What are you playing this weekend? November 2023

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People only post to avoid working, so I thought I would try a weekend post to draw you out. What are you playing this weekend?

For me, I plan to play

Weed Shop 3 -- I've already been murdered by an activist homeless woman
Super Woden GP 2 -- Haven't played a top-down racer since I was a kid. Lost my first 3 races
Parkitect -- Had this forever. Don't know why I haven't played it yet.
Cities XXL -- Probably just the tutorial


Community Contributor
Just finished Baldur's Gate 3. ;) Tomorrow I'll have very limited time for computer games because we're gathering with friends to play table-top games. But I'm thinking about starting Pillars of Eternity 2 in turn-based mode. Aliens: Dark Descent is also an option. I also have an unfinished playthrough of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, so this is viable as well. Hmm... Solasta also waits for its turn... ;)

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
People only post to avoid working, so I thought I would try a weekend post to draw you out.
But I work weekends :(

Finished a replay of Far Cry New Dawn a few days ago, so chilling with Jewel Match Origins 2 atm—it's a Match 3 which isn't great, but ok for now, despite not having any Help system, ie have to revisit Tutorial levels to find out what an item does or how to destroy it. Also approaching 1,000 levels played in my filler of choice these days, Picross Touch.

Next big game might be Iron Harvest, if I'm still in the humor for it in a week or so—or maybe have a look at Train Valley 2, thanks to Zed's poke :)
Probably Anno 1800 and Turtle WoW. Though I'm little bored with both of them I think, but don't feel like playing much else, so I'll probably just keep plugging away here until a different mood strikes me.

Getting close to finishing Symphony of the Night; not likely to finish it this weekend, but I'll make some more progress here and there.


Community Contributor
I had the second session of my D&D campaign today. We had three new players though, bringing the total to 6 players, most of which have very limited experience with TTRPGs. So we only managed to get through a single encounter in about 1.5 hours.
What edition of D&D are you playing? Are you starting on level 1?

Edit: NVM, I see now that it's the first edition. :)
What edition of D&D are you playing? Are you starting on level 1?

Edit: NVM, I see now that it's the first edition. :)
I'm playing 5e and we did start on level 1, but we leveled up at the end of the first session.

I created my character by rolling for every single choice during character creation, which redulted in a Wizard with completely average intelligence and no useful spells to speak of. The entire first session I relied exclusively on attacking with two daggers or a sling.

On level up I chose a spell that isn't dependent on Intelligence, which forces the enemy to reroll their attack and lets an ally reroll their next roll too. I used it twice and neither time did it actually influence the outcome.

It's a good thing there's 5 more players at the table...


Community Contributor
I'm playing 5e and we did start on level 1, but we leveled up at the end of the first session.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. :) Zloth was talking about the first edition, not you. Somehow I treated his post as yours. I think that 5e is a good choice for new players. It's simpler than 3e or 3.5e and still offers a wide range of options.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Just finished Baldur's Gate 3. ;)
*tips hat*


Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Still tipping away in Jewel Match Origins 2, up to Level ~140 now.

Picked up Crush the Castle Legacy Collection on sale, can't really beat the whole lot—they say ~300 levels all told—for $5. This is the forerunner of Angry Birds, and was a big Flash game a decade or more ago. It's the same old experience, fun and frustrating :)

I've gone thru CTC 1 & 2, and their Player Packs, and am now ~20 levels into the Adventure game I never played before. A level can be one minute or five, depending on how it goes for you—there are a few where I haven't got the gold star yet. Another great little filler game :)
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