Diablo 4

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On a Journey
Speaking on Twitter, Piepiora told one curious player that "When we say they are expensive what we mean is that they create a lot of memory overhead," because whenever you "see another player in game you load them and their entire stash filled with all their items".

But why? Telling us it does that isn't resolving the problem. They need to make a way to only load the equipped items, not everything. Its stupid they released the game thinking that would be enough. There has to be a solution. How didn't anyone see this coming?

Anyway, I got bored doing nightmare dungeons so I went on my planned spree of taking over strongholds tonight. I have taken over all of them now... though not on one character.

  • Some just aren't worth the effort, no quests there and no real reason to go to them.
  • Two of them just give you a portal, one of the portals isn't in a useful location anyway. I might do it for completedness.
  • Some just exist as locations to be taken, but offer nothing of value.
  • Some have quests at them but I think I have most of those now.
  • Some are needed to be cleared to access dungeons. One has the lvl 15 druid quest in it... not very fair really. Its a lvl 30 area.
  • Some are locations for quests. mainly games way of telling you place exists.
  • some are entire settlements, I got them first.
  • One has really cool music (lol) that its a shame its locked behind a stronghold.
  • Some of them don't even remain cleared after you finish them - one tonight I got attacked right away after "clearing" it. Most of these are just lilith statue locations. Need to clear place to get them. Or at least go there.
  • Some have dungeons used by nightmare dungeons - need to clear to do them.

I did enough opening of strongholds and other activities to get my last 4 free paragon points on all my characters.
I also found a lilith statue that gave another paragon point.
The only lilith statues I don't have are in pvp areas... I might go in there one night when its dead quiet on server and get them. I know where they are.

Level 72, I need to try the tier 4 dungeon soon as I am almost walking over tier 20 dungeons now. I can make glphs in a shop but they are in a range (so 16-20 is one range) meaning since I only want lvl 20 ones now, I tend to delete most of the ones the game makes.
That and I am picky as some of the monster abilities or terms of dungeons don't work well with my build. Some are just plain annoying, a ghost or rock that chases you around dungeon and attacks you if you don't move in time... no thanks. I am not forced to play them. One I played earlier is added to list, ranged could burn resources. So constantly out of essence doesn't help. I don't feel safe with no essence and no way to replace it. I am used to being on none in fights but if I am surrounded by corpses, I am not really empty. I use their bodies as ammo while also filling my essence up. The only essence spender in entire build is blight, I mainly rely on blowing things up.

I want to just do higher tier ones... though the difficulty bump will be noticed. All my resists will be reduced again.

Most of my gear is as good as game is willing to give me. I don't really need the unique scythe as it appears its bugged right now.

I hadn't even watched videos on the Fallen temple (tier 4 dungeon), or at least, I thought I had but I may watched an Uber lilith fight instead. As the boss isn't who I was expecting... and its funny as its happened with same boss twice now. I am hoping to get some help from someone but they are both playing on the season servers. Seems you get a debuff in the dungeon which can be removed by just leaving dungeon and returning again.

No new unique items today, just repeats. Trying to make a better weapon. Its hard to tell if its better until equipped. Its like Grim Dawn, DPS on the weapon isn't the only factor it seems. I should be using a sword but all my scythes are better

clearing up quests, fun shrine... i went in portal - given I had to go cheer at 3 statues of Diablo, mephisto & Baal to open it up, I wasn't not going to go into portal. After strongholds it wasn't a hard fight... really, after Tier 20 nightmare dungeons, most of Tier 3 is easy now.

I should try to remember to do a quest which rewards a ring with huge amount of life on it. Think I have to fight a boss from campaign in it again...
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On a Journey
Got to 73 before making a season character

Killed Anderial again in a quest chain
Got a nice amulet with lots of life as reward, this is the fully blown version, but all text after star was added by me

I miss all the gear I have on my lvl 72 necro, the one in season is missing so much... that it makes game harder to play

max level gear for Sacred meant to be 720, so it starting at 732 made me realise it would gain more.


On a Journey
i don't agree with the nerf to monster difficulty that starts at lvl 55 and means they always 5 levels below you. That makes it too easy... its no challenge. Its like beating a puppy. Its not enjoyable. Mind you, I think there are too many packs in open world. If you have a necro with pets, you never get a breath between them finding new friends. They never stop attacking you, its just their ability is slapped around at 55 and 75.

I liked it how it was. This change made doing whispers after say 60 not worth it...that and tree rewards low level glyphs.. Hi, I am running tier 20, why are you giving me tier 1? Nightmare dungeons can get boring fast, especially the choices offered in season 1 (Eternal gets same choices). I got tired of fighting the same things in different caves. at least previous group of dungeons used had a variety. This is almost all ghosts and skeletons. Game needs new monsters, not just mutated versions of the same ones.

Season server is full of people, eternal isn't. Shame so many decided to play season. Would have been nice more stay... yes, I know, I started there too but I just not sure I like it... yet. Its same game, I just missing so much.

The changes made to open world aren't that great in Season. You could play game and almost not notice them... so far anyway, its always possible the world looks different to other players. The monsters in tier 3 can have auras that don't show in earlier difficulties. What I see isn't what others see.
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I have started S1 in D4 mainly to play with my GF and i notice that the only reson i realy start the game is when she whants to play. The game is not only broken atm but it is allso seriosly lacking in the gameplay department, as i have said before, the gear system is boring and never gives you the WOW COOL effect when you find a new item. Dungeons are coppy paste allmost at the level of Oblivion, they make you grind that stupid renown again for some unknown reson, first time wasn't fun so doing it a second time will not make it fun. Will see in the next 6 months or so if the game improves but i kinda doubht it since they have to change allot of the core of D4 for me to be happy.


On a Journey
What they should do with seasons is create a quest chain for them with the same amount of love and care that went into the original campaign. There isn't enough to make you get involved. Its also not clear what you need to do, one quest ended saying I needed to finish chapter 1 & 2 of season objectives but didn't have a direct link to what I needed to do. I actually found them on the internet before i found the list in game.

Its all about hearts. And that isn't really clear what can be done. Is it too hard to have an ingame tutorial? Or a help page.

I went into season and ignored most of the rest of the game, only using whispers to level up. I think I probably need to fill in some gaps. It makes game really empty... but what is there to do? They are the ones who chose to let people play without campaign... they are the ones who chose a one play only campaign and are now having to bring some of those bosses back you can only fight once.

Renown is likely to be completed while you do nightmare dungeons. They increased amount of rewards for finishing quests. Two areas require you to take over strongholds to max out lvl 5. I did it on my current lvl 73 just before starting the season. He is only missing 3 strongholds now, the ones remaining don't really offer anything of use.

most quests are either kill this thing(s) or do a dungeon.

I don't see point in being lvl 100, there is nothing new to do then you haven't been able to do before it. Sure, some like the challenge of beating seemingly impossible odds but I don't. Not if there isn't an actual reward in game for doing it. When legendaries are so ho hum, and not even an exciting thing to get, and uniques aren't much better... Rares are likely to be more exciting if they roll good... as you can make them into something you want.

When you have degraded the attractiveness of what was once the oOo moments of the game, you really messed up big. Legendaries still show as special when they fall but now I just pick them up and look at them later... its not uncommon enough.

The items themselves aren't even special, its the aspects on them. Being able to remove these shows legendaries aren't special. They just a rare with an extra benefit. The fact the really good legendary items in D2 are now called Unique shows the current legendaries are a lie. Why did they even call them that. Unique is more legendary, its drop rate is closer but probably still too high (I have multiple copies of some of them). Torchlight 2 you would get one legendary after finishing story, it was similar in D3 at the beginning. And it was random, rarely something you could use on that character... pushed replayability.

Season is fun as until you get to about lvl 55, you are never above the level of the monsters around you. You can ignore the nerf for half the game. It doesn't make me feel godly beating up anything 5 levels below mine. Feels bad.
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What they should do with seasons is create a quest chain for them with the same amount of love and care that went into the original campaign. There isn't enough to make you get involved. Its also not clear what you need to do, one quest ended saying I needed to finish chapter 1 & 2 of season objectives but didn't have a direct link to what I needed to do. I actually found them on the internet before i found the list in game.

Its all about hearts. And that isn't really clear what can be done. Is it too hard to have an ingame tutorial? Or a help page.

I went into season and ignored most of the rest of the game, only using whispers to level up. I think I probably need to fill in some gaps. It makes game really empty... but what is there to do? They are the ones who chose to let people play without campaign... they are the ones who chose a one play only campaign and are now having to bring some of those bosses back you can only fight once.

Renown is likely to be completed while you do nightmare dungeons. They increased amount of rewards for finishing quests. Two areas require you to take over strongholds to max out lvl 5. I did it on my current lvl 73 just before starting the season. He is only missing 3 strongholds now, the ones remaining don't really offer anything of use.

most quests are either kill this thing(s) or do a dungeon.

I don't see point in being lvl 100, there is nothing new to do then you haven't been able to do before it. Sure, some like the challenge of beating seemingly impossible odds but I don't. Not if there isn't an actual reward in game for doing it. When legendaries are so ho hum, and not even an exciting thing to get, and uniques aren't much better... Rares are likely to be more exciting if they roll good... as you can make them into something you want.

When you have degraded the attractiveness of what was once the oOo moments of the game, you really messed up big. Legendaries still show as special when they fall but now I just pick them up and look at them later... its not uncommon enough.

The items themselves aren't even special, its the aspects on them. Being able to remove these shows legendaries aren't special. They just a rare with an extra benefit. The fact the really good legendary items in D2 are now called Unique shows the current legendaries are a lie. Why did they even call them that. Unique is more legendary, its drop rate is closer but probably still too high (I have multiple copies of some of them). Torchlight 2 you would get one legendary after finishing story, it was similar in D3 at the beginning. And it was random, rarely something you could use on that character... pushed replayability.

Season is fun as until you get to about lvl 55, you are never above the level of the monsters around you. You can ignore the nerf for half the game. It doesn't make me feel godly beating up anything 5 levels below mine. Feels bad.
The problem with Uniques in D4 is that dropp rates are stupid, some items you get over and over because they dropp all the time but the 2-3 you could actually use for some builds are so rare that most people will never see them drop. Blizzard made D4 start out good with a realy nice campaign storry fun classes and combat but after the campaign it just got more and more repetative and boring/uninteresting. I realy wanted to try a Barbarian for S1 since they looked cool but by the time i hit lvl 30 i started a Necro instead because man the barbarian is slow and dull, total oposite to the rogue that is to fast instead flying back and forth on the screen. Blizzard seems (to me anyway) to have compleetly lost the feel for what made diablo good. D3 sure was a step down from D2 but it was still an okeyish game for what it was (as long as you could ignore the cartoony graphics and bwhahahaha bosses and totally braindead storry) but man, D4 got 1 thing right (the storry) and so so much wrong imo :(
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Diablo 4 isn't a total trash game, it is a decent game, problem is, once you hit lvl 50-60 it just gets boring and the boring part of the game is not something they can just fix. Broken things like resists are things they can fix, they realy should have fixed it before release and i have no idea why they have decided not to since its kinda gamebreaking at places, but the boring part needs a compleete overhaul of so many things to fix that i don't see it happen before a major expansion and even then it will require a complete overhaul of the entire item system.
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On a Journey
Necromancer minions need a follow command, as right now they make it impossible to run past groups. They have to playt with everything... so lvl 49 couldn't come soon enough, time to respect into my solo build (basically copying my lvl 72). I almost have every aspect I need now, only one I haven't seen before lvl 64 to go... game been nice and gave me items with the ones I want... and spares too.

whispers and dungeons (they can be same thing) is all there is to do in game. The open world has made them lose the structure of the game. Letting you skip campaign means you really have no purpose.

Still need to work out hearts. They also seem to have moved some mobs into areas they weren't before. Hawazr isn't as fun anymore.

its easy to only use 2 tabs if you only have one character. Now if only every character had its own tab... why didn't they think of that as then it would reduce amount needed to be shared too.
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On a Journey
This would maybe work on a Blood necromancer and maybe my build once i have more gear. Sounds suicidal

This is the 2nd best heart for my build, just need a nice amulet to put it in. Sicne you can't remove them... a ring would work too I guess.

Metalica song?
Hmm, Dark Dance could be a Iron Maiden reference... anyway, back on topic.

Wrathful are nice, can go in any socket, not just its color.

Level 50 already... wait until 54 before doing tier 3 entry exam (lol). Have most of the aspects I need, just need to dive into a few dungeons to get the low power versions you can use multiple times. I wasn't expecting 4 Paragon points to start off.

The Butcher killed me today. I am almost sick of him.

Build suggests a 2 handed sword... meanwhile I am using 1 handed scythe and a shield as its best way to stop drinking potions every fight. I have 50 life on kill. stand in middle of pack and spam corpse explosion, their deaths keep me alive. Its same thing I did on my 72.
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On a Journey
Next patch 8th Aug 2023 - https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/diablo-4-patch-1-1-1-campfire-chat-summary-334334

Big changes for Barb & Sorc. Make them easier to play early on. Same for some druid skills.
Minor changes to other classes, buffed a few under used necro skills - one makes my lvl 72 and current necro (once he gets to one page of paragon) way stronger. More damage.
Buffed Overpower to be more in line with crit and vulnerable - my blood builds might better now. Overpower lacks power late game (irony)
Increasing monster density in dungeons by 50%. Glad I don't have minions any more. They would make it so you never have time to think. They really need a follow mode. They worse than Sacred 2 escort quests - at least the actual escort quests in this game the NPC don't agro other things. Mostly, they try to help you. Campaign excluded.

One more Bank tab, costs 400k. Chicken feed at 71, more than I have at 50 on Season... but money is getting easier to ignore on ground.

Making bosses harder at end of dungeons. Well, that is probably needed as it was only at tier 20 they started to be a challenge. Hope they don't make them too hard.

Making resistances actually work... sigh, guess i should collect diamonds then. I haven't bothered on Season character. Game only ever gives me the rocks I don't use... Where are my topaz? Hearts replace Skulls so why pick them up?

Changed one stat on a pair of boots I have but the old boots don't get change... they become legacy really. They swapped intel for walk speed. If they had walk speed on them I would have used mine. Its main reason I didn't.

Every boss guaranteed to drop a legendary.... candy anyone? When they increase space for storing aspects as if they give more away, we want to store the ones we want to use on gear. Not enough space now. NIghtmare dungeons already get 2 at end, so if boss also drops 1, i will need to empty bags more... I already have space problems... I already spend too much time emptying them. Shame I don't have a creature to send back to town and sell/buy things for me... where I seen that... oh, Torchlight 2.

(really need to look through all my characters and sell more stuff)

At least it makes getting the ones you want easier and money won't be a problem ever again - just sell the ones you don't want. 30k or more... 75k for some 2 handers in sacred.

Treasure Goblins guaranteed to drop a legendary after lvl 35. So what, who cares... if every boss drops one as well, why even chase the goblins. they just there to get you killed. Temptation... you going somewhere, you see one and get distracted. I see events as same thing. I just ignore them after I have everything I need... same goes for gambling. Obols not worth the time. I guess I never get 100k of them.. oh well. If everything drops legendaries, the need for other things goes away.

They not legendary anyway, the only real ones are the uber uniques no one will ever see. Truly legendary. Rest are just a rare with one extra ability thrown on. Nothing special unless you win lottery and stats are exactly what you want.

Why do shops even offer weapons for sale? I only ever sell at them. Only once bought a weapon from a store in game and that was in grim dawn.
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On a Journey
Perspective: As a lvl 72 looking down and seeing all the monsters are still lvl 66, it can seem annoying and unfun to go beat them up
As a lvl 53, I can't wait for when the monsters aren't as annoying or at least, life threatening.

There are too many packs, and not enough space inbetween to do any quests in. Lucky you can't be killed in conversations. I am just leaving all my quests until lvl 60.

Its a shame they making dungeons more packed... some really don't need more.

Not having 20+ paragon points at start also sucked. I at least had 4 from Lilith statues.

I watched a treasure goblin escape in front of me today, after that I just started ignoring them. They always charge into boss packs... I don't feel suicidal. Also, if I ever see one in a Nightmare Dungeon, I am better leaving before The Butcher shows up. They travel in a pair.

I might be too defensive. I might not want to die all the time... most necro use 2 handed weapons, but they all hide behind minions. The damage I take using a 2 hander doesn't make me feel like I should be. I know I had this feeling before on my Blood surge builds but they heal selves when attacking, I can only manage that with stats on gear. Using a sword would mean I lose most of my life on kill. Beats picking up potions all the time... I already play with my fingers hovering over the q button... as well as button for corpse explosion. Two handed scythe has more life on kill but I feel my shield is doing something... 20% block chance beats no block chance. Shields also add 80% to damage on 1 hander so its not a complete loss using them.

Using best 3 hearts for my build. Its seems to make life easier. Took clearring a few infested pits to get them. I was annoyed I had sold spares thinking I get them all the time... still need spares but I just won't replace these rings for a while.
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On a Journey
Perspective - lvl 57, can't wait to be 60 still. I will be able to do some quests. WIldlife is crazy, if its on your screen edge it will attack. Often I only hear some ranged attacks before I see them.

In Tier 3, they made 2nd stage of the tier 3 boss dungeon more crowded and added annoying bosses who would teleport as soon as I hit them. Last boss still easy though, he just an overpowered version of Tomb lord. And I just kill him using corpse explosion lol

The game isn't giving me any good Nightmare Dungeons I want to do. Of the 10 its offered, I did 3 and already sold 4. I don't want to sell them, I want to do them and get to tier 3 so I can recycle the crap ones. But my build doesn't work well with some of the types, and so far its about all its offered.
One I can do but its in a Stronghold I had intended to leave until after 60. Maybe later still. I don't care about getting to tier 4.
I haven't met anyone still and the two people I do know don't seem to be playing.

One was in a location I refuse to run, as my fire resistance sucks and its a burning building with guys that killed me once before. I will skip thanks. I don't do suicide.
I want to stop doing whispers but right now its only way to get sigils, and its offering me...
At least you can portal direct to Nightmare dungeons and not deal with outside world... and set them to difficulty you want.

Now I only do 2 types of Whispers, and tonight they been messing me around, not offering any in some zones and others they run whispers but not my types. Sure, I could do a dungeon and get 5 points but its normally faster to do the 3 point ones and get two lots of Tree visits in under an hour. No chance of being killed by The Butcher in the open world.
Not tonight... sucks as the first thing is making doing them kind of annoying. Kill a bunch of things and get crap prizes.

They seem to be trying to remove all the easy/time efficient things. Rituals used to be easy, now they almost skippable. I only do them if its in an area I am doing something else in, or I can't find any of the other type I run. One is only fun once you have a nearby stronghold under control and can use 3 portals to achieve the quest without dealing with most of the annoying wildlife. Another I just portal back to start location once to reduce annoying combat.

Too many trash groups now, its not fun any more. Open world too cluttered. Random bears appear in places that used to be clear of them. Bastards. I can kill almost everything else without worrying it take half my health. I just need more paragon points and I will feel stronger.

Stupid game won't give me the aspects I need. The only ones I need left are all drops. I can't just go to tier 1 and run a dungeon to get them - easier to run aspect dungeons in tier 1 until I have all the ones I need. I don't care about drops, I just want end reward.
Did my first helltide, didn't get anything exciting... I didn't want to but I need some things to change stats on gear. Alas, I didn't get any.
Eternal so much easier, having the combined wealth of 9 necromancers (some deleted) and all the aspects makes this Season server look hard... that and they moved things into zones they not in before... too many skeletons. Nice if I hadn't already finished the 10k challenge last month. Only things left to massacre are Cannibals, Knights and Snakes... I think I get snakes first. Challenges are account bound.

I miss my 23 Paragon points i start game with... Having to do rep again sucks. I miss having lvl appropriate gear entire 1-50 progress, having to use stuff 10 levels below yours because that is all game offers, sucks. Having right lvl gear makes game so much easier to deal with.

Maybe I should start another necro as at least it will have the right lvl gear as it goes :)
(who to delete... I haven't looked at eternal characters for about a week. I keep trying with this, one day it give me the sigils I want)

It made mistake of giving me a lvl 702 Sword, which is now my main attack and unlikely to be replaced unless it gives me a higher score scythe or sword - it will but probably not for a while. Most it offers do 300dps less.
I Do more damage with sword, I just need to have life on kill on something to make it work.

Upgrades are expensive when you don't have 45 million. 300k for that sword, I was feeling rich before then. Now I don't really want any more all at once. I probably need a new shield soon but its what has my life on kill. the thing that stops me dying... or having to use too many potions... one is too many. Trying to keep it so only thing that kills me is the butcher.
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On a Journey
Seems price of entry for me to do a nightmare dungeon I want to do, is 11k gold. As every time this morning The Butcher has shown up... I jokingly said he would before he did... its a surprise if he doesn't show up. Three times in one day is a record.

At least the price is reasonable. Its a little annoying, but its not like I don't go to blacksmith after every dungeon anyway... to break down the parts into mats I need. I should do that with a few legendaries for those parts. Instead of just selling them all.

I guess game gets annoyed as it can't kill me any other way. 3 deaths to him equals 1 sold legendary. Its more the wasted time running back to body.

So only 2 glyphs to choose from, a tier 1 or a tier 7. Game isn't really giving me many that I don't recycle. The amount you get back isn't very big. Hard to get started on them if it just offers crap.
I miss my 1000 glyph powder on Eternal... let me be picky.
I would go back but no one is there...

Game only seems to give me aspects I already have... its nice to have spares I guess. I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. At least I am over 1 million gold for a change.

Lvl 59, open world almost easy now. Can't say same for dungeons... but thats mainly The Butcher who I just don't bother fighting. They also seem to have put more skeletons in them. I am not getting as many corpses which makes killing things harder.

They killing all my fun.

I need my unique gloves so I can shoot around corners.

edit: Got to 60 after doing the tier 7 ND, seems I was almost up to it anyway. I only upgraded the gems I use... unlike last time were it cost several million. I only upgrade rest if I ever see a point to them. Hearts replaced Skulls in jewelry so what are they good for now? Until they fix restistances, there is no need for many other gems. I only use one that reduces damage I take when crowd controlled. ANd one that adds crits to people who are crowd controlled. I defend against what I attack.

I forget that my current necro on eternal has the collection of all my other necros to use... if I had 9 character slots on season I would do same eventually. I don't think I like starting from scratch, its why I never play hardcore... and yet I hate dying so I play defense. I only complain about things that crack my defense... like ranged or suicide bombers. Maybe the Season just feels more dangerous than Eternal is/was, Sucks the density changes for dungeons will go there too. Its bad enough already... soon it be so packed with monsters you won't have any time to breath. They say its to help levelling, I see it as a way to kill us more.
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On a Journey
Seems some people are having a problem getting veiled crystals - these are used to upgrade almost any gear to and past stage 2. I have run out before so its not like its a new problem, I salvage everything apart from parts I think I might use or legendaries that I sell. I will have to watch what my total is after a week of Nightmare Dungeons... if I get the right choices. Might be slow otherwise.
Knowing I have run out before is why I now have 1100 of them on my account on Eternal server. That is result of running Nightmare Dungeons for an entire week.
I have about 200 now on the season server, I just try to not use too many without replacing them, games lack of offering any new upgrades is helping I guess.

More attempt to try to slow people down. Hey, you all going too fast, slow down... I know, lets make all the resources needed impossible to get. Lets offer them every aspect apart from the ones they want...

After next weeks patch I might just start a new blood build on Eternal and ignore Season. They making some of it more doable. Already boosted the self heal amount on main attack.

Bought 3rd tab on bank. I thought it was more, I had its price mixed up with the 5th tab they adding next week. Just put gems on it, that won't last but gave hearts some room to move. (think I should initially use 5th tab on eternal to do a sort of things I can sell. I don't need everything...

really, the 3 tabs I have now are enough for 1 character... shame its for all... I still want to slap person who thought 4 tabs would be enough.

Communication sucks. No one asks if you want to join group because there is no easy way to Direct Message someone unless they in your party... I reject blind invites and then wonder why I don't meet anyone :)

Starting to think I should join another clan. I never see anyone in DXChase's clan, there is nothing wrong with it, except time zones.
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On a Journey
Something does seem off with the drop rates, but not just materials. I didn't see many legendaries today. I think I only got a few levels, not sure what he was at start of day. Currently lvl 42 and the combo of one ring that auto curses anything around me, and another that blows up every body around me auto, I just run around and let game play itself. The legendary thing could be I was in tier 1 (which I have recently changed). The minions will start to suck soon, and I have to think about changing to my actual build.

Still think it was a mistake to only let you play through story once, not every difficulty. The aim of getting to 100 isn't enough if there isn't anything to do apart from dungeons the entire time. And the list of dungeons used is about 20... there are 117 in the game, why not use all of them? Why do I find myself doing the same place over and over.

I not sure if snakes or knights will reach 10k kills, its too close to call. Probably get them on same day. Then the list of challenges I really
think about will be down to one monster... who doesn't seem to be in many zones. I might need to look harder.

Really, I don't want to complete challenges as then what do I do?
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Some aspects for Necromancer seem ipossible to find. However, i have respeced a little so it dosn't matter that much to me atm. GOing Baldursgate 3 today so we will see how much D4 i play in the near future.
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On a Journey

Lvl 53 Blood Surge... again... Hearts make this build easier. I will miss auto firing corpse explosions, Having fun finding a replacement wrathful heart. He only has one as my other necro found it. Nothing yet on him.

He is wearing mostly coven set with a bandana from season and weapon skin is also from season...

He only missing 2 things he can't get from dungeons. One is the unique ring you get during the campaign, need to hope to get it. Other is an aspect that needs to fall, but its not really necessary. He can produce most of his gear, just needs game to drop right combos.

They playing with whispers. Some times there just aren't any (of the type I run) in a region. Forced to do quests... or attack strongholds. I did 3 last night. Mainly the ones with quests and a portal. Some are in hard to reach locations unless you have the portal.

Need to do Tul Dulra I guess.

Sees Necromancer called JonBoneJovi and had to cry
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I like how the clothes/weapon cosmetics look in the game. Trying on different gear in front of the mirror was one of the more interesting activities for me in open beta. I can't remember there being much clipping through different attire which was also a plus. In PUBG for example, there is so much clipping because they suck at adjusting different types of gear when it is not a set piece going together with another set piece.


On a Journey
I can't remember there being much clipping through different attire which was also a plus.
Swords on your back clip through cloaks that are also on your back
Seems one necro haircut looks like you have a cut neck.

Level 56 now, tier 3 already. First nightmare dungeon, The Butcher showed up and I killed him, he is supposed to drop a unique. Nothing... only a legendary (in other games, that would be sarcasm, but in this... I probably salvaged it. ).
3rd nightmare dungeon out pops a unique chest piece. Hardly new, I have it at least 5 times already. Patterns emerge again. Honestly none of the unique items really help this build. Only wearing chest until something better comes along. I wasn't expecting it. Shame its not something I haven't seen before...
Game is offering the crappy choices but I decided to play along with it instead of sell any. It seems to be working. It helps game gives you 10 powders to make 2, and it didn't give me a bad choice... though not sure tier 5 is right place to start.
Bought 4th bank slot, might call it Uniques. Need to sort through my hearts... and go get some new ones.

tier 5 dungeon gave me Bloodless Scream... all the crap unique items I had before. I wonder how long before he gets the hands.
Deathless Visage in a tier 2 dungeon... this is getting silly. That is like 3 dungeons in a row giving me a unique I already have. Must be marked on account, it won't be a surprise when he gets it. Shame only one unique passingly helps my build.
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On a Journey
something doesn't seem right with that necro, it could be the broken skill they are fixing next week. Not sure, doesn't seem to do as much damage. Could need a better weapon. He was fun until I dropped the minions.

Aim was to do all the different types of nightmare dungeons but game gets repetitive and only gives me the annoying ones... which realistically is most of them. Every nightmare dungeon has a positive benefit and 2 negatives. Some of the negatives just buff the monsters or give them stronger attacks (IE, stronger poison attacks from elites), but others change how the dungeon reacts to you.
Most of these are annoying if you either play a character that covers floor from view (corpse explosion) or one who can't constantly be moving/attacking. Blood necro starve for resources. Its why I rely on Corpse explosion so much, its my regen on blood builds. They really need to fix that.
- While in combat, gouts of flame periodically erupt near players.
NIghtmare portal - While in combat, Nightmare Portals open randomly near players, pouring out dangerous monsters.(this one sux even at tier 1.)
Drifting Shade - Drifting Shade chases players. Upon reaching them, it explodes for heavy damage, creating a Nightmare Field that Dazes victims.
Death Pulse - Killing a monster releases a deadly lightning pulse after a short delay.

I try to avoid all of them on the necro I made so far. It works on Eternal as I have 1000 sigil dust, but they stopped whispers from giving you dust so now you have to do what you given or run out.

this one isn't so bad but still annoying
Lightning Storm - Lightning gathers above the player. Get into the protection dome to avoid severe outcomes.

1st ever tier 15 dungeon I did with someone, he had that... I had no idea what it was as at that stage I hadn't run any. I saw him in it and decided it was best idea. Did good in 1st tier 15 since I had no idea. Tier 20 easy if you can pick/choose which ones to not run.

I am sure there was another one like Drifting shade, it was a floating rock that chases you around and attacks if you stop... not something I appreciate as I like I break in middle of dungeons to empty bags.

Source = https://www.dualshockers.com/diablo-4-nightmare-dungeons-guide/#all-nightmare-dungeon-affixes

He struggles with the doing all the dungeons thing.. he fune in open world but dungeons he suddenly finds there isn't enough bodies being produced to maintain the income of essence he needs to keep going. It looked like a new way of playing when I first got the ring that reduces his essence costs on most moves. But the effect was only felt in open world. And since most of game is inside...

It felt like I was wasting my time...

So I um... started another necro, I deleted my youngest necro by level and really didn't take much notice of what I sold. 48 million gold now, I should sell almost everything really. Once they release 5th tab I might use it to do a clearance sale... I don't need 10 necromancers (lol). New one always going to have minions, they might be annoying and attack everything but they also work as a moving shield.

it shouldn't take long to get to 50 again... I think whispers might drive me mad before then. Should do dungeons instead. Need another aspect the previous two didn't need. This one isn't even 20 yet. Give me a day (lol).
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On a Journey
Decided he wasn't just going to do whispers to get to 50, so I been doing other things... like took over 5 strongholds last night. All the ones with handy portals or quests that lead there or start there. I have to do still that falls into that category. Much easier with 13 minions.

Also been doing rep as I wouldn't mind the extra 20 Paragon points available.

Running out of upgrade materials. I had 300... but well, starting 2 characters in under a week does that. Same with money... spent 800k on them both. Trying to stay near 1 million. Costs spike once you get Sacred armour so have to be careful

He needs a sword but game not really giving him anything that a scythe can't beat.

Currently lvl 46 I think. I finally got the legs for the Primal set... or should I say Style... legs look really good.
I will show a screen shot when Imgur is working right. Its listed here - https://game8.co/games/Diablo-4/archives/415963
I wouldn't say its the best, I like Runic more... funny, I see lots of rogues looking at me wearing it, and now I look for photos, most are rogues... its a necro set.

Edit: wow, got to 50 and went to swap to build I had thought continued on from current one just to find it doesn't use the main attack I had been and instead relies on pets to do all damage... I tried it out but I didn't like it so I respecced again into another where I was all alone and still struggled to get it to work... so I respecced again back into something close to what I originally had to begin with... the last 2 respecs cost 108k gold each, so I am really feeling poor.

Good thing I didn't change a lot from 1st to last build. Only main difference is this one doesn't have a golem. Has an extra skill that doesn't fit on bar. Both did... mainly as you can't make a build without a basic skill and a lot of builds don't use them.

After all that I am 50. The last 2 levels cost too much.

I almost deleted the character but I thought, one more respec. I am almost on 700k now, materials will be a bigger problem. Really wish game would give her a sword... looks in bank, oh look a lvl 50 sword she can use. Tells her to shutup as I down to 500k again. Lack of materials will stop me spending for a while. He new sword has him now looking for life regen after combat. Swords add crit damage, Scythes add life on kill.

I noticed one change, in one of the 1st zones, there is a whisper ritual quest and one of the places you normally can ride right up to the spot and avoid most combat... well, in one spot they dismount you and force you to engage with whatever is around you. LaSt time it happened they tried an ambush. I know now... I might just skip that quest in that zone. Other areas monsters just appear from no where when you try to do them, unless you have killed everything up until that point. Actually played game... most times I am in a rush, can finish one in 9 minutes and be back safe in town bored waiting for next one :)

Trying to slow us down. Lack of materials also means game is harder as you can't be in legendaries all the time... I probably should have not gone all legendary at lvl 25, its probably reason I have no materials now.

They trying to make us actually fight things to achieve quests... so far its only that one, but I am sure there are more to come. One area I use 3 portals in 2 different zones to avoid most of the combat. Waiting for some ban on horses and portals while doing them.

shame build I found didn't explain show paragon points so I have to improvise.
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On a Journey
Original build - used minions - I thought the lvl 50 version did as well. Or at least had similar skills. I was having fun. So not hard I did a Stronghold at lvl 36. Wouldn't consider doing that alone.
Get to 49
1st respec, had pets but had a weird skill rotation... none of them use base skill which is used to generate essence so you can keep attacking.
2nd respec, dropped reap from bar, and had no pets... um, I made this guy to use pets. Used some weird rotation of skills that I couldn't work out.
3rd respec - this one took build back to what it was before but lacks paragon point description. Or should I say, some websites have an image that you can zoom that shows how to connect each page (as you can rotate paragon boards to allow different connections) whereas others don't tell you anything and you have to figure it out yourself. I obviously prefer 1st and have that for my blood necro builds that I follow, I didn't make this - https://d4builds.gg/builds/6c377f7d-a32c-4bc1-803a-da3d8b015259/
If I could I would follow one...
This one shows photos of each page but not exactly how they link up = https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/sever-shadowmancer-necromancer-build/
I will worry about that in a few levels when I reach the page join.
Its not my exact build but it should be good enough. I have only ever reached page 3 once, so I don't think it matters if its exact.

its not really funny but I think the character I deleted to create this one had same problem, it all changed at 50 and I didn't like the changes. Happened again.

So to play some of these builds you have to use a combo. If only a game existed that let you create ingame combos of skills and just need to press one button... Oh wait, Sacred 2 did that. 15 years ago. Its obvious that the people who made D2 didn't make D4. Retired or pushed out years ago.
I expect Blizzard doesn't like macros as bots use them... so do humans.
Its dumb you have to constantly spam the summon Skeleton button just to maintain a buff on them. Who thought that was a good idea? Probably same person who set up bags in such a way they load for every person who looks at your profile. Seems they hiring 2 year olds for their ideas team.

If 3rd respec doesn't work I might just delete all 3 season players and wait until October when 1st season finishes... are there rolling seasons? Will people ever go back to Eternal? I know season characters do... will they expand the 10 character limit? I would pay for more. I know it was 10 in DIablo 3 as well. Stupid online games. It made sort of sense in D3 as every character in a class could use any skill and very few where gear dependant. Now you get 10 slots, and limited storage space and meant to fit them all in.

Should be able to save as many aspects as you like. They shouldn't be physical items, but just show as a list. Instead only place game lets you put them is restricted to about 20 slots.
Extracted aspects have levels so you can't use below them, but if a lvl 73 uses a lvl 45 aspect, the item created is lvl 73. So you can't make any items for alts. As its all your level. And with no storage space, you can't save them either. Can't put them on a bank tab, alts can only put them in the one tab so they limited too.
Putting sigils, elixirs, and the things you use to create caged hearts, all in the consumables tab, shows the person never played the game. It was bad enough before with just elixirs and sigils.. I don't see how expanding the elixir stack size helps... you still have too many choices. And too many sigils. Need more tabs, split them up.

still can't see any of my images in imgur.
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On a Journey
6 strongholds down. I did one tonight as there is a necro aspect in there that might be useful. Glad I had pets and glad one heart auto casts raise skeleton if I am ever below max. I don't have to do anything besides run past corpses.

Only really need to do one more as I know there are Nightmare dungeons there sometimes. One I did just for its music. I couldn't wait to pick it off but its lvl was 40, the entire time... some start only 2 levels ahead of you... I had to wait.

Trying to get as high as rep as I can before going into Tier 3. Nice to get some free paragon points.

Playing game on headphones told me what mum was hearing... boom boom boom all day. I can't hear it myself as badly through 5.1 speakers. Reminds me I need to change audio back tomorrow. It sounded weird at first until I swapped to stereo. Using travel headset, I don't have an actual headset as I so rarely use them.

I classify this necro as a bulldozer, it just runs over top of things and uses a shotgun to take them out at any range... shotgun isn't really accurate description. Sever allows Necromancers to create a specter that charges forward and attacks with a scythe dealing damage. it can charge through things and comes back... so its really good at killing entire lines. Not very big crits but its consistent. It gets crits, I hardly ever saw them on Blood builds.

Diablo 4 used 14gb average VRAM tonight, max was 18gb, Hate to only have 16 or 8... pretty close to my 20. 1440p max settings.

Maybe I should rethink bonespear
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On a Journey
suggestion to Blizzard - reduce sound of corpse explosion a little. Its all my mum hears all day, boom boom boom. I never noticed until I used headphones. Now Its all I can hear. The options say turns down special effects, what does that do exactly?

big open world... realise I spend 90% of time staring at the map wondering which portal to use to get to a whisper. Or what quest to do, since quest journal tied to map. Some times I have no quests, last night I had max amount.
Realise its your fault as you spent 2nd day getting all the portals. Map makes some areas seem further away and others closer than they are if you ride there.

NOthing takes very long, its all nibble sized chunks. Longest dungeon likely 30 minutes. And that was the dungeon to enter tier 3. Tier 4 one might be longer., I never tried.

But apart from repeatedly grinding dungeons, there isn't much to do if you skip campaign. I don't miss campaign enough to want to play it again. Chapter 6 is essentially a boss rush. But they need to add more to keep us interested. Some nights I don't see anyone for at least 4 hours. 3am my time its dead... so um, 11am in NY (The day before, I am 16 hours ahead). If this doesn't make any sense, it could be I am tired.

clearing strongholds doesn't take long. What other content? Side quests... most lead to dungeons. Repeat pattern. Until you hit 50 there is no Nightmare dungeons. Just normal dungeons and whispers - and they can be same thing. 5 points to run a dungeon if its got a whisper attached. I didn't want to spend time doing them but after 50 its best idea, to get glyphs and prepare to do tier 3 entrance exam.

I might need a break, I would love to play this game in a different setting. The Jungle is too small. Most of map is desert... if I want desert, I just go inland as half my country is desert. AT least setting isn't all snow. Top area reminds me of Scotland (or how I imagine Scotland would be if Goatmen lived there)
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