Speaking on Twitter, Piepiora told one curious player that "When we say they are expensive what we mean is that they create a lot of memory overhead," because whenever you "see another player in game you load them and their entire stash filled with all their items".
But why? Telling us it does that isn't resolving the problem. They need to make a way to only load the equipped items, not everything. Its stupid they released the game thinking that would be enough. There has to be a solution. How didn't anyone see this coming?
Anyway, I got bored doing nightmare dungeons so I went on my planned spree of taking over strongholds tonight. I have taken over all of them now... though not on one character.
- Some just aren't worth the effort, no quests there and no real reason to go to them.
- Two of them just give you a portal, one of the portals isn't in a useful location anyway. I might do it for completedness.
- Some just exist as locations to be taken, but offer nothing of value.
- Some have quests at them but I think I have most of those now.
- Some are needed to be cleared to access dungeons. One has the lvl 15 druid quest in it... not very fair really. Its a lvl 30 area.
- Some are locations for quests. mainly games way of telling you place exists.
- some are entire settlements, I got them first.
- One has really cool music (lol) that its a shame its locked behind a stronghold.
- Some of them don't even remain cleared after you finish them - one tonight I got attacked right away after "clearing" it. Most of these are just lilith statue locations. Need to clear place to get them. Or at least go there.
- Some have dungeons used by nightmare dungeons - need to clear to do them.
I did enough opening of strongholds and other activities to get my last 4 free paragon points on all my characters.
I also found a lilith statue that gave another paragon point.
The only lilith statues I don't have are in pvp areas... I might go in there one night when its dead quiet on server and get them. I know where they are.
Level 72, I need to try the tier 4 dungeon soon as I am almost walking over tier 20 dungeons now. I can make glphs in a shop but they are in a range (so 16-20 is one range) meaning since I only want lvl 20 ones now, I tend to delete most of the ones the game makes.
That and I am picky as some of the monster abilities or terms of dungeons don't work well with my build. Some are just plain annoying, a ghost or rock that chases you around dungeon and attacks you if you don't move in time... no thanks. I am not forced to play them. One I played earlier is added to list, ranged could burn resources. So constantly out of essence doesn't help. I don't feel safe with no essence and no way to replace it. I am used to being on none in fights but if I am surrounded by corpses, I am not really empty. I use their bodies as ammo while also filling my essence up. The only essence spender in entire build is blight, I mainly rely on blowing things up.
I want to just do higher tier ones... though the difficulty bump will be noticed. All my resists will be reduced again.
Most of my gear is as good as game is willing to give me. I don't really need the unique scythe as it appears its bugged right now.
I hadn't even watched videos on the Fallen temple (tier 4 dungeon), or at least, I thought I had but I may watched an Uber lilith fight instead. As the boss isn't who I was expecting... and its funny as its happened with same boss twice now. I am hoping to get some help from someone but they are both playing on the season servers. Seems you get a debuff in the dungeon which can be removed by just leaving dungeon and returning again.
No new unique items today, just repeats. Trying to make a better weapon. Its hard to tell if its better until equipped. Its like Grim Dawn, DPS on the weapon isn't the only factor it seems. I should be using a sword but all my scythes are better
clearing up quests, fun shrine... i went in portal - given I had to go cheer at 3 statues of Diablo, mephisto & Baal to open it up, I wasn't not going to go into portal. After strongholds it wasn't a hard fight... really, after Tier 20 nightmare dungeons, most of Tier 3 is easy now.

I should try to remember to do a quest which rewards a ring with huge amount of life on it. Think I have to fight a boss from campaign in it again...
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