Enter to win this Alienware EVERSPACE 2 Prize Pack from PC Gamer and ROCKFISH Games!

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Sep 29, 2020
I'm gonna use the magnetic repulsor, it seems like being able to push other ships around is a good tactical option. That will probably be my favorite.
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Sep 29, 2020
I really love the Possibilities that the magnetic repulsor offers in combat, just being able to just launch drones and outlaws and such into asteroids gets me so excited for the new game!
Sep 30, 2020
I like things that go BOOM and do lots of AoE damage, but knowing me I'll probably have to focus on whatever gives me more cargo space instead. I can stop hoarding any time I like...
Sep 22, 2020
I would have to say the annihalator dervice.
With the name annihalator that says it all right there, annihilate everything in your way!
Sep 30, 2020
Magnetic Repulsor !
Well something I would have wanted in the first game was some kind of a deployable force field to block ships from following me in wrecks or some other narrow places. Some sort of a barrier impossible to go through (for enemies and players) but with nice tactical applications and upgrades that can lead to tons of fun (and risks) :

  • it can block enemies from following you for a short period of time ;

  • you can use it to set traps. Set mines or turrets in a room/narrow location, aggro enemies, lock them in with the barrier, enjoy the fireworks ;

  • can provide a temporary cover when things gets too hot ! But to make things funnier it doesn't protect from "all weapons". You can identify wich one is covered by the color of the energy used. It would be also another funny addition to choose the type of energy it will absorbs before taking off... ;

  • following this idea it can be modified to deflect somes shots. An upgrade that leads to enemies that can go through but some shots could bounces on it. Shots drains the usage time of the device... the more damages it takes the shorter it lasts. Funny addition it could be also used as some kind of mirror to trickshot a pursuier. Flying at high speed, aim on your side to raise the shield and "bounce shot" your pursier with a nice hit in the cockpit!

  • a variant of the device (still on the same idea of an energy deployable thinggy...) could work as a small teleportation device that works the one in Risk of Rain 2. Aim somewhere (not too far) and for a certain duration you can teleport between two locations. This could lead to fast and usefull strafing technics :D

But I stop here and I really wish you to make a new Everspace with even more action and cool "toys" to use ! Also bring us the kind of music you used in the trailer of the first game. This is the kind of atmosphere I was looking for in the first place. Cheers !
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Sep 30, 2020
I like the magnetic repulsor. I feel like every junky space ship would have something like this for docking and its been reconfigured to become a weapon. A band of pirates bounce a target back and forth like pong, the forces kill the crew, they don't dirty their hands. More brutal than any laser weapon.
Sep 30, 2020
I'll be honest, I'm a simple man and I like simple things. Big bombs and guns are all fun and stuff, but what I really like is something small and convenient. Give me some tractor beams and I'll be happy really. People underestimate not having to fly the extra tiny distance, long live laziness. Also, virus sounds dope.
Sep 30, 2020
I expect that the Teleporter will be my favourite device specifically because I like running and gunning, kiting enemies and teleporting to get in and out of the fray! I had so much fun in Everspace just popping in, wrecking things and disappearing by teleporting out.
Sep 26, 2020
Definitely the magnetic repulsor. I like fighting in asteroid fields and being able to just force my adversary into one or into a wall would definitely be a fun tactic to use.
Sep 30, 2020
Energized Boost all the way! I love getting into fights fast! Hopefully enemies can also have the device for some epic fights with nerve-racking moments - will I get to safety or not as in the first game it was almost a guarantee that you would be safe.
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