I mostly want to do mundane stuff, like going around the city, checking what the NPCs are doing, going to bars. Eventually would love to discover some tough long quests and easter eggs.
The one thing I can't wait to do is find out the scope of body upgrades i can have. Those wrist blades looked awesome and I'm hoping they are just a tiny piece of whats on offer.
Oh my god, this is insane, I would probably just roam the streets and just enter different apartments to see the owner's reactions when I break-in, check their fridge and see what brand of beers they have.
What I want to do more than anything in Cyberpunk 2077 is customize a character to perfection and play it as close to how I'd act in real life as I possibly can. I wanna immmerse myself so deep in Night City that I have no idea who I am on this side of the screen anymore haha
I want to get completely immersed in Cyberpunk. My experience with Witcher 3 was awesome and I'm hoping to get that same experience, but in futuristic Night City! CDPR is great with story telling and making an amazing open world and I can't wait to experience this one. The other main thing I want to do is to just take it in. From what I've seen so far the graphics look awesome and having RTX on will make it even better!