Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 20, 2020
I am SO excited for this game as I've watched every trailer, watched the E3 presentation and all of it. But I really just want to experience the subtle things like driving through the city in the night and exploring the games unique atmosphere. I have a good CPU and RAM but a shitty graphics card so I'm afraid I'm not going g to be able to play it.
May 2, 2020
Exploration is probably the most exciting. A smaller world isn't bad when it is much denser. There will be so much to do and I can't wait to explore every crevice. I will probably end up finding things years after it releases!

Exciting times.
May 20, 2020
I'm looking forward to have a new game world to (safely) explore (safe being relative of course but still arguably safer to explore than the real world at present).
May 20, 2020
I wanna do what I always do: Run. Drive. Explore the world and just lose myself in it. Sidewalks, footpaths, alley ways, and walkways all over. That means a lot of points of entry, or escape routes. Parkour runners in 2077 have to be the craziest they've ever been in the history of existence if they're jumping roof to roof on those freakin' skyscrapers. Makes you wonder. What goes up must come down. Speaking of which, cannals, tunnels, sewers, etc... With street racing a possibility, that can only mean wicked shortcuts, or crazy pathfinding from start to finish. Took a turn too fast and flew off the road? No problem. There's a cannal dead ahead that'll get you where you need to go. I'm ESPECIALLY looking forward to the driving. A motorhead in Night City sounds like a freaky aspect if you ask me. I can't wait. It's been around 80 months now and these last 4 are driving me CYBER-CRAZY!!!

Come on, Choobas! Hit that RELEASE button, already!

Also, amazinf job with what's been done so far. 7 years and not a day wasted.
May 20, 2020
I don't think there's any one thing I want to do most, but I hope character customization doesn't end with the character creator, I hope we have more clothing/armor choice than just the jacket they showed.
May 16, 2020
I want to get all of the crazy modifications and power ups for my character. I want to feel the action in the game as though it was real!
May 20, 2020
Personally I look forward to modding my human into as much of a Bad-A machine as possible. I like the idea of eventually fully becoming machine and upgrading/replacing most if not all human parts. Not sure how far the game goes in that sense, but I hope I can go far with the machine replacements. Want to be like a full on killing machine, not going to be evil but I want the power to do crazy things. And machines live forever, ideally anyway. So becoming an immortal machine sounds awesome.
May 21, 2020
To be honest. I just want to experience it with every bit of detail. I can't wait to experience the story and choices you'd have to make. If I have to make make some sacrifices to make it run OKAYISH then so so be it. Low performance won't stop me from enjoying it.
May 5, 2020
I am one of the unfortunate people that saw the first trailer and got hyped 7 YEARS AGO so really can wait to get inmersed in Night City, and as a fan of the witcher I´ll be looking for a side quest, easter egg or some sort of cameo of ciri in cyberpunk
May 21, 2020
Really dying to enter into the world of Cyberpunk 2077, in which I would definitely like to immerse myself completely...! Just. Can't. Wait.
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