Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 6, 2020
I just want to immerse myself into, what I consider; could be a 2nd life in a cyberpunkish world where the only person that matters is yourself. And become your own character.
May 6, 2020
CD Project create such immersive lose yourself universes, so i plan to do just that, lose myself in 2077.

Plus i bet they put a really subtle easter egg in of Ciri jumping through a portal. Love looking for the side quests and easter eggs.
May 6, 2020
I am looking forward to wandering around Night City checking out all the different areas and sights to see. I am also really excited for the branching quests and freedom of choice during missions.
May 6, 2020
I mean lets be serious, who in their right mind doesn't want this game?
With the recent downfall of many great game developers and the state of the world as it is right now we need CDPR to lift our spirits with this amazing title.
What I am most looking forward to in this game has to be A) the way the story is told and unfolds, B) the 1000000's of customisation options that will be available to us, between our "tech tree" for specs and different play styles to our characters.
May 6, 2020
I can’t wait to make my totally own character to live out my dystopian sci-fi fantasy in Cyberpunk 2077! Gonna get lost in the deep story and customization of my character.
May 6, 2020
I just want to support CD Projekt red. They have come so far since there first game and they continue to get better and better. I can't wait to hop in and get immersed in this world.
May 6, 2020
I want to check out how deep body modification can get. Most cyberpunk games have never scratched the itch properly but this seems to be the one.
May 6, 2020
I can't say there is any ONE thing I want to do in 2077 because I want to do all of the things. I am extremely excited for this release and have been impatiently waiting. 2077 is currently what I am looking forward to in life and I am certain it genuinely be one of a kind.
May 6, 2020
I'm most looking forward to creating an in-depth character and getting to experience Night City and its massive story
May 6, 2020
I will definitely check out The Net, but exploring the verticality of the buildings would be amazing. Then again, following the main story or just immersing yourself in the city are also good choices, there are so many things to choose from!
May 6, 2020
First of all, I want to create such a V that would best correspond to my ideas about myself in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. After I create the character, I want to spend several hours walking around Night City to absorb the atmosphere and mood of the city.
May 6, 2020
Cyberpunk has my number one game on my list for literally since it's debut in 2013. After data mining for days, weeks, months, years of content. I feel like it has only touched the surface of what you can do in this game. I don't know how much of what I expect currently to do, will stay that way. But I do know right off the bat, I am going for "Netrunner" class for sure. I have to of course follow the typical 90's matrix kid fantasy and go for being a bad ass hacker. Hell I am sure I will re-watch Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049, Matrix Trilogy, Ghost in a Shell, and the Animatrix. Just to feed my anticipation ritual for the game. It's already bad enough that I have been playing Anachronox, Deus Ex franchise, System Shock 1 & 2, and Blade Runner all right now. Just to feed my need to play some Cyberpunk. Playing all of them consecutively by the way is extremely challenging to keep up the stories all at once. But I figure it's as close as I am gonna get tell September 17th.
May 6, 2020
Okay but, I want to play Cyberpunk 2077 and to experience Keanu Reeves making fun of me. Like he cracks one joke and calls me a ***** and tells me to wake the **** up. I'm happy. Honestly.

I'm also really really interested to discover all the different backstories and choices that change the game throughout. Its going to be incredible and two players wont experience the same game. I think that's awesome.

I think i'm feeling the Netrunner, Fast Solo build. Want to be an awesome hacker, but also experience the cybernetic movement system. The choices are unlimited.

What we have seen in the trailers just scratches the surface. CDPR are hiding the big guns and I along with the rest of the community just cant wait for this game.

CDPR has totally outdone themselves and as I already have my preorder for the Day One edition. I cant wait another day for this game.

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