Coconut Monkey Cornerclub

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Me: I need two vials of Novolin N Insulin.

Pharmacist: We don't have any. Our refrigerator went out on Tuesday and it spoiled.

Me: That didn't happen. Have you already thrown it away? How much do you want for this so called "spoiled" insulin?

Pharmacist: I'm not allowed to sell spoiled insulin.

Me: It's not spoiled. I guess you've already thrown it away?

Pharmacist: As I said, I can't sell it to you....

*a few minutes later I got 4 vials of "spoiled" insulin for $20 total (normally that would be a little over $100). I only had second thoughts when I realized he had to get them out of the hazardous waste trash, but I'll just sterilize the bottles.*
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Me: I need two vials of Novolin N Insulin.

Pharmacist: We don't have any. Our refrigerator went out on Tuesday and it spoiled.

Me: That didn't happen. Have you already thrown it away? How much do you want for this so called "spoiled" insulin?

Pharmacist: I'm not allowed to sell spoiled insulin.

Me: It's not spoiled. I guess you've already thrown it away?

Pharmacist: As I said, I can't sell it to you....

*a few minutes later I got 4 vials of "spoiled" insulin for $20 total (normally that would be a little over $100). I only had second thoughts when I realized he had to get them out of the hazardous waste trash, but I'll just sterilize the bottles.*

I'm amazed they actually sold it to you. From what I can tell it should still be perfectly usable, but from my understanding most American companies will do anything to avoid getting sued.


Community Contributor
I'm amazed they actually sold it to you. From what I can tell it should still be perfectly usable, but from my understanding most American companies will do anything to avoid getting sued.
I've known this guy for years. I don't think anyone else would have sold it to me. Actually, I wouldn't have asked anyone else to. That was probably a detail I shouldn't have left out.


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Anyone remember Zed, our most glowing contributor?
Other than used needles from vaccinations and spoiled medications, I'm not sure what goes into that waste bin. The needles are in a box, I think. I know they put them in a box after you get vaccinated, and I assume the whole box then goes into the waste bin after it is full.
Well, this last weekend was a whirlwind. Saturday I went to my tournament, got absolutely wrecked my first game, due to some tactical errors on my part. Second game was good and I got to play someone who is usually the Tournament Organizer at other tournaments I go to, so that was fun and he had some really great, theatrical plays. In one turn, he blew up my M4 Sherman (his "tank" is the green one with red on it...the one not blown up) and then also shot my Dodge troop carrier with the machine gun on the same tank and killed it; then the next turn turned around and killed my halftrack and a bazooka team who were on their way to put a rocket into said tank. I ended-up winning, as I played the objective well, but it was a really fun battle.

Third game I ended-up being paired with my buddy who came with me, who was having great luck at the tournament. Unfortunately, we didn't get to finish our game, as my wife called and said she was taking the oldest to the hospital because he hadn't stopped vomiting all day. So we packed it in, I took my buddy home and went over to the hospital, where he was acting quite fine after an anti-nausea. After being there for several hours and getting checked out by the doctor, everything looked fine and we went home. He's still having stomach problems today, mostly just diarrhea, so he must have caught the stomach bug I had last week for a couple of days, but thankfully he's doing alright; acting himself, no more vomiting at the very least.

Thankfully it's summer break now, so we can pretty much just take it easy. I bought both kids some new Lego sets today, which they spent all day building; was pretty excited that Lego has brought back the Space theme, as it seemed like for awhile everything was just licensed garbage.


Community Contributor
Well, this last weekend was a whirlwind. Saturday I went to my tournament, got absolutely wrecked my first game, due to some tactical errors on my part. Second game was good and I got to play someone who is usually the Tournament Organizer at other tournaments I go to, so that was fun and he had some really great, theatrical plays. In one turn, he blew up my M4 Sherman (his "tank" is the green one with red on it...the one not blown up) and then also shot my Dodge troop carrier with the machine gun on the same tank and killed it; then the next turn turned around and killed my halftrack and a bazooka team who were on their way to put a rocket into said tank. I ended-up winning, as I played the objective well, but it was a really fun battle.

Third game I ended-up being paired with my buddy who came with me, who was having great luck at the tournament. Unfortunately, we didn't get to finish our game, as my wife called and said she was taking the oldest to the hospital because he hadn't stopped vomiting all day. So we packed it in, I took my buddy home and went over to the hospital, where he was acting quite fine after an anti-nausea. After being there for several hours and getting checked out by the doctor, everything looked fine and we went home. He's still having stomach problems today, mostly just diarrhea, so he must have caught the stomach bug I had last week for a couple of days, but thankfully he's doing alright; acting himself, no more vomiting at the very least.

Thankfully it's summer break now, so we can pretty much just take it easy. I bought both kids some new Lego sets today, which they spent all day building; was pretty excited that Lego has brought back the Space theme, as it seemed like for awhile everything was just licensed garbage.

Once when my daughter was 2, she threw up all night. In the morning, I told my wife I'd stay with her, and she continued to throw up all morning. Finally I decided I'd better take her to the pediatrician. It was winter, so I bundled her up and put her in her car seat, and she threw up probably 3 times on the way to the doctor. I felt so badly for her. I cleaned her up as best as I could, wrapped her in a blanket and cradle-carried her in. The doctor told me she had a virus and sent us home:ROFLMAO:
Once when my daughter was 2, she threw up all night. In the morning, I told my wife I'd stay with her, and she continued to throw up all morning. Finally I decided I'd better take her to the pediatrician. It was winter, so I bundled her up and put her in her car seat, and she threw up probably 3 times on the way to the doctor. I felt so badly for her. I cleaned her up as best as I could, wrapped her in a blanket and cradle-carried her in. The doctor told me she had a virus and sent us home:ROFLMAO:

Seems so typical. I feel like we so often want to do something when they're sick and the best thing is just to have them rest and chill, because it's always a virus.

He's still sick today, just randomly vomited while he was playing, but luckily ran to the bathroom to get it in the toilet the rest of the way; was also up several times last night with more diarrhea.

Honestly, the hardest part is that the neighbor kid can't come over. Everyone is on summer break and they usually just run back and forth between houses and play all day, but I don't want to send this virus over to their house, so both my kids are stuck here playing amongst themselves. Not the worst thing, I suppose, but I like them to hang out with their buddies.


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We have a bats**t crazy old lady as a neighbor. One time during a tropical storm, a branch flew off of one our our trees and landed in her yard. In the pouring rain with high speed winds, she marched up to our house and told me that I needed to get that branch out of her yard. Unfortunately, I'm unable to repeat what I told her.

That's just one incident of many.

So today I was fixing lunch when I heard a car accident. I walked outside and there was a smoking vehicle in a very deep ditch down at the corner. I started walking down there as fast as my recently revived legs would let me. Just as I get to crazy's yard, she comes out of her house.

Standing on her front porch in a colorful nightgown, she starts screaming, "You were going too fast, you $#!&^! Why were you going so fast!"

The person hadn't even gotten out of the car yet. For all we knew, they could have been critically injured. I got to the car, and there was a teenage girl, maybe 16 or 17. She seemed fine, but was crying and on the phone with her mother. Meanwhile, Ms. Bats**t was escalating. Screaming obscenities and walking toward us.

I almost lost it. I very forcefully told her to shut up and get back in her house. Much to my surprise, she actually sort of did what I told her. She didn't quite shut up, but she did get quieter, and she turned around and went back to her house.

The girl was fine, just shook up and upset. I stayed with her until her mother showed up.

I'm pretty sure the car was mostly fine. Just needed to find someone who could get it out of the ditch without damaging it anymore.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum


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If you're new to it:
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YouTube channels:
Mike Browne
B&H Photo
The Art of Photography
Snap Factory
Kelby One
Thanks. I'm fascinated by opportunities to learn from games, so I'd rather wait for this to come out:

My wife takes all the pictures. No matter how much I learn the camera, her pictures will always be better than mine because she sees like an artist sees, so I'm just goofing around and in no hurry. I actually bought the camera for her, but she couldn't care less and just takes amazing photos with her phone. I can't even remember to hold the camera still or--if I'm using my phone--to get my fingers out of the way :ROFLMAO:
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My wife takes all the pictures. No matter how much I learn the camera, her pictures will always be better than mine because she sees like an artist sees, so I'm just goofing around and in no hurry. I actually bought the camera for her, but she couldn't care less and just takes amazing photos with her phone. I can't even remember to hold the camera still or--if I'm using my phone--to get my fingers out of the way :ROFLMAO:

My wife always complains when I take a picture of her because she always thinks she looks bad in them. I suspect part of it is that she forgot how to pose for pictures because she's used to taking selfies where she can see exactly how she looks while taking a picture.


Community Contributor
The sports forum I moderate had a thread last night that got about 2500 responses in 3 hours. I think they need more than one moderator.

As obnoxious as the people are, there's almost never anything to moderate. We don't care if you are mean. We just don't want threats, politics, religion or porn. I can usually tell from the thread title if I actually need to read it. On the negative side, no one uses the "report" feature.

They offered me money, but I declined. I don't want the responsibility that comes from taking their money. So long as I'm not getting paid, I qualify for "better than nothing" status.


Community Contributor
Thinking about a weekend trip to Memphis in a couple of weeks since we aren't taking a real vacation this year (hey, every day is a vacation for me, but the rest of them could use a break).

They have the best city zoo I've ever been to, and I've been to a bunch. Knoxville has a nice zoo, but Memphis is in a class by itself. Going to go to the National Civil Rights Museum, which is at the site where Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated. And then we'll go to Rendezvous for BBQ and The Blues Hall of Fame. Would like to do the Rock and Roll Museum if we have time. Probably will skip Graceland.

Pink Palace (Museum of Science and History) is pretty good, but not as good as Emory Museum in Atlanta, where we'll probably go this fall.

Might take my hot dogs and chicken wife to Bilbo's on the Mississippi River and see what she does when they bring her the menu. Nothing but weird swamp food like frog legs and crayfish. Not sure if they are still open, though. Been a long time since I was there.

Actually, we'd never make it to our table if it is like it was when I was there. There's a display at the door with their food in it. All their food basically looks like the animal it is, which would freak my wife out. She'd probably refuse to even eat at McDonald's after that.
Carted my kids all across town today, dropped off some Amazon returns, some donations and drove a half hour to the other side of the city to drop off my valve stem seals at the machine shop, the final piece of the puzzle for them to finish milling my cylinder heads and then reassembling them; I may be able to pick them up this week.

Once those are on my engine block, I'll getting towards the final stages of an engine rebuild I've been working towards for 5 years. The rest of everything should just slap together and I will hopefully need no more new parts.

Of course, once I have the engine back in my vehicle, I have to figure out where everything I disconnected 5 years ago, plugs back into. Yikes. Thankfully I labeled the wiring harness, but still, there's a lot to random stuff that isn't labeled at all, so that'll be my final boss encounter and hopefully my project will be rolling around the streets and mountain trails this time next year.


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This is a very unusual post for me. I assure you I have not been hacked (codeword: moron). I'm doing this as a favor for a friend on the other (sports) board that I'm on. If the mods want to delete this, I'm perfectly fine with it.

Anyway, I'm not going into a bunch of detail because I don't think anyone will use it, but my friend is an executive at Whirlpool and they are desperately trying to improve business over the next 48 hours (before the end of the fiscal quarter). So if anyone needs a new appliance, he'll give you the employee discount. Just let me know you are interested, and I'll get you a username/password for their "insider" website. Just order what you want and have it shipped to you.

This is 100 percent legit. He's not scamming Whirlpool. He makes the decisions over there, and they need their sales figures improved in a hurry. Besides Whirlpool, their brands include Amana, Maytag and KitchenAid. You can order whatever you want, from industrial ovens to countertop air fryers. I got a new air fryer that is supposed to retail at $150 for $44. Over 500 people on the sports forum have requested access.

So there you have it. Take it or leave it. Just let me know if you want access. You don't have to provide any personal information to log into the site, but you will have to provide payment and shipping information if you buy something. Please do not leave the shipping as is or your order will ship to my house. I do not provide free shipping on 600 pound refrigerators that suddenly show up at my house. I was able to delete my payment info, but it wouldn't let me empty out the address.

Please note, also, this is time sensitive. Sorry for the lack of time. He just asked me to post it today.
Please do not leave the shipping as is or your order will ship to my house. I do not provide free shipping on 600 pound refrigerators that suddenly show up at my house.

I could never be rich, because I'd read something like this and order multiple 600 pound refrigerators to be shipped to your house purely because you asked not to do that, because that would somehow be funny to me. I'm not even sure why it would be funny, but that wouldn't really matter if I was rich enough to buy multiple refrigerator just to feel amused for a moment.

I think I just gained an increased understanding of why so many rich people are so unhinged.


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