I tried this today. I did get key prompts and occasionally there was a short notification in the top right that the game had saved, so maybe they updated the demo.
Sadly, it's not like Subnautica or The Planet Crafter. I spent a lot of time just waiting, either for my crops to grow or my furnace to smelt stuff. You're stuck to a tiny island until you get your airship, so there isn't anything to explore either while you wait. It seems the game intends for you to spend your time waiting on chopping down trees, collecting sticks and stones and mining for ore, as you'll need a lot of them.
This is a major problem with survival game demos. You only get to play the beginning, which is always the worst part of the game
Kinda funny airship story: Guido and I played a beta test back in the day for World's Adrift. There was no tutorial or anything, but we built a shipyard on the edge of our tiny home island and then a ship. We hopped on, pointed it toward the nearest sky island and set off. During the next 20 minutes, we talked about how slow the ship was, and how it would probably go much faster when we got gasoline engines instead of just a sail. There was lots of talk on how we could tell we were getting closer to our destination, but we were getting increasingly frustrated. Finally Guido, for lack of anything better to do, fired his grappling hook at the mast and jumped overboard. He quickly said, "Hey, Dad, jump off the ship and look at this." So I jumped off the ship, and right underneath us was our shipyard. In all that time we hadn't moved at all. I can't remember now what we had done wrong. Our ship had gained a little elevation, and we couldn't see the island right below us from onboard 🤪Flying the airship isn't fun either. You just point your airship in the direction of an island and wait until you arrive. If you're lucky you get the wind in your back and go faster, if you're unlucky you have to fly against the wind and it takes even longer. And this time you can't even hit trees while you wait.