FPS—Far Cry 6 your playing experiences

You lucky people who have FC6, please select from this paparazzi smorgasbord:

Your Setup
What CPU/GPU combo are you playing on?
What resolution are you on?—what FPS are you getting?
Single player or Co-op?—how drunk were you while playing?

How is it overall?
Is the story of much interest?
What's your take on the main characters?
What bugs have you encountered?

The World
How much bigger than previous FCs?
Is it 'alive', ie populated by people and wildlife?
How is the new urban environment?
Do you spend more time in urban or rural?

Gear & Resources
How are all the standard weapons & ordinance?
What are the odd/unusual weapons, and how do they handle?
What's transport variety, availability and handling like?
How much delay or grind to get the good stuff?

Do enemies do any interesting stuff like detect you, raise alarm, call reinforcements, run away if outgunned, take cover, flank, make for high ground, use explosives & vehicles, etc etc?
Do you have access to AI buddies? Do they help, or mainly get in the way?

Is home base static, or can be altered and developed?
How is player progression handled—skill tree, leveling, …?
How free are you to tackle objectives in your sequence?
What degree of tactical choice & freedom do you have to achieve objectives?

Are any of the intro or cut scenes skippable?
What's the 3rd-person viewpoint all about—when, why?

How does it compare with previous FCs you've played?
What's new in the gameplay from the FC formula?
Where does it sit in your personal ranking of FC games?

Thanks :)
Thanks to anyone who takes the time and makes the effort to provide a good review of their experiences. I'll do my best to keep the thread clear of junk replies, so your good stuff isn't buried in a heap of one-liners.
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Ok so i am about half way through one of the island sections story wise and about half the map discovered by doing random side quests/jewel hunting quests. I am playing far cry strictly coop. I think PCG gave this game a fair review after what ive played so far, but that might change.

How is it overall?
Its...good, if you like Far Cry. Im personally having a good time with it and im not as sick of the classic formula as others are. It looks GORGEOUS first of all, guns sound nice, they hit hard there is still classic chaotic environments, fires everywhere and its always better playing with someone. I have had lots of laughs but, like other FCs i have had a lot of frustrations too.
There are A LOT of technical bugs and graphic hitches im running into, a lot of them are funny but others are quite annoying. Ive had some crashes and i have had instances where cutscenes wouldn't load so id have to leave the game, come back and then travel (not fast travel because its blocked) to the location of the cutscene and it usually put me over 1km away, this might be due in part to playing the game coop but i don't know. The story is ok, nothing to write home about, the combat is still fun and chaotic as ever, but that's classic far cry and i love it regardless. The new "bullet" system is tedious but something i don't mind. The clothes difference on the other hand i can do without. I shouldn't have to put on a parkour outfit to be able to run far or having increased stamina, that should just be a thing as you level up in this game. The supremo backpack on the other hand is great and it comes in handy in a lot of situations, so thats a good edition imo.

My biggest gripe though? Driving is TERRIBLE in this game, it is by far the worst to me in the FC series.

How does it compare with previous FCs you've played?
Depends on the area you are talking about. Driving as mentioned right above is a lot better in other far crys. Theres no dual wielding in this far cry, the wingsuit and parachute are a lot clunkier and harder to control than the others too. What this FC, to me does better outside of looking the best because it really does over previous ones, is the bigger map which i like, the addition of the supremo backpack. You can cockfight with people in this as the roosters and you can build up your camps which i like too.

What bugs have you encountered?
A lot, and i wont cover all over em, but in no particular order ive fallen through the ground, fallen off trucks and cars that i should be sitting in, cars just exploding on me, game crashed once or twice trying to fast travel. I cant play through a session without running into something tbh, but a lot of them are harmless or just really funny. one time i was in a small helicopter about to take off and i had hit a trees leaves or something and my helicopter just went absolutely flying and spinning for like 200 m from my location, it was probably the funniest glitch next to running people and horses over with cars and having them stick inside the hood or my seat.

Apparently biggest FC world yet—how much bigger tan previous, and is it 'alive', ie populated by people and wildlife?
Absolutely the biggest map and its more or less alive. I liked how in FC 4 youd have the enemies attack the bases and checkpoints you freed, but they dont do that in this game. I dont get attacked as much from wild animals as i did in FC5, but they are there, theres always bad guys around to kill, fishing is fun, lots of people to find and rescue. It doesnt seeem like its a lot different than previous FCs but its also a bigger map so i guess there would be more in the game, but it hasnt stood out as being all that much different.

What are the odd/different weapons, and how do they handle?
I have noticed that the snipers in this game do a lot less damage than they should for a sniper. Im using the DLC FC Blood Dragon sniper and it takes like 3 headshots to kill some people for instance. The plate thrower is fun, the nail gun is fun, but far and away the best new weapon is the supremo which handles great. Theres also different versions to unlock, i unlocked one where instead of missiles, it shoots gas and its fun to blanket a base with gas before marching in imo.

Are any of the intro or cut scenes skippable?
No for the intro yes for the cutscenes im pretty sure.

What's your take on the main characters?
Some of them are wacky generic FC characters to me, i laugh at some of their dialogue even if its mostly corny but noone sticks out in my mind particularly except for the main villain and all the nasty things he does throughout the game.

What's new in the gameplay from the FC formula?
The newest additions i have found so far are the different ty pes of bullets to use, the different type of clothes to wear for perks and building up the camps you unlock. The bullet system one is nice to a point, the outfit one... no, i should be able to wear whatever i want and have max running and protection based on me leveling up. Its fun to unlock outfits, but i shouldn't be forced to wear them. At least with the bullet differences you can still kill an armored guard with a soft body bullet albeit more rounds are needed, but with a fully ballistic outfit, you run like a turtle.
Building up camps is fun. Protip- Build up the guerilla barracks, the one that hands out better weapons to your guerillas, it comes in handy to have well equipped guerrillas farther in the game. You can also buy weapons from the vendor of the barracks, the more you build it up the more guns become available to buy so you dont have to go looking for them or unlock them somehow. You can also build fishing huts and hideouts across the map etc. that have weapons and guns. So that edition is welcomed to me.
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Thanks for the great review DX :)
You forgot to mention you were seriously drunk while playing—that's what causes terrible driving, inept headshotting, falling off trucks… that guy stuck in the seat beside you was your co-op partner—clearly too polite to mention it :p

I am playing far cry strictly coop
It'll be interesting to hear how a single player's experiences compare re the bugs.

The visuals, audio, weapons, fire handling and world seem to get almost universal acclaim. I don't like the sound of the bullet system—I assume that's the root of your headshot woes—and dropping the skill tree for wearable boosts may be the straw that breaks my camel's back.

with a fully ballistic outfit, you run like a turtle
That sounds like different outfits suit different playstyles, eg ballistic = confrontation, so maybe stealth has a different outfit like camo & sneakers & quick movement etc.

I enjoyed the base building in Primal & New Dawn, so that works for me. Same with the levelling of weapons in New Dawn.
I'm just gradually playing to the co-op point, so I can't answer most of these questions yet except to say that it's gorgeous. I haven't even driven a vehicle yet, but I did ride a horse. Also, having a crocodile companion is pretty fun.

I'm playing on my laptop, which has a 2080 Max Q, an i7 9750h and 32 GB RAM on a 1080p screen. I did the benchmarking probably 10 times, but ended up setting everything on Ultra, plus the fancy reflections, and was getting 55 FPS, so I capped my framerate there and haven't had any problems. It's a good 1080 p laptop, but not nearly as powerful as my desktop, so I was pretty happy with the 55.

My previous laptop with an i7 7700 mobile always struggled with Ubisoft open worlds because the processor just couldn't handle them. No matter how I set the graphics, I always stayed between 40 and 45 fps because of the CPU, which couldn't use enough power to handle the games properly without generating too much heat. But that was a cheap MSI, and the cooling wasn't good. This is a Sager and stays cool pretty much all the time, which probably means they left some performance on the table, but I'm happy with how it runs games.
BTW, I pretty much avoid all professional reviews of Ubisoft games because reviewers have the wrong idea about what the games should be. They want the series to evolve into something else, while I like the Far Cry and AC formulas quite a bit. Personally, the changes they made in this game are pretty darn significant, too, so I don't know what these professional reviewers are expecting. You've got to keep at least the Far Cry basics, or it won't be a Far Cry game anymore.
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professional reviews … have the wrong idea about what the games should be. They want the series to evolve into something else
I know, always makes me laugh, how most of 'em chase the shiny all the time, as if it's a fashion industry. I know part of it is fashion, but there's a lot of gaming which isn't fickle, and will hopefully remain so.

I often mentally send these pro reviewers a message "So what do you think of the latest chess sets from X company? I'm a bit disappointed they haven't changed the world map yet, it's been how many centuries now?"

Oh look, football pitch is still the same size, and they haven't even changed the goals a bit!

Change for change's sake is a mugs game—but the mugs did get a nice refresh in the latest release :rolleyes:
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BTW, I pretty much avoid all professional reviews of Ubisoft games because reviewers have the wrong idea about what the games should be. They want the series to evolve into something else, while I like the Far Cry and AC formulas quite a bit. Personally, the changes they made in this game are pretty darn significant, too, so I don't know what these professional reviewers are expecting. You've got to keep at least the Far Cry basics, or it won't be a Far Cry game anymore.

I wouldnt even be interested if it completely changed from its FC roots, and thats all still here and it is probably the main reason i can deal with other not-so-wanted changes or some of the glitches i encounter (lets face it, technical glitches have been in all FC too but a lot of them were funny (FC5 had naked people glitches!). I've seen some reviews question the addition of the supremo backpack and that gets me, like what it does is soo FC to me that it makes me think why somethin like this wasnt there sooner.
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So I've played just a little bit longer and thought I'd share a few things. Two conveniences that I really like are the vehicle system and the looting. I said originally that you didn't have to do anything to loot a body, but that wasn't quite right. You actually have to get near the bodies, and then the game will give you whatever they had. Still much better than having a key press and patting them down. And I love the fact that you can call your vehicle any time that you want from the radial menu. I can't tell you how many times in Far Cry 4 that I was stuck somewhere without a vehicle and had to make a long trip on foot (while being constantly attacked by animals) to find one. Not anymore.

I have no idea what's up with ammo. I've never bought any and I've never run out, but occasionally I'll get a notice that I looted some.

This part may be wrong because I'm still very early in the game, but it feels as though they are moving away from encouraging stealth and seem to want to focus your gameplay on creating chaos. Stealth is still viable, but they've drastically shortened the amount of time you have from the moment you are spotted until the time when everyone knows about it. Also, the NPC's don't seem overly concerned about setting off the alarms, which could be a big concern in previous games. Twice today we were spotted and fought to the end without an NPC ever calling in backups. The alarms are still there, they just aren't used as much. Also, the Supremo (backpack guided missile launcher) is clearly the star of the show, and it's definitely not for being quiet. Add to that the tanks you can steal and bring along with you, and it just feels like Ubisoft is acknowledging that taking care of problems loudly is perfectly fine.

One annoyance is that if you are playing co-op, the host is not only the only person who can talk to people, but is also the only person who can hear them unless there is a cutscene. This means that most of the time you have to tell your partner what the person said and explain the objective to them.

Difficulty: your only options when you start the game, as I remember it, are "Story" and "Normal". If you approach an objective from the front door, you better be good. Best is to come at an objective from any other direction.

I'm a little confused about the workbench. I think you use it to set what type of ammo you want each of your weapons to use and to add weapon mods.
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Still much better than having a key press and patting them down
Absolutely, the looting and skinning animations were always an annoyance up to now. And the key press—grr, same one to loot and change weapon for one on the ground. I'm well experienced in all that, and yet find myself exchanging my souped-up rifle for some crappy handgun—grr!

ammo. I've never bought any
Far Cry has always been generous with ammo—the only time I buy is for convenience, when I have more money than I need.

moving away from encouraging stealth and seem to want to focus your gameplay on creating chaos
Not good news for me—I had fun with Just Cause, but the mayhem eventually got old.

Stealth is still viable, but they've drastically shortened the amount of time you have from the moment you are spotted until the time when everyone knows about it
As long as it's viable, that could just make it more interesting—the need to plan and execute more carefully.

the Supremo (backpack guided missile launcher) is clearly the star of the show, and it's definitely not for being quiet
There have been similar, there's a cluster rocket weapon in FC5 called RAT4 and there was the LK-1018 in FC4—not the same, but similar boom-boom effect. I never bothered with them beyond trying them out, not suited for stealth.

I noticed in some videos that the Supremo has a number of alternative uses—if I recall correctly, firing gas or EMP. They might be less boom-boom.

If you approach an objective from the front door, you better be good. Best is to come at an objective from any other direction.
It's second nature for me to circle an objective and then decide the approach. There are often open backdoors, secret entrances or sewer pipes leading into the heart of the place. I enjoy that planning part of it as much as the actual execution—presumably comes from my background in strategy games.

Thanks for the news, I live vicariously thru your experience :D
As long as it's viable, that could just make it more interesting—the need to plan and execute more carefully.

There have been similar, there's a cluster rocket weapon in FC5 called RAT4 and there was the LK-1018 in FC4—not the same, but similar boom-boom effect. I never bothered with them beyond trying them out, not suited for stealth.

It's second nature for me to circle an objective and then decide the approach. There are often open backdoors, secret entrances or sewer pipes leading into the heart of the place. I enjoy that planning part of it as much as the actual execution—presumably comes from my background in strategy games.

Thanks for the news, I live vicariously thru your experience :D

You'll be fine on the stealth. The changes are mostly to stop punishing non-stealth play.


You'll see when you play, but there isn't, imo, anything remotely comparable to the supremo in 4 or 5.


I'd never just walk up to the front door, but my son does. As good as he is, I had to revive him twice tonight, which kind of cheered me up in an odd way :p Of course, then I end up with my character being where he was, but without the skills to quickdraw everyone, so then he gets to revive me.


Sorry for the poor formatting. I'm not in the mood to figure out multi-quote tonight.
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Just started so these are just my initial impressions:

-Definitely a Far Cry game
-Visuals are decidedly last gen
-Multiple bugs experienced within first 20 minutes
-Performance seems to be pretty good overall
-Gameplay itself seems pretty polished; gun play is strong
-Too early to rightly say but not sure about how compelling the story is really going to be
-AI is abysmal
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Played some more tonight. Game definitely picks up after establishing your first base, so that's a plus. I personally had a terrible night, though, due to exhaustion and severe vision problems. Going to have to take a break from gaming for awhile to rest my vision, probably about a week. 40 years of sitting too close to monitors for up to 20 hours a day have taken its toll. Extreme insomnia makes my vision even worse, and I haven't gotten more than 4 hours of sleep in a couple of weeks now.
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Going to have to take a break from gaming for awhile to rest my vision
If it's to do with squinting at small stuff on screen, get a larger monitor or reduce the resolution on your current one. I have 2 x 42" TV ~2 feet from me on my desk running at 1080p, everything is big—huge to young people—and I don't suffer any eye strain despite being in front of 'em 16/7.

If you have glasses, get checked if you haven't—the eyes change physically over time, so eyewear that worked 3-5 years ago may not be good for you today. If you don't have glasses, maybe you need 'em. I dunno if the eyestrain might be causing the insomnia, something to check.

Good luck with it, the eyes are kinda crucial—definitely the last sense I'd want to damage. Plenty of times around here I could do with impaired hearing… :rolleyes:
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If it's to do with squinting at small stuff on screen, get a larger monitor or reduce the resolution on your current one. I have 2 x 42" TV ~2 feet from me on my desk running at 1080p, everything is big—huge to young people—and I don't suffer any eye strain despite being in front of 'em 16/7.

If you have glasses, get checked if you haven't—the eyes change physically over time, so eyewear that worked 3-5 years ago may not be good for you today. If you don't have glasses, maybe you need 'em. I dunno if the eyestrain might be causing the insomnia, something to check.

Good luck with it, the eyes are kinda crucial—definitely the last sense I'd want to damage. Plenty of times around here I could do with impaired hearing… :rolleyes:

According to the doctors, it's a combination of the screen time and the insomnia. I've already done all the things like increasing font sizes, working with the light in the room, 20/20/20, bilberry, wearing blue blocker clip-ons over my glasses, one pair of glasses designed just for working on my computer, etc. Truth is, though, that I wake up in the morning with eyestrain, blurred and double vision. It's not an easy fix.
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When I played the other night, a big message suddenly popped up on the screen that said (paraphrasing), "Castillo has sent his elite troops after you!"

My immediate thought was, "Oh, no. They are going to kidnap @Brian Boru again!"

But then it came up with another message that said I had to either run or fight. This particular time, we were in a vehicle, and a minute later it said we had lost them (we actually had just kept driving to our objective). This happened again just a little while later. Shortly after that, we were taking over a checkpoint, and got the same message. This time they showed up and we took them out with everyone else. That was 3 times in a relatively short period. Don't know how often it normally happens. They don't kidnap you, though, so that's at least good. Maybe it kept happening because we didn't fight them until the last time. Dunno.
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