Community Contributor
That would be hilarious, but in the case of rich foreigners playing practical jokes on me, I would probably keep one refrigerator (mine's very old) and put the rest on Ebay. I'm assuming you don't actually want the refrigerators.I could never be rich, because I'd read something like this and order multiple 600 pound refrigerators to be shipped to your house purely because you asked not to do that, because that would somehow be funny to me. I'm not even sure why it would be funny, but that wouldn't really matter if I was rich enough to buy multiple refrigerator just to feel amused for a moment.
I think I just gained an increased understanding of why so many rich people are so unhinged.
My fridge is so old, I should actually probably use this to buy a new one, but I have too many things I need right now. I have to buy Guido a new laptop for school, and we need a second car, too, since the kids totaled all our others. In fact, I'm trapped at home this weekend because my wife took our car and went to Cleveland.
Come to think of it. I could use the money from all the refrigerators to buy a car...