I need to get on this at some point. My friend bought it for me last week or so and I had intended to jump on with him and some other buddies after the kids were in bed, but then my oldest had a migraine and that took precedence; since then, I haven't had a chance to sit down and it looks like aside from that one session, my friends haven't played anymore.
I picked-up Dredge on a whim the other night and really enjoyed myself. Ended-up putting 2.5 hours in between after dinner and bed time, which is a rarity for me, especially considering I didn't think it would stick much for me back when it initially came out earlier this year. Haven't had much of a chance to go back to it yet, but played a little bit here and there; unfortunately, I'm already beginning to feel a little overwhelmed with all the little tasks to do, all my upgrades and generally what I ought to be doing. Trying to push passed those feelings though and keep enjoying the game.
Lethal Company can be harsh to beginners. We played with one of my daughter's friends the other night, and she died 9 missions in a row. I suggest either researching the monsters (if you can find anyone who actually has good info) before playing or just paying careful attention whenever you come across one. Attacking by yourself is very nearly never the right solution. Even the smallish bugs will kill you.
We do extremely well. Here are my tips and suggestions, avoiding as many spoilers as possible:
Take turns having someone who doesn't stay in the dungeon very long before they start carrying everyone's stuff back to the ship. This person should survive at all costs and should stay on the ship watching the monitor if it gets too dangerous outside. Someone needs to survive every mission if you are trying for a long run, and if this person somehow dies, everyone else needs to immediately try to make it back to the ship.
The game is scarier using the in-game proximity chat. The game is easier using Discord.
Always use your scanner before entering a room unless you've already been there or are running for your life.
At least to start, try not to go to moons that are having any type of weather event. I'd say they are a good way to make lots of money, but most teams die on, for instance, eclipsed planets. They are an exponential difficulty spike. If you die on normal planets, you'll definitely die on these.
When it's time to sell, just sell enough to make the quota unless you need a little more money for high tier moon access or teleporters.
If your team doesn't stay together in the dungeons (like we don't) then weapons are pretty useless, and I wouldn't waste money on them. Most of the really dangerous monsters require one person to stun them and another person to hit them repeatedly with a shovel. Without weapons, you can learn to avoid/dodge pretty much everything.
The advantage to not sticking together is covering vastly more space much more quickly, which means more treasure. The disadvantage should be obvious. Use your best judgment.
Once you get reasonably comfortable with the game and have enough money, buy access to the extra dangerous moons. If you have a teleporter, teleport your best player. They'll end up knee deep in the dungeon. They'll have no idea where they are, but it will save a lot of time. It's pretty much all about time.
If you've finished a decent amount of missions and you suddenly hear "Pop Goes the Weasel", you have about 20 seconds to find the exit or you are toast. Even people who didn't hear it (if you are playing over Discord, communicate) need to leave.
If you find a mask sitting around, pick it up and take it back to your ship, but make sure no one puts it on or even just holds it for too long.
Any other monster advice would contain spoilers for some really cool things, so I'll just let you figure those out yourself.