari and interestingly enough my neighbor was the same. I guess it is my inexperience with the game and its mechanics were a contributing factor. initially i was content to prod around the surrounding areas and grow slowly. hey, my neighbour was another vaulter faction and i soundly crushed her forces before resuming my task with the first objective of integrating my first minor tribe.

However, whilst i was trying to pacify the local minor factions with parley, my AI opponent was murdering everything on her side. By the time we came about the second time she was stronger, larger and pissed off after the sound beating i gave her. it was at this point i knew the game was up. What made it more annoying was that i was stuck in a corner whilst my opponent could expand in the other direction. I must have looked like an annoying minor faction that needed a pasting.

In my current game, my neighbors are necrophages. We've stayed out of each others way, but i suspect in my next turn its time to teach the bugs to stay the hell out of my lands. I'm the smaller dog, but they're close enough to a city that my militia could take a few hits. Plus i have healers... Will it be another humiliating restart? I'll find out tonight...
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The Endless games are particularly impenetrable, even by the standards of 4X games. Have you tried Civ? There's a reason why it's the most popular in the genre.

haven't tried civ series tbh. i do have civilisation v when it was free at a time.

An update on my easy game, yeah... even on easy i'm getting crushed. I'm absolutely rubbish at this.

Looks like i neglected everything when it came to war. I suspect that they had placed units in more strategic areas (more resources), been upgrading their units retrofitting units all throughout and they had specific range killers. Tbh i could probably take them, but those damn necrophages and their diseases are absolutely decimating my units.

The more i look back on it, perhaps i should make the first strike. They became unstoppable when they combined their armies. If i strike first, take out their smaller group i might stand a chance against the large army in a defence battle..

Or perhaps i should choose another faction.
Jan 13, 2020
I haven't played anything in a few days, but I made a meme:

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