Question Quarantine Gaming, what will you be playing?

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Honestly John, you should just choose another game. Civ V without the expansions is extremely accessible and you should get good at that before moving on to harder games. The Endless games are not for people who are new to the genre.

Update on the campaign. The good news is that the tide has turned against the necrophages. my plan paid off after a load of save scumming. Striking them first when their army was split meant i prevailed. Helped that they retreated twice softening their units. It was then a case of divide and conquer and we destroyed their main army. It was a great cost to my one as well as the battle to break the back of their main army cost me 3/4 of my own one.

Now there is only one province to take and oh boy its going to be tricky. Its their last stand and they are just building forces up. I'm hoping perhaps to expand a bit more and bring the entire force down on them and see what happens. If they keep sending minor incursions, i might hold them off indefinitely, but they had it coming.
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Yeah, Civ 5 with no expansions is probably easier to pick up. There aren't as many game systems to learn and the techs are all ones you're familiar with. Plus you already own it!

Edit: Oh, well it looks like you're doing well now. The Vaulters have that teleport from city-to-city thing which is a really big help when you get a surprise attack from somewhere unexpected. Have you been using the various other races you've gotten into your empire to help your armies out?
The biggest problem with 4x games for me is getting started. Too often its a double edged sword. Do i hunker down take it slow and protect my borders at the risk of not expanding quickly enough and being crushed or do i go for aggressive expansion to seize more stuff but leave massive areas undefended and facing the ire of my rivals?

But yes, an update. TLDR: I am pleased to announce that the bug war is over! we were victorious!

In my previous post, i had reduced them to a single city and was thinking how to crush the a sizable force that outnumber my own. i needed not worry as they weren't that great. i learnt from my lessons and began tooling up my units and hero that we could hold our own. With the eyeless ones acting as healers we did just enough to end the threat.

Their larger army charged out piece meal and we took them apart. Not even hiring mercs saved them. Twice they begged for the war to end (even going so far as declaring war on another faction) and twice i rejected them. Considering how much of a thorn they had been on my side, i destroyed them.

With the continent secured and plenty of resources finally flowing in, its time to move on. What awaits me on the other side of the world. Who knows? i need to research boats first. The popularity rating isn't looking too hot either. I suspect i need to prepare a pretty substantial force with multiple heroes and settlers to get a foot hold on the new lands. But being on easy, i doubt it will be that difficult...
Feb 15, 2020
Call to Arms and the Elder Scrolls Online.

I debated getting CtA during the sale and failed to pick it up. But then I was like "Its only $15 for the Basic Edition. Why not?" Great pick if you're into a modern warfare RTS. Haven't beaten the campaign yet but I'm grinding along.

I also debated picking up ESO. Did a little research on Bethesda and they have no intentions of releasing ES6 anytime soon. With the Steam sale being so good, couldn't pass it up and I'm enjoying it very much.


A nerd that found his place
Community Contributor
Jan 17, 2020
After getting my cloak in POE i've stopped playing it. I'm instead playing other games, i'm giving the much neglected Endless legend game a look at. Unfortunately i'm absolutely rubbish at 4x games. Even on normal i was taxed, even with save scumming i still lost. I'm now swallowing my pride and playing it on easy. Only time will tell if it beats me...
That one is hard. I ended up going the peaceful routes as much as possible. I hope they patch the brokenness of the weird permanently cloaked species.


A nerd that found his place
Community Contributor
Jan 17, 2020
Call to Arms and the Elder Scrolls Online.

I debated getting CtA during the sale and failed to pick it up. But then I was like "Its only $15 for the Basic Edition. Why not?" Great pick if you're into a modern warfare RTS. Haven't beaten the campaign yet but I'm grinding along.

I also debated picking up ESO. Did a little research on Bethesda and they have no intentions of releasing ES6 anytime soon. With the Steam sale being so good, couldn't pass it up and I'm enjoying it very much.
I actually just started ESO since the beta and I am enjoying it. I'm on the NA server if you want to run a dungeon sometime. I'm level 25 necromancer.
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Did a little research on Bethesda and they have no intentions of releasing ES6 anytime soon.
Starfield will be released within the next two years. Then TESVI maybe 4-5 years after that. If you like Bethesda's RPGs and you like sci-fi, then like me you'll be as excited for Starfield as for TESVI. TES games are a bit of a known quantity now, they have to follow certain routines that people expect, but with Starfield they can do whatever they want, and I'm really curious to see what they do with it.
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You made me go for Icewind Dale 2 - and yes I am soloing on HoF. 3-4h in and I just cleared the initial goblins in docks. This is going to take a while

How's your solo playthrough OsaX? :) Having some real difficulties? What class configuration are you playing? Or maybe you decided to give up because of the difficulty level?

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
How's your solo playthrough OsaX? Having some real difficulties? What class configuration are you playing? Or maybe you decided to give up because of the difficulty level?

I kinda stopped at the Shengarne's second map. You remember the orc ambush? Yeah I cleaned this one and got a bit too annoyed with AI following me even when I am invisible and always targeting me and only me in the sea of summons xP Mage/Cleric levels 6-9 or something around that, solo of course. I will get back to it, but in the meantime I got opportunity to review Operencia and I also crumbled and bought Bannerlord.

So yeah, it's tough as hell but mostly because AI is so much more annoying :D

How about your run, finished the quest?
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I kinda stopped at the Shengarne's second map. You remember the orc ambush? Yeah I cleaned this one and got a bit too annoyed with AI following me even when I am invisible and always targeting me and only me in the sea of summons xP

So basically AI cheats a lot. I've noticed that too. Even when using Improved Invisibility, you're really invisible only until you make a hostile action or cast a spell. That was quite annoying.

Mage/Cleric levels 6-9 or something around that, solo of course. I will get back to it, but in the meantime I got opportunity to review Operencia and I also crumbled and bought Bannerlord.

Operencia is on my list as well, but I'll probably wait for a decent sale.

How about your run, finished the quest?

Like I said in the other thread, I've managed to finish the game. :) I decided to play on hard only because the necessity of fully buffing my party before every encounter would be very annoying for me.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
So basically AI cheats a lot. I've noticed that too. Even when using Improved Invisibility, you're really invisible only until you make a hostile action or cast a spell. That was quite annoying.
Yeah, they went from dumb AI in ID where you could just stand behind your army of summons and do anything you like to you being target #1 no matter how many other enemies are there. And it's really funny when you try walking around invisible, but whole map follows your every step and you actually have to be sure you ain't being surrounded.

I don't remember how I made it to black dragon at this point lol
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Well, thats it. I've had enough with endless legend. It tested my patience to the point that i gave up and moved on. A rather embarrassing admission and i'm a lot happier about it. give or take 20 quid wasted. So i've moved onto the next game on my list; this time its the turn of something on uplay and its... assassins creed syndicate. Someone who lives in the Uk and near london, i expect it to be quite interesting. Should keep me busy for a few weeks.
May 1, 2020
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May 2, 2020
- Total War Warhammer 2
- Shogun 2
- Divinity Original Sin 2
- Wasteland 2

These have been on my to-do list for a while and it's the perfect time to play these.
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