July 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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I have found the LAZIEST NPCs in all of gaming. One of the things you do in Cosmoteer is design and build ships. There are tons of different components you can put in a ship, but the one thing you have to be most concerned with is how far away the nearest crew quarters are. You have to put them absolutely all over the place. Why? Because they refuse to walk more than 12 meters to do their jobs.

NPC: Sorry, that engine room is 13 meters away. Get someone else to service it.

Me: Put on your spacesuit and get off my ship immediately.

But the devs have made a mistake in designing their logistics puzzle that is at the heart of the game.

First of all, it's not just the crew quarters. If, for instance, you want to enrich uranium, you have to have two storage rooms (for uranium before and after processing), the enrichment machine, the power generator for the machine and the crew quarters, and they all have to be within 12 meters of each other. AND, whatever is using that enriched uranium also has to be within 12 meters.

But why, you may ask, does the power generator for the machine have to be close to the machine? Because there are no cables for power transmission. Your reactors make batteries that have to be carried to whatever they are powering. So, yes, you need reactors all over the place as well, and this is where the mistake is.

If you strategize INCORRECTLY in your design, you can place battery rooms every so often and have one group of people distributing batteries to their storage rooms, and then other groups of people taking the batteries from the storage to where they need to go.

The reason this is the wrong strategy is because a battery room and a small generator take up the same amount of space, so if you put a large generator up that feeds 4 battery rooms, you are wasting the space where you put the large generator because you could have just put 4 small generators in stead of 4 battery rooms. But not only that, but the large generator plan has to include more crew quarters to distribute the batteries to the battery rooms, so that's even more wasted space.

Someone didn't think this through, but I'm not going to point this out to the devs because there's no telling what their solution would be, and I don't want to be responsible for the small generators becoming 4 times larger than they are right now.


On a Journey
The graphics settings for a bad game won't make it better.

I am just predicting here, the last few have releases have dumbed the game down to insulting levels, so it only has to be reasonable to be a success.

It doesn't matter how well it runs if its not fun to play. This is the trap Digital Foundry fall into, revieiwing games based on how they perform graphically doesn't tell you how good the actual game is. Just how pretty it is.
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Out of curiosity, are you using a mod manager like Vortex or Mod Manager 2, or are you downloading & installing them from Bethesda.net and then start the game from the Steam "play" button? I've always used a mod manger for Bethesda games and then start from a script extender shortcut, or the mod manager, and never had an issue with a mod not loading. You can also sort your mod load order with a mod manager, which is fairly important in Bethesda games.

I'm using Vortex and starting the game with the script extender shortcut. As far as I can see the load order is the way it's recommended to be.

There are definitely mods that try to do too much and end up causing more problems than they help by causing conflicts. As far as bug fixing mods go, the only one I use is the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (UFO4P) which fixes hundreds of bugs but doesn't try to do anything else, and is compatible with most mods.

I used this list for a bunch of mods that fix some bugs which the Unofficial Patch doesn't fix. I didn't get all of them, just the ones I thought were worth fixing.

Turning off Weapon Debris in the options menu has been an issue since FO4 released. I had the same issue years ago when I first played the game unmodded. Some people claim it's a Bethesda issue, others claim it's an Nvidia FleX issue. I have no idea myself, but turning it off in the options solves the issue.

Ironically I just noticed the list I posted has a fix for the weapon debris crash, but I hadn't downloaded it.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I'm using Vortex and starting the game with the script extender
Have you tried without any mods? Zed's had great success that way, hasn't seen any of the hundreds of bugs Mainer mentioned. Maybe there's some hardware or software config thing which varies the experience?

I've been playing both Skyrim and Fallout 4 without mods and haven't encountered any bugs.

I'm not using any mods, and I got about 14 hours in on my current game and have had no problems at all.
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Fallout 4 seems more difficult than I remember from the other Fallout games and I'm playing on normal. However, I suspect it's mostly because it's been a while since I played a low-level character. It probably didn't help that I spend my first perk points only on non-combat perks either. Now that perks are the only way to improve your character on level up it's probably more important to choose some that increase your damage and resistances.

Luckily Dogmeat seems to have zero problems taking down pretty much anything I've encountered so far. Even armoured robots are destroyed in one or two hits. I kinda wonder if the mod I disabled made some changes to him that have persisted after I turned the mod off or if Dogmeat is supposed to be this strong.

Despite my posts about Fallout 4 being mostly about the problems I've had with it, I'm having a ton of fun with it. It's one of those games I get somewhat obsessed with, finding myself fantasising about playing it more whenever I have to stop.

Have you tried without any mods? Zed's had great success that way, hasn't seen any of the hundreds of bugs Mainer mentioned. Maybe there's some hardware or software config thing which varies the experience?

It seems to be stable now that I removed the mod that did gameplay tweaks and I disabled Weapon debris. I don't have problems with the crafting menu anymore either.
Jun 11, 2023
The graphics settings for a bad game won't make it better.

It doesn't matter how well it runs if its not fun to play. This is the trap Digital Foundry fall into, revieiwing games based on how they perform graphically doesn't tell you how good the actual game is. Just how pretty it is.
This is very true, although the geek in me likes to see performance info too, but only if "fun" factor is the main focus with a section on performance, a well rounded review if you will! I like to have fun mechanics / gameplay, plus story and blind all combined if possible in a game :)
Slightly connected to that I do like when a site comes back to a game to do a check up, if there have been loads of patches or content added, or in cases where the game has big modding community like Skyrim etc, so I'm hoping that'll be the case for StarField!
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Community Contributor
Have you tried without any mods? Zed's had great success that way, hasn't seen any of the hundreds of bugs Mainer mentioned. Maybe there's some hardware or software config thing which varies the experience?
I believe it is past time to remind everyone that I generally don't notice minor bugs, and even don't consider some things, like minor graphical glitches, to even qualify as bugs. I've been playing games for almost 50 years. You have to either impede my ability to advance or crash to the desktop for me to care.

Darktide--full of bugs. Super Mega Baseball 4--full of bugs (multiplayer is impossible to play a month after launch and player statistics are frequently lost), House Flipper--somewhat buggy after the last update. Satisfactory Experimental Branch--unplayable. Fallout 4 and Skyrim? Didn't notice anything.

Maybe the rest of you need to get with the program and play some truly crap games. Then you, too, can appreciate the pristine awesomeness of Bethesda.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I believe it is past time to remind everyone that I generally don't notice minor bugs, and even don't consider some things, like minor graphical glitches, to even qualify as bugs.
I agree, and I probably shouldn't even have mentioned that UFO4P fixes hundreds of bugs, as that's completely misleading. Roughly 85-90% of what UFO4P fixes I wouldn't even consider to be bugs; such as graphical or animation glitches, a small missing texture, or a typo in text. Things that most of us wouldn't even notice. But that last (roughly) 10-15% does address some issues like certain quests, scripting errors, or item placement which do make a difference in gameplay.

Just as a point of reference, this is the revision history of UFO4P and everything it touches. Nobody in their right mind will read it, let alone scroll all the way through it, but it does illustrate the complexity of the mod.

It probably didn't help that I spend my first perk points only on non-combat perks either. Now that perks are the only way to improve your character on level up it's probably more important to choose some that increase your damage and resistances.
That's how I always play, taking non-combat related perks early even if it makes the early combat more difficult. Perks like locksmith, hacker, awareness, local leader, science, and lady killer really pay dividends as you explore. Only later on do I start tweaking up the combat related perks.
Still playing Darkwood and honestly i'm starting to lose patience with this game. Whilst i'm making progress, its at the point now that every night i expect to be bashed over the head and die in my own safehouse and to top it off its a losing battle as i try to constantly repair barricades and weapons in the hopes to survive the night. To add insult to injury i die during the night i get no reputation from the trader and that means, less (money) to spend in shop. Yeah i've got 900 reputation but when the top stuff costs 450 a piece i'm going bankrupt in just 2 trades.

I would love to splurge or use more of my top equipment but resources are too tight and i can't stay in one area indefinitely in areas (especially if i run out of resources) so i'm forced to move onto tougher areas. The second problem is probably combat. If i can side side/dodge it would be a massive advantage, all i have is a dodge backwards which helps, but faster more dangerous monsters can close that distance very quickly.

Darkwood warns that the game is unforgiving and challenging but its at the point that its now starting to irratate me and i'm thinking of either cheesing defenses and/or building up an arsenal of guns in the hopes i succeed. its not a bad game per say, but its starting to get to me.
Having a maddening moment right now. So theres a new game on the xbox game pass i wanted to try, Exoprimal, its a pvp-only (didnt know at first) dinosaurs vs humans game by Capcom.

Before i played it, i checked out its rating and it has a 2.2/5 and the major issue is that, outside of people not knowing its just straight up pvp, they have to link a Capcom id to the game before they can play and are having issues.

I am having this issue and one other one. First, for some reason, the Capcom id isnt registering with my email (the game makes you link your account outside of the game and sends a verification email on top of all that, so its already a tedious issue to play the game), so i cant play it until i link it. Fine so i do this which leads to my other issue.

My other issue im having is with my MS account itself. My email wont receive junk emails at all and this Capcom email goes right to my junk folder and for some reason Microsoft wont let me look at junk mail anymore and theres no solution that i have found. So i cant "verify" my email and that complete stops me from playing.

I figured, fine ill use another email, so i tried using it but its not the account "tied to the gamepass account" so it doesnt work in the game, it notifies me that the email is different. I havent had this problem with any other game, esp. a pvp one. So now i just cant play at all.

Good thing pc gamepass was a dollar for me again because this surely has been a waste of time.:mad:
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Do you get to make really large sandwiches? Oh, wait, Darkwood, not Dagwood...
Well, there is cooking involved in the game. collect certain mushrooms, cook certain mutated meat and harness the powers of the forest. Sadly, every perk you take you also take a negative one. But i've given up on the game now. After 10 hours i've had enough. I spent nearly an Hour and a half reinforcing my safehouse using furniture and proved pointless. hell, i even spent nearly an entire day in game (20 minutes?) time pushing a god damn sofa through a dark forest trying to find stuff to protect my home. Whilst pushing that sofa really slowly, i was attacked by wild dogs, savages and walked over poison mushrooms. its at this point i realized what the hell i was doing and thought this game was just taking the piss.

Uninstalled it and installed hollow knight instead.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
this surely has been a waste of time.
That kind of rubbish with email, logins, and linking IDs seems to be on the increase. I can't like or comment on PCG articles because of Disqus tomfoolery, Epic store fails on Vivaldi browser, Ubisoft Connect often takes an age…

Microsoft wont let me look at junk mail anymore
That's most unlikely to be real—barring a screwed up MS Update, there's probably some obscure hidden setting somewhere.

Where is this happening? In a browser, in an email client, at Outlook.com?

Is Junk folder visible, maybe with a count of messages in it, but nothing happens when you click on it?

I have Outlook client as part of MS 365. If that's you too, I assume you've scanned the View menu on the ribbon—there are a lot of settings in there.

If you have Outlook client, press WinKey and R—to bring up Run dialog—and type following…
outlook /cleanviews
…and click OK.
Now check for Junk. Above resets views to some default state. I just tried it in Win10 and works fine.


Community Contributor
Craftopia has a weird history. They launched a few years ago into early access, and then, after a year or so of constant updates, said they were working on something big, and then a couple of weeks ago, they released their big update, and turns out they completely started over on the game. It bears almost no resemblance now to what it was originally. The map is brand new. All the dungeons are brand new. The animals and monsters appear to have been redone from scratch, as have all the resources. Now there are a bunch of quest NPCs. In the original game there were none.

We played the new version tonight, and it was very RPGish as opposed to just a survival sandbox with dungeons like before. We played for a few hours and are still in the starting area completing quests. The things I really liked about Craftopia are still there, but we haven't gotten through what I think is the world's most extensive introduction/tutorial.

We had a good time, though.
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I really like Hollow Knight, but if youre looking for a more relaxing time after that ordeal, I found it way harder than Sekiro or any Souls game. Jus' sayin'. :)

yeah i heard its a 2d souls like game, but we'll see how challenging it gets. i might find it more entertaining but we'll see how challenging it gets before i flip my lid. Hollow knight was something i bought some years ago and its only now i've gotten round to it.
yeah i heard its a 2d souls like game, but we'll see how challenging it gets. i might find it more entertaining but we'll see how challenging it gets before i flip my lid. Hollow knight was something i bought some years ago and its only now i've gotten round to it.

It is really good, but I've never finished it because it got too tough and I put it to one side. I still play it every now and again, my kid likes the art style and music a lot. Its kind of Sekiro in that some of the boss fights you just have to learn and practice until you get it, theres no way of cheesing it all or grinding levels to make things easy.

Played it on Switch, mostly hand held using the JoyCons. Theyre godawful for precise control compared to just about any other major controller, so could be partly that as well.
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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
No QTEs for me, thank you.
Amen to that. I won't buy/play a game If I know in advance that gameplay has QTEs. My gaming hours are too few to put up with that level of aggravation.


Continuing with my System Shock Remake playthrough, and I think I'm past the halfway mark now, at least in terms of levels visited. There is a bit of going back and forth between levels that you've already been to, but it's not oppressive (at this point) and occurs less than it did in Prey. Though part of that is by my own choice to get to a medical bay to get my health up, as healing supplies are rarer than ammo.

The flow of the game is overall very good, but there have been a few times where I've been at a loss as where to go or what I should do next. There is no journal/log. Clues are parsed out via video logs that you find scattered throughout a level. I mostly like that, but there have been a few times where I just became stuck and resorted to looking at a couple of youtube walkthroughs. One for a specific boss battle (which was excellent), and one for a specific level (which was just plain terrible).

I can usually muddle my way through most games without resorting to online help (which is a last resort for me), but some of these "walkthrough" videos are just pathetic, and no help at all. The one I watched for a certain level was made by a guy who may have been eating a bag of nacho chips and trying to talk, in addition to getting killed far more often than me and no focus on where he was exploring. If someone is going to post a "walkthrough" video, they should make sure that's what it actually is, and not just bumbling around while having a snack, otherwise, don't label it a "walkthrough".