FPS—Far Cry 6 your playing experiences

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Just started so these are just my initial impressions:

-Definitely a Far Cry game
-Visuals are decidedly last gen
-Multiple bugs experienced within first 20 minutes
-Performance seems to be pretty good overall
-Gameplay itself seems pretty polished; gun play is strong
-Too early to rightly say but not sure about how compelling the story is really going to be
-AI is abysmal

I agree with this list (esp. AI, like they literally just stand there for you to shoot them in the head lol). But i dont feel the graphics are last gen, and you say the performance is stable, what are you playing the game at? Max settings with a 3090 and a new CPU? lol. I think this FC looks the best so far, i dont know how much better they could make a huge map like Yara look for what the story is.
I agree with this list (esp. AI, like they literally just stand there for you to shoot them in the head lol). But i dont feel the graphics are last gen, and you say the performance is stable, what are you playing the game at? Max settings with a 3090 and a new CPU? lol. I think this FC looks the best so far, i dont know how much better they could make a huge map like Yara look for what the story is.

Admittedly I am playing max settings with a 5800X + RTX 3080 lol so I can't speak for how the game performs overall for less capable hardware.
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I agree with this list (esp. AI, like they literally just stand there for you to shoot them in the head lol). But i dont feel the graphics are last gen, and you say the performance is stable, what are you playing the game at? Max settings with a 3090 and a new CPU? lol. I think this FC looks the best so far, i dont know how much better they could make a huge map like Yara look for what the story is.

It's stable on my gaming laptop with a 2080 max-q. Have it on Ultra and am getting 58 fps (I capped it there). Of course, I'm only playing on 1080p, which makes a huge difference.


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I don't know what other people are experiencing, but this game has far more bugs than any FC game I've ever played at launch. Most of them aren't bad, but I've fallen through the map twice, and my minimap doesn't work, which makes it hard to drive to the location you need. Most of them aren't bad or are just a little annoying, like the pop-up notice telling me I need to change my graphics settings because I've run out of VRAM (which I haven't).

Still enjoying it, but there are some other things I miss, like being able to pick up dead NPC's guns, a progression system (there are no skills or anything), and no outposts (that's the biggest shocker). You do take over a few facilities, but so far they've been ridiculously easy, and I don't think there's a 'hard' difficulty, just normal and story (I could be wrong about that, though).

Honestly, it feels more like a generic, open-world shooter than a Far Cry game.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
no outposts (that's the biggest shocker)

I've fallen through the map twice
Happened my 3 times so far in my current FC5 playthru, plus one or two other little things I can't recall at the moment. No biggie, it's in good shape.
It'll be interesting to see if they fix FC6 before releasing DLC.

progression system (there are no skills
That sucks, it was one of the things which gave the game some strategic layer. Is there any base building, or anything requiring strategic choices?

feels more like a generic, open-world shooter than a Far Cry game
Bummer. So what's the emphasis on then, just the combat?


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Phew, you scared me there!

Actually, this "battle" is bugged for us. It's kind of funny, actually. It says they are sending these people after you, and then moments later it says you've lost them, even if you don't move.

I don't know if I told you before but one of my favorite things in Far Cry 5 was to shoot pilots out of planes and helicopters, but it won't let me do that in 6 for some reason. My son can do it, but I can shoot them dead on over and over and it never registers as a hit, which is frustrating, but today I found the M60 LMG and put explosive rounds in it, and that takes care of them in glorious fashion.

We had a lot of fun playing today. My son, unfortunately, discovered a mod for his Supremo Backpack that lets him do dash-jumps. I say unfortunately because everything under and behind him catches on fire. He had more than a little fun setting me on fire today--an uncountable amount of times.

You can open up hideouts all over the map and then improve them, which is neat. I'm running low on the metal I need to build them out, though, but it's a fun addition to the game. Another fun thing is that if you find a car or aircraft that you like, you can take them back to a base or hideout and then you get to keep them. We found a weird, flying contraption that can land on water and has mounted guns, so we took that back with us. So far there seems to be little variety in cars, probably because this is modeled after Cuba, but maybe when we get into a different part of the map we'll find some different ones. We've spent this whole time in the SW corner of the map. There's a ton of stuff to do.

Oh, and I got a weiner dog who is in a wheelchair. He's adorable. I send him to attack people, but he's not very helpful. He distracts them for a second or two.


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no outposts

People will argue with me on that, but there ARE NO OUTPOSTS! You have checkpoints to take over, but they are, so far at least, all identical and only have 2 or 3 defenders. They are just a couple of shacks on the side of the road.

But what is supposed to take the place of outposts are the bases that you come across and take over, but they aren't like the outposts. Outposts were sort of contained, stealth puzzles. These places, and there aren't nearly as many of them as far as I can tell, are sprawling complexes with relatively few defenders. Perhaps it's just me and how I approached outposts, but these have a completely different feel. These are like large mission objectives from 4 or 5.

Happened my 3 times so far in my current FC5 playthru, plus one or two other little things I can't recall at the moment. No biggie, it's in good shape.
That's because you are incompetent at walking. I never fell through the map in 4 or 5 through 5 playthroughs.

That sucks, it was one of the things which gave the game some strategic layer. Is there any base building, or anything requiring strategic choices?
You can build out the hideouts a little. There are four or five types of buildings that you can choose two from, and then you can upgrade them as you get enough resources. It's pretty fun.

feels more like a generic, open-world shooter than a Far Cry game
Bummer. So what's the emphasis on then, just the combat?

I was probably being a little harsh there. The more I play, the more it feels like a proper Far Cry game. One thing that's missing so far, though, is interaction with the antagonist. It will probably come later, but right now I'm not even sure he knows I exist. I haven't seen or heard him since the intro. In 5, you had a lot more interaction with the disciples than Joseph Seed, but you were still interacting with the enemy. There's still plenty of time for that to come into this game, though. We are taking it very slowly and doing all the things, so we've barely scratched the surface of the story yet.
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The thing that is baffling me the most is that neither of us can figure out how to refill ammo, and I'm to the point that I honestly believe you can't. All you can do is find ammo lying around every now and then. I'm frequently running out and having to switch guns. When you take over the bases, you get fully refilled automatically, which is nice, but I would rather go to a weapon shop and be able to refill any time I want. It makes you think twice about unloading your gun uselessly into a tank (even though that's quite fun to do) because you are just wasting ammo. Maybe that adds a strategic layer, dunno.

Also, all you seem to be able to do with occupied enemy tanks (since I just mentioned them) is destroy them. I would have liked to be able to hijack them, but maybe that's unrealistic and would have unbalanced the game too much since it's harder for the tank to hit a person running toward them. You'd be able to take them too easily, I guess.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
how to refill ammo
If you don't mind how-to spoilers, this GameFAQs post has some nice info from the para starting "Also it's pretty easy to restock ammo", altho I believe one method where he says "30 seconds" should be '30 minutes'.

you are incompetent at walking
While that is definitely true—I'm much slower going backwards than forwards :(—it was jumping or chuting that triggered the ground penetration. I suspect activating the chute too near the ground caused it, but not sure.

we've barely scratched the surface
That's because you're so superior at walking. Slow down, drag your heels…

Thanks for the commentary posts :)


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If you don't mind how-to spoilers, this GameFAQs post has some nice info from the para starting "Also it's pretty easy to restock ammo", altho I believe one method where he says "30 seconds" should be '30 minutes'.
Thanks. We very rarely do any of those things, never have the starter car, never fast travel, etc. But that helps tremendously. Appreciate it. Don't know why I didn't look it up myself lol
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If I suspect activating the chute too near the ground caused it, but not sure.

lol we should play together some time and see who can kill themselves the most with parachutes and wingsuits. I died again today trying to leap off of a fairly low perch and fly with my wingsuit. My son is always like, "What happened?!" and I just say, "No comment."

You'd get frustrated with me, though. You sound like you are much better at stealth than I am.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Don't know why I didn't look it up myself
Because you're incompetent at…
Never mind, the post would be way too long.

we should play together some time
I've been in touch with your son, offering condolences. If I interpret the few non-expletives in his long soliloquy response correctly… Umm, I'll call you…

You'd get frustrated with me
Checking for argument… …
Nope, I got nuthin'.

you are much better at stealth than I am
Oh I don't know, I bet you make up for it with the amount of times you die. I mean, what's more stealthy than being dead?


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Do enemies do any interesting stuff like detect you, raise alarm, call reinforcements, run away if outgunned, take cover, flank, make for high ground, use explosives & vehicles, etc etc?
Do you have access to AI buddies? Do they help, or mainly get in the way?

One thing interesting the AI has in it's favor this time are security cameras, and I am just now getting used to looking for them. The first time I was sneaking by a building and an alarm went off, I was completely surprised.

As for AI buddies, I don't know since I'm playing co-op. They do have an interesting mini-game involving people you recruit to join your cause. You can send them out on missions that you direct from camp. You pick the leader of the group based on their stats and bonuses, and they head out with the grunts. When they reach an objective, the leader calls in and you pick one of three options on how they should proceed. Usually the higher the risk, the more reward. I think there are 3 objectives per mission. It's kind of fun to do.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
NPC's don't kill me
Well of course not, how could they when your son has them all eliminated 5 minutes before you venture bravely?

security cameras
I saw that on a YT video, the guy was shooting them first thing. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 had them too, had to send in a drone to find a hacking station and disable them—or shoot them of course, but there were a lot.

people you recruit to join your cause
Sounds like an advancement of the GFH system, interesting. Thanks :)
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I logged in to finish some Bandido Operations this morning, which are little mini-games where you give orders to the people you've recruited who are undertaking missions, and I failed 4 times on options that had 90% success chance. RNG hates me.
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So i just wrapped up Far Cry and did one of the "insurgency" endgame activities. My overall impression is... its a good game if you are a far cry fan, its also a bad game if you are a far cry fan, if that makes sense. I had a lot of fun, and i dont think i wouldve had as much, playing with someone and just running around blowing stuff up, taking checkpoints/bases, collecting guns, using the supremo and a rooster to kill, you know i had that good ol' far cry fun but there was a lot of hitches and bugs that marred a lot of my game time.

On top of that the story and the way it ended was...to be desired i guess, i didnt like it too much, no spoilers.

I mentioned in my initial reaction that i hated the driving. Well, i do, BUT driving became the part i had the most fun with, esp after beefing up my car where i can literally toss vehicles into the sky if i hit them head on and boy i did a lot of that and laughed pretty hard.

I might do the DLCs, i didnt buy my copy of fc, i just used ubisofts connect for the month so i could just beat the story and maybe buy it later at a discount.

I had a pic to post but i cant seem to post them, i keep getting an error message.
So here's an update on my experience, now about 4-5 hours in or so: The core gameplay is solid; it is responsive, the gunplay is good, explosions are really satisfying. On a mechanical level is it very competent. When the action is high and the game is firing on all cylinders it is really enjoyable. The supremo is incredibly entertaining, in particular. Still, there are a lot of problems with that game, many of which are typical of a modern Ubisoft release.

First, the characters are not particularly good, nor is the dialogue. This a chronic problem of Ubisoft titles, generally speaking. Characters don't feel real nor do you really care about them. I think the story itself is decent, I just think it isn't told in a compelling or believable way, which is partially impacted by the characters being bad. Second, the map. Why in gods name is the map the size of a ******* continent? Ubisoft has continually gone batshit crazy with their world sizes. Why is FC6 so huge? What purpose does this possibly serve? Trimming this game (and this is especially applicable to the Assassin's Creed series as well) would not detract from it at all. I don't need to drive 2 miles to my next objective.

Overall, I feel about FC6 the way I do about most Ubisoft titles: there is a really solid core there. They just need to figure out how to make choice cuts and tweaks to make a more polished, tight experience. So far, I think its about a 7/10 or so. The core gameplay carries it pretty far, because it is indeed fun most of the time. I just feel like there's potential for truly great games from Ubisoft if they rein it in a bit.


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One thing that is too bad about FC6 is that if you are playing co-op, your co-op partner doesn't hear the NPC's as they tell you their stories and give you quests. As a result, my son, who is playing in my game, has no idea what is going on half the time. I tell him what the mission is, but he misses the immersion that you get from listening to their stories. It turns the game into just "Go to x, do y" sort of thing for him. That's bad design.


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What's new in the gameplay from the FC formula?
Where does it sit in your personal ranking of FC games?

I don't know if this is new or maybe a return to the early games because I didn't play 1 or 2 (actually played a very small amount of 2 but don't remember it), but I absolutely love the fact that if you holster your weapon and remain calm that the enemy NPC's don't shoot on site. Put your weapon away and keep just a little distance, and they ignore you unless you are in a restricted area. They also ignore you in your vehicle. In the most recent FC games, every time they see you, whether you are driving or just walking down the road, it starts a fight. There are some times, in 4 and 5, when you can get away with it, but not to the level that you can in 6. It's much more like some AC games in that regard.

As of last night, I have moved this up to the top of my ranking of mainline FC games, which would go 6, 4, 5, 3. (I'm really torn between 4 and 5 as to which I enjoyed more. May have to think on that some)

Last night we basically just goofed around. I did a search for the best LMG, and we decided we were going to try to go get it. There is a massive city in the northeast of the map (really cool for an FC game). This is Esperanza, and it's amazing to wander through. In the outskirts of the city, we were left alone, but the inner-city is locked down, so we had to move stealthily there. Sadly, we haven't unlocked enough of the story for the area where the gun is located (on top of a theater) to be unlocked, so our mission to get the gun failed (we tried forever to glitch our way in), but we took over a base within the city and also a fort on the edge of the city (we got the fort without being detected, yay).

More than anything, I think it's the crazy huge map that sets this apart. The missions are all sort of the same old Far Cry missions, but the setting is incredible. We're also having fun collecting cars, planes and helicopters. And the Bandido Operations are an interesting twist, although I've run out of bandidos and can't do any more missions at the current time. Upgrading camps is also quite fun, getting all the supplies and such.