January 2025 General Game Discussion

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All weekend I’ve been emulating GameCube games using Dolphin Emulator. It’s been a bit annoying to get set up and working properly but I’m finally at a point where I’m running all games without any issues. It’s not as simple as emulators for consoles prior to PS2 which are usually ready to go immediately. Emulators for consoles with 3D graphics are usually more involved which is understandable but still took a bit longer than I would have liked. It involved a lot of trial and error, as it seems certain settings for other people online worked when it didn’t work for me, and vice versa.

My main issue was using dual core hyperthreading. It is set to enabled by default, and says it improves performance is most games, only a small handful require it to be off. The problem was with this setting on, every game I played seemed like it was running at 150% speed. I could have slowed down the playback speed but that didn’t seem right to me. Mario Kart Double Dash made the karts feels like they were on ice, so did Tony Hawk American Wasteland. Mario Golf had some weird flickering issues. All of this was fixed by turning it off, which is weird because nearly everything I read online said to keep it on, even the program says so too. I also upscaled ton1080p, turned on Per Pixel Lighting, 8x MSAA and 16x Anisotropic Filtering for a sharper image. I also had to mess around with lots of other settings to stop it from giving me all sorts of errors and I think I’got everything down now.

My only complaint right now is that some games take a while to load. I’ve seen people talk about a certain option that helps drastically improve load times but it seems the option has since been removed. There is another option that helps cache the games onto RAM or something like that, supposedly to improve load times, but it borks all games with that option enabled. However, I’m happy with where it’s at. Every game works flawlessly now and looks nice and sharp. Only some text still looks pixelated but that’s not a huge issue when the game graphics itself look nice.

Besides that, I did play a few more hours of Lonely Mountains: Snow on Game Pass. I feel like I’ve played all that I want to of the game, but the multiplayer races were a lot of fun and I may do a few more before uninstalling. You can quick match into a 8 player lobby and have a big downhill race with them. It’s actually a ton of fun trying to be the best out of them all. There is also a sweet sense of camaraderie with your only form of communication being emotes, so people always spam heart emoji’s or a “Let’s Go!!!” Emote. When you get to the end, you can spectate or free ride as you wait for the others to finish. It’s usually here where the other riders are super nice. We’re always slamming Trophy emotes and encouraging the other riders. Sticking with the same riders across multiple stages really reinforces that sense of camaraderie and it’s kind of bittersweet when they disconnect. It’s a simple and sweet little game.

Tomorrow, the new Orcs Must Die: Deathtrap and Eternal Stands comes out on Game Pass. I’m very happy to see Eternal Strands there because I’m very excited to check that game out. It’s a third person physics based action game, and the physics system seems really well done, giving you the freedom to do some really cool stuff. It’s a bit like how Immortals Fenyx Rising tried to be the PC version of Zelda Breath of the Wild, but more unique and better overall, just based of the gameplay videos. Very excited to check out both tomorrow.

I've been using the Dolphin simulator for a while now since I no longer have a TV to hook my GameCube up to. I don't remember having any issues setting it up though, the only issue I've had is in connecting controllers. It would frequently lose controller settings or move the slot a controller was connected to, but it seems one of the updates fixed that as it doesn't seem to happen any more.
I've been using the Dolphin simulator for a while now since I no longer have a TV to hook my GameCube up to. I don't remember having any issues setting it up though, the only issue I've had is in connecting controllers. It would frequently lose controller settings or move the slot a controller was connected to, but it seems one of the updates fixed that as it doesn't seem to happen any more.
I cannot tell you the exact errors I was getting, but there were numerous. It would usually give a “Ignore for this session” button, which the game will run properly until you had to load into another level. Happened during my first race in Double Dash, I ignored it, finished the level normally, but when it loaded into the next level it was glitching really badly. I think it had to do with me pushing the graphics too hard and had some extra settings messing with things, like MMU. I thought I could upscale to 4K and play on 1080p but that just proved to break nearly all games I ran, possibly due to hardware limitations. Anyways, the main issue was the dual core hyperthreading option, turning it off has made every game work as expected.


Community Contributor
I remember seeing some anecdote that millenials actually had less computer literacy because when they grew up the designs were too user friendly
Millennials might have less computer literacy, not sure, but they are definitely the recipients of more unwarranted knee-jerk reactions than any other generation. I read an article from a guy (maybe in Forbes--this was ages ago, and I can't remember) complaining about millennials having low computer literacy, and the primary example that he used was that millennials turn their laptops off by pressing the power button. No, he didn't have statistical evidence. He was just watching people turn off their laptops. A big problem with that is that pressing the power button doesn't turn your laptop off unless you keep pressing it for awhile. Just pressing it normally puts the laptop into hibernation. How did he know they were powering down the laptops rather than just putting them into hibernation? And, more importantly, how does that one thing make millennials less computer literate?
How did he know they were powering down the laptops rather than just putting them into hibernation?
Also, how did he know whether the user changed the setting to make the power button actually turn the PC off? I change that setting every time I reinstall Windows because I greatly dislike hibernation mode. On older/low powered computers and laptops, hibernation mode seems to make things slower when you wake it up. I prefer to just do a full shutdown.

Also, I want to give a rebuttal to the anecdote @isleepinabed saw. I think specially millennials are a lot more computer literate than generations after them. My reasoning is that millennials grew up when the internet as a whole was just taking off. Over the years, sites I frequent have changed so much in design, layout, and UI. These days, especially with social media, everything follows very similar design languages so you’re never confused how to do something. Look at the Hamburger menu style for example, 10-15 years ago you rarely saw that, yet now every site has a Hamburger menu for their directories. For younger generations, that is such an easily identifiable thing across so many sites and apps it’s become ubiquitous (not that anyone else has a hard time identifying what that icon means, just using it as an example).

It’s Gen Z and beyond that grew up with this super user-friendly interface across every website and app they use. I still remember trying to make my own website when social media wasn’t as huge as it is. Millennials and generations before had to adapt to all the changes as the internet got its footing and decided how it wants things to look and work uniformly across many sites.

Still, generations before millennials are the most computer literate. You guys had to grow up with DOS, BBS, IIRC, text based interfaces!


Community Contributor
It’s Gen Z...
Nothing really to do with what you said, but from watching and interacting a lot with Gen Z, I can tell you that's a hell of a generation, far better than my Gen X. They are incredibly smart, hard working and mature well beyond their years. Unfortunately, they are also vastly more likely to experience depression than previous generations due to being left alone on the Internet as children and being exposed to constant gun violence in their schools (in the US, but you have to think that just the news of this impacted kids in other countries) and "Chicken-Little" type pronouncements on climate change. I mean, just thinking the world is going to end due to climate change (which it definitely isn't, but that's how the media makes it sound) should be enough to ruin a child. I always tried to counteract that one particular belief with my children, knowing how devastating such a belief would be. Of course, my kids barely talk to me now, so don't take any parenting advice from me.
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I feel this, esp. when i wind up being sick for 10-14 days of a month.

Can January end already? Its been months since January started and ive been sick for most of it.

I hear this. My wife and I have been complaining about how January is just dragging on and on. All done, please!

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 releases on the 4th of February, so I will be playing some more of the first one so I am up to date with the lore.

Boy that's really soon. I don't usually buy games on release, but this may be one of them. Though, I do suppose I often get burned, so maybe I'll wait for reviews, if I can even afford it in the first place.

@neogunhero It is quite possible I got my generations mixed up!..

It was also mostly to do with the fact most of that gen grew up on mobile devices with simplified touch controls, usually with little configuration options, file managing, etc. Just apps that did everything already.

I do think you've got your generations mixed up there. I'm a Millennial and I'll be 41 this year! I grew-up using DOS, figuring out hardware conflicts and adjusting config files.


Community Contributor

looks great to me, is releasing tomorrow, and has a demo on steam
I tried the demo and died while it was still teaching me movement, aka WASD :ROFLMAO:

I had checked out mentally because I didn't want to hear the story if I might actually play the game, and as soon as the prompt came up that said to use spacebar to jump, I jumped...right into a chasm that I hadn't noticed and was the reason the game wanted me to jump.

I really enjoyed the demo, though. Definitely going to give the full game a try on Game Pass.
I tried the demo and died while it was still teaching me movement, aka WASD :ROFLMAO:

I had checked out mentally because I didn't want to hear the story if I might actually play the game, and as soon as the prompt came up that said to use spacebar to jump, I jumped...right into a chasm that I hadn't noticed and was the reason the game wanted me to jump.

I really enjoyed the demo, though. Definitely going to give the full game a try on Game Pass.
The review on Eurogamer is praising the story a lot, so it’s good you didn’t pay attention for now. I’ll definitely be checking it out on Game Pass this week.
I played some more The Planet Crafter. I found 4 new resource types, got started on seeding the world with plants, unlocked the vehicle and launched two rockets. I also just found a load of super alloys and unlocked the second tier of the nuclear reactor, so I have a ton of resources and energy now.

I just need to find yet another mineral/crystal so I can upgrade my vehicle, as I think it's currently slower to drive than it is to fly in my jetpack.


Community Contributor
I played some more The Planet Crafter. I found 4 new resource types, got started on seeding the world with plants, unlocked the vehicle and launched two rockets. I also just found a load of super alloys and unlocked the second tier of the nuclear reactor, so I have a ton of resources and energy now.

I just need to find yet another mineral/crystal so I can upgrade my vehicle, as I think it's currently slower to drive than it is to fly in my jetpack.
There weren't any vehicles when I played it last summer. Does it generate oxygen and have storage? Those are the only ways I could see it being helpful.
There weren't any vehicles when I played it last summer. Does it generate oxygen and have storage? Those are the only ways I could see it being helpful.

So far it just has storage, but you can upgrade it to include oxygen later. For now it mostly saves some back and forth trips when moving resources to my main base. I think it becomes quite a lot faster with upgrades as well.


Community Contributor
So far it just has storage, but you can upgrade it to include oxygen later. For now it mostly saves some back and forth trips when moving resources to my main base. I think it becomes quite a lot faster with upgrades as well.
Maybe driving isn't so bad in Planet Coaster. I was kind of picturing driving in Satisfactory, where if you don't make roads, it's nearly impossible to get anywhere and faster to use basically any other kind of travel because you are constantly running into things or coming to sudden elevation changes that are difficult to navigate.


On a Journey
Ubisoft closes a studio... I wonder what games they worked on

Oh damn, they will be missed. Such amazing games... how are we going to go on


Community Contributor
Ubisoft closes a studio... I wonder what games they worked on

Oh damn, they will be missed. Such amazing games... how are we going to go on
I could be wrong, but I think they were a support studio, so they weren't really responsible for games being poor. At a AAA company, I'd give most of that credit to people like the project manager, the art director, the technical director and the lead games designer. Everyone else is just clocking in and doing the best they can with what they are told to do.

But before we fire all those regular people, this is the guy who needs to exit the building:


It's a publicly traded company. Just because he founded it, doesn't mean he should be allowed to run it into the ground.


On a Journey
You are probably right, but those are three games I wouldn't want on resume of any studio. I don't know where selection came from, in other words, they may have worked on some successful games, but those appear to be the last three.

Skull & Bones description says they played a KEY role in the development of game, so while they might have helped less with other two, they can't remove the stain of the first AAAA game from their record... nor can Ubisoft.
More Dolphin Emulator last night. Decided to turn on Ubershaders per the suggestion of countless forum threads, and overall performance seems to have improved. One issue Dolphin has is loading shaders for each new level you enter in the game. Very simply put, I believe what Ubershaders does is loads the entire games’ library of shaders at startup so it doesn’t need to load them in as you play. This results in overall smoother gameplay with less hiccups. The first few minutes after starting any game will still be a bit stuttery but once the shaders are compiled the game runs buttery smooth after.

Emulation has been getting me excited to play games again. I’ve just been so bored of my Steam, Epic and Game Pass libraries, and I’ve been wanting to play Nintendo games lately, so this has been great for me. I’ve always dabbled in emulation in and off for years, but this time around I’m learning how to get the games to look and run better and the results have been mostly amazing, just a few hiccups here and there I’ve been having to iron out.

Besides that, play some more Lonely Mountains. Did another race but I was doing so poorly, it got to the point that the entire lobby finished the race and I was still a few checkpoints behind. They started to encourage me but I guess the pressure got to me, I kept falling and crashing, I eventually gave a thumbs down emote and left. It was pretty funny but still a bit disheartening :ROFLMAO:
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Maybe driving isn't so bad in Planet Coaster. I was kind of picturing driving in Satisfactory, where if you don't make roads, it's nearly impossible to get anywhere and faster to use basically any other kind of travel because you are constantly running into things or coming to sudden elevation changes that are difficult to navigate.

It's not great, but it's usable. Though I'm not sure how it'll do once there's more water and the trees start growing.


Community Contributor
You are probably right, but those are three games I wouldn't want on resume of any studio. I don't know where selection came from, in other words, they may have worked on some successful games, but those appear to be the last three.

Skull & Bones description says they played a KEY role in the development of game, so while they might have helped less with other two, they can't remove the stain of the first AAAA game from their record... nor can Ubisoft.
Maybe, but the primary developer of Skull and Bones was Ubisoft Singapore. Actually, I glanced at the list of games they worked on, and the three you listed might be the best 3. :ROFLMAO:Ubisoft has put out some major duds, so bad that I had never even heard of some of the games on the list. But it's possible some of them were Switch exclusives, which was just another terrible idea.


On a Journey
S&B was in production for so long its possible everyone at Ubisoft worked on it at some stage.
Singapore Govt funded game with a grant, that is really main reason game was released.
They had to do it as part of grant. So that could be reason its shown as main studio.
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Community Contributor
S&B was in production for so long its possible everyone at Ubisoft worked on it at some stage.
Singapore Govt funded game with a grant, that is really main reason game was released.
They had to do it as part of grant. So that could be reason its shown as main studio.
I don't really know the answer. Ubisoft laid off 185 people across "all of Europe", and Leamington had substantially less at around 50 people, which would be extremely small for a Ubisoft lead studio, while Singapore has about 500 people. Also there was an article somewhere about all the troubles Ubisoft was having with Singapore during the making of the game because they were almost exclusively new developers. While I'm pretty sure Singapore was the lead, I wouldn't bet too much on it.
Dec 22, 2024
I have continued to explore more shooters. This is a bit of a hodgepodge: a SEGA Saturn release of an arcade game that is part multi-directional shooter, part shmup; and a series of is a series of three doujin (Japanese amateur-made) games, which are related: Kamui, RefleX and ALLTYNEX Second. As such it varies from established production values to overambitious amateurs and somewhat original yet streamlined approaches to gameplay.
I'd peg them all of interest just for fans but someone might find a specific piece of interest and be tempted during a sale or something.

Guardian Force - Saturn Tribute (1998; 2022): This is an original game by Success where, instead of the usual spaceship, you're in control of a tank. The tank is pretty zippy and controls pretty smoothly, The gimmick with controlling a tank, however, is the fact you can turn your turrets in 8 different directions. This freedom of aiming turns it into less of a shmup and more of a run'n'gun with vehicles, although in terms of stage design it leans closer to a shmup. Some set pieces and bosses, in particular, lean heavier on the multidirectional gimmick as you'll need to hit a critical point from the side or above.

The "Saturn Tribute" part of the title relates to the fact this is the SEGA Saturn version which, I have to imagine, is faithful to the arcade game but suited for a controller. As it is a re-release there is the usual CITY CONNECTION enhancements, including rewind, quick save, infinite credits, various screen and controller options and others. Graphically there's quite a bit of detail although the colour choice is somewhat dark and muted. Nonetheless it looks the part, with all the details of a 1990s japanese arcade game.

Apart from the multidirectional turret, everything else is quite straightforward, with no more gimmicks. There is, however, a common sin, which is that bullets are often too similar to the background. As, per the design of the game, you're usually covering a range of terrain, too often you're getting blasted in the face by a bullet you barely saw coming. Personally, I couldn't stand its jingoism either. I can't really say why, but even though I don't have a problem with spaceships, tanks just seem a bit too much, and I couldn't stomach the free-for-all. As a run'n'gun shooter I think it would appeal to fans of the genre as it proposes something different in a convincing way and solid presentation.

ALLTYNEX Second (2010; 2013): While tempting to classify it as great "for a doujin", the first impression of gameplay is that this has great production values. The setting is typical space sf but things look sharp and you're immediately thrust into action. In setting up the game world it is also apparent that a lot of effort was put into providing a cinematic experience which, here, is indeed surprising and very much welcome "for a doujin".

One criticism is the fact that, even though this is an original PC game, it is poorly optimized for PCs. Screen configuration is only accessible in a pre-start menu (although 4K resolution is available), and controls always show on screen as keyboard keys (it plays great on a controller, regardless).
Gameplay is sharp. There are no pickups to speak of and, surprisingly, no bombs either. However, apart from your rapid fire shot, you also have a power-dependent automatic lock-on, as well as a sword for close range. Bullets are visible, being bright against the darkness of space, and there is decent enemy variation. Deaths usually occur due to very aggressive enemies, which like to charge at you or appear right next to the lower part of the screen, shooting at you from all sides. There is some leniency in terms of your hitbox but you do not get infinite credits here. After two coins you're out. There is a practice mode for areas you've reached, to help you perfect your game.

Even in easy mode it gets relentless fast and one wonders if this isn't the case of trying to show off everything at the same time. The action is so relentless it's almost hard to take in as the developers seem to throw every type of enemy attack at you, all at the same time. It is certainly spectacular and impressive but it might be too much of a good thing. There are also a couple of niggles with presentation. Everytime you hit an enemy you earn points which appear in script on the screen. Due to the relentless action and the really quite large fontsize, it's just screen that's filled with things. Another is the strange 16:9 orientation of the screen, which takes some getting used to as everything seems especially cramped. Apart from the lock-on, which is limited by power anyway, there is not much hope of hitting enemies that are sitting wide from you, which is a point of frustration.

All the same a really impressive game that in terms of in-play presentation is really quite something but is otherwise hard to recommend unless for fanatics as its crushing difficulty aided by some of its design quibbles will swat everyone else away with ease.

RefleX (2008; 2013): Strangely, this one seems less advanced than the previous. It is now a sprite-based shooter but the designs don't look very distinctive. If anything, there's a feeling this was made in a shmup maker like Dezaemon. Weirdly there's no 4K option in this one and you can't seem to move in a diagonal. The shooting controls are also more streamlined: just shot and shield. The shield mechanic, however, is interesting. It's limited by a bar, and, while having it on, shots bounce back (the namesake reflex), doing damage to enemies.

This one is indeed hard to describe. It's still quite difficult but much of the difficulty also lies in its technical aspects. The position of the shot and shield buttons are not easy to use and the lack of diagonals make it extra hard to maneuver. The more you progress the more continues you earn for later playthroughs. This is somewhat strange in that you don't really get any better, just are able to continue for longer. So, it doesn't really reward better playing, just playing for longer.
The backgrounds are quite bland but there's a will there to add dramatics with quick camera changes and the inventive design of the bosses. This one might be the one that's great "for a doujin". However, while there was some hint of enthusiasm in ALLTYNEX, here the lack of attention to detail mars it somewhat.

Kamui (1999; 2013): This one has a slightly different layout than the others and, straight away, a big difference as the max resolution is 800x600. However, this does aid in presentation as it fits its lo-fi aesthetics. If anything this one comes out as an ultra ambitious doujin shmup. It's literally everything but the kitchen sink that's thrown at you, at all times. I can quite imagine the stir it caused in the scene back in 1999. But, taken on its merits, its overambitious zeal turns it into a tiring exercise.

Strangely enough, or perhaps as a persuasion for players to see the end and everything the programmers made, continues are infinite - this just doesn't work in these types of games as the difficulty is totally dismissed. Gameplay is interesting but also complicated due to its pressure sensitive use of keys. There is only one shot, although upgradable through powerups, but also a secondary shot that is a lock-on (quick press) or a laser blast (long press). As this secondary shot is dependent on the use of an energy bar, much more often than you'd want, you're spending the bar on a quick discharge of lock-on, when you wanted a long laser blast to take out a boss. As the bar takes its time to recharge, this can be dramatic in the face of death. Here again Siter Skain show their inventiveness in bosses. The namesake Kamui is certainly fantastic and deserves all plaudits coming from a doujin developer. Excellent stuff.

In the end though, Kamui is more interesting than RefleX which ends up living too much on its gimmick. ALLTYNEX is the star and shows how far doujinsoft can go with the right attitude and skills. These are all the same niche and ultimately hard to recommend if you're not already into these sort of games. For fans, then, it's the cream of the crop of amateur developed games, a very interesting trilogy that doesn't go for anime or danmaku and presents solid (if not hectic) action.


Community Contributor
I have continued to explore more shooters...
Wow, don't know where to begin. They all sound very interesting, but they all also have things that would drive me nuts, like the screen filling up with text or having to do quick or long presses of the same key/button. On the other hand, infinite continues wouldn't bother me at all, in fact I would prefer it that way, as I get bored easily redoing things. It's why I can't fully get on with games like Slay the Spire or Hades. I start off really enjoying them, but about the third time I have to start over I begin to feel the boredom creeping in.