So im working on a clients PC, ive run tons of stress tests for hours, and have had no issues. But while he streams and games every once in a while he'll crash with a BSOD, i havent been able to recreate the issue at all, his system is z390 msi pro carbon, 9900k, 2080 super, 970 evo, wd hdd, evga 850w psu, and hes running the hd60 elgato capture card. In 2 months since I built the PC hes had 4 crashes with a BSOD. But hasnt been able to give me any info on the BSOD screen. Event viewer isnt specific on anything either, i get an error code letting me know it didnt create a minidump file, an error code that the system shutdown, and then another one i can't remember right now because i just woke up and havent seen it since last night. The codes are 6008, 161, and 41. Nothing that points me to WHY or WHAT is happening. Ive looked into all the answers for those error codes and have seen a million different reasons because there's nothing specific. Im thinking its a driver issue with his capture card, but if that was the case I should be able to recreate the issue and it should crash more frequently. Anyone ever come across anything similar? Or have any ideas for me?